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Chapter 5. Troubleshooting RHOSP dynamic routing

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Diagnosing problems in a Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) environment that uses dynamic routing begins with examining the appropriate logs and querying the various FRRouting components with VTY shell.

The topics included in this section are:

5.1. OVN BGP agent and FRRouting logs

The Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) OVN BGP agent writes its logs on the Compute and Networker nodes at this location: /var/log/containers/stdouts/ovn_bgp_agent.log.

The Free Range Routing (FRRouting, or FRR) components such as the BGP, BFD, and Zebra daemons write their logs on all RHOSP nodes at this location: /var/log/containers/frr/frr.log

5.2. Using VTY shell commands for troubleshooting BGP

You can use the shell for Virtual Terminal Interface (VTY shell) to interact with the Free Range Routing (FRRouting, or FRR) daemons. In Red Hat OpenStack Platform, FRR daemons like bgpd run inside a container. Using the VTY shell can help you troubleshoot BGP routing issues.


  • You must have sudo privileges on the host where you want to run VTY shell commands.


  1. Log in to the host where you want to troubleshoot the BGP daemon, bgpd. Typically, bgpd runs on all of the overcloud nodes.
  2. Enter the FRR container.

    $ sudo podman exec -it frr bash
  3. You have two options for running VTY shell commands:

    • Interactive mode

      Type sudo vtysh once to enter interactive mode to run multiple VTY shell commands.


      $ sudo vtysh
      > show bgp summary

    • Direct mode

      Preface each VTY shell command with sudo vtysh -c.


      $ sudo vtysh -c 'show bgp summary'

  4. Here are several VTY shell BGP daemon troubleshooting commands:


    Omit the ip argument when you are using IPv6.

    Display a particular routing table or all routing tables:

    > show ip bgp <IPv4_address> | all
    > show bgp <IPv6_address> | all

    Output routes advertised to a BGP peer

    > show ip bgp neighbors <router-ID> <advertised-routes>

    Output routes received from a BGP peer

    > show ip bgp neighbors <router-ID> <received-routes>

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