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Chapter 9. Accessing an overcloud deployed with director Operator

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After you deploy the overcloud with director Operator (OSPdO), you can access it and run commands with the openstack client tool. The main access point for the overcloud is through the OpenStackClient pod that OSPdO deploys as a part of the OpenStackControlPlane resource that you created.

9.1. Accessing the OpenStackClient pod

The OpenStackClient pod is the main access point to run commands against the overcloud. This pod contains the client tools and authentication details that you require to perform actions on your overcloud. To access the pod from your workstation, you must use the oc command on your workstation to connect to the remote shell for the pod.


When you access an overcloud that you deploy without director Operator (OSPdO), you usually run the source ~/overcloudrc command to set environment variables to access the overcloud. You do not require this step with an overcloud that you deploy with OSPdO.


  1. Access the remote shell for openstackclient:

    $ oc rsh -n openstack openstackclient
  2. Change to the cloud-admin home directory:

    $ cd /home/cloud-admin
  3. Run your openstack commands. For example, you can create a default network with the following command:

    $ openstack network create default

9.2. Accessing the overcloud dashboard

You access the dashboard of an overcloud that you deploy with director Operator (OSPdO) by using the same method as a standard overcloud: access the virtual IP address reserved by the control plane by using a web browser.


  1. Optional: To login as the admin user, obtain the admin password from the AdminPassword parameter in the tripleo-passwords secret:

    $ oc get secret tripleo-passwords -o jsonpath='{.data.tripleo-overcloud-passwords\.yaml}' | base64 -d
  2. Retrieve the IP address reserved for the control plane from your OpenStackNetConfig CR:

  3. Open a web browser.
  4. Enter the IP address for the control plane in the URL field.
  5. Log in to the dashboard with your username and password.
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