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Chapter 12. Rebooting nodes

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You might need to reboot the nodes in the undercloud and overcloud.


If you enabled instance HA (high availability) in your overcloud and if you need to shut down or reboot Compute nodes, see Chapter 3. Performing maintenance on the undercloud and overcloud with Instance HA in Configuring high availability for instances.

Use the following procedures to understand how to reboot different node types.

  • If you reboot all nodes in one role, it is advisable to reboot each node individually. If you reboot all nodes in a role simultaneously, service downtime can occur during the reboot operation.
  • If you reboot all nodes in your OpenStack Platform environment, reboot the nodes in the following sequential order:

Recommended node reboot order

  1. Reboot the undercloud node.
  2. Reboot Controller and other composable nodes.
  3. Reboot standalone Ceph MON nodes.
  4. Reboot Ceph Storage nodes.
  5. Reboot Object Storage service (swift) nodes.
  6. Reboot Compute nodes.

12.1. Rebooting the undercloud node

Complete the following steps to reboot the undercloud node.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Reboot the undercloud:

    $ sudo reboot
  3. Wait until the node boots.

12.2. Rebooting Controller and composable nodes

Reboot Controller nodes and standalone nodes based on composable roles, and exclude Compute nodes and Ceph Storage nodes.


  1. Log in to the node that you want to reboot.
  2. Optional: If the node uses Pacemaker resources, stop the cluster:

    [tripleo-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo pcs cluster stop
  3. Reboot the node:

    [tripleo-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo reboot
  4. Wait until the node boots.


  1. Verify that the services are enabled.

    1. If the node uses Pacemaker services, check that the node has rejoined the cluster:

      [tripleo-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo pcs status
    2. If the node uses Systemd services, check that all services are enabled:

      [tripleo-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo systemctl status
    3. If the node uses containerized services, check that all containers on the node are active:

      [tripleo-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo podman ps

12.3. Rebooting standalone Ceph MON nodes

Complete the following steps to reboot standalone Ceph MON nodes.


  1. Log in to a Ceph MON node.
  2. Reboot the node:

    $ sudo reboot
  3. Wait until the node boots and rejoins the MON cluster.

Repeat these steps for each MON node in the cluster.

12.4. Rebooting a Ceph Storage (OSD) cluster

Complete the following steps to reboot a cluster of Ceph Storage (OSD) nodes.


  • On a Ceph Monitor or Controller node that is running the ceph-mon service, check that the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster status is healthy and the pg status is active+clean:

    $ sudo cephadm -- shell ceph status

    If the Ceph cluster is healthy, it returns a status of HEALTH_OK.

    If the Ceph cluster status is unhealthy, it returns a status of HEALTH_WARN or HEALTH_ERR. For troubleshooting guidance, see the Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 Troubleshooting Guide or the Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 Troubleshooting Guide.


  1. Log in to a Ceph Monitor or Controller node that is running the ceph-mon service, and disable Ceph Storage cluster rebalancing temporarily:

    $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph osd set noout
    $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph osd set norebalance

    If you have a multistack or distributed compute node (DCN) architecture, you must specify the Ceph cluster name when you set the noout and norebalance flags. For example: sudo cephadm shell -c /etc/ceph/<cluster>.conf -k /etc/ceph/<cluster>.client.keyring.

  2. Select the first Ceph Storage node that you want to reboot and log in to the node.
  3. Reboot the node:

    $ sudo reboot
  4. Wait until the node boots.
  5. Log in to the node and check the Ceph cluster status:

    $ sudo cephadm -- shell ceph status

    Check that the pgmap reports all pgs as normal (active+clean).

  6. Log out of the node, reboot the next node, and check its status. Repeat this process until you have rebooted all Ceph Storage nodes.
  7. When complete, log in to a Ceph Monitor or Controller node that is running the ceph-mon service and enable Ceph cluster rebalancing:

    $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph osd unset noout
    $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph osd unset norebalance

    If you have a multistack or distributed compute node (DCN) architecture, you must specify the Ceph cluster name when you unset the noout and norebalance flags. For example: sudo cephadm shell -c /etc/ceph/<cluster>.conf -k /etc/ceph/<cluster>.client.keyring

  8. Perform a final status check to verify that the cluster reports HEALTH_OK:

    $ sudo cephadm shell ceph status

12.5. Rebooting Object Storage service (swift) nodes

The following procedure reboots Object Storage service (swift) nodes. Complete the following steps for every Object Storage node in your cluster.


  1. Log in to an Object Storage node.
  2. Reboot the node:

    $ sudo reboot
  3. Wait until the node boots.
  4. Repeat the reboot for each Object Storage node in the cluster.

12.6. Rebooting Compute nodes

To ensure minimal downtime of instances in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment, the Migrating instances workflow outlines the steps you must complete to migrate instances from the Compute node that you want to reboot.

Migrating instances workflow

  1. Decide whether to migrate instances to another Compute node before rebooting the node.
  2. Select and disable the Compute node that you want to reboot so that it does not provision new instances.
  3. Migrate the instances to another Compute node.
  4. Reboot the empty Compute node.
  5. Enable the empty Compute node.


  • Before you reboot the Compute node, you must decide whether to migrate instances to another Compute node while the node is rebooting.

    Review the list of migration constraints that you might encounter when you migrate virtual machine instances between Compute nodes. For more information, see Migration constraints in Configuring the Compute service for instance creation.


    If you have a Multi-RHEL environment, and you want to migrate virtual machines from a Compute node that is running RHEL 9.2 to a Compute node that is running RHEL 8.4, only cold migration is supported. For more information about cold migration, see Cold migrating an instance in Configuring the Compute service for instance creation.

  • If you cannot migrate the instances, you can set the following core template parameters to control the state of the instances after the Compute node reboots:

    Determines whether to return instances to the same state on the Compute node after reboot. When set to False, the instances remain down and you must start them manually. The default value is False.

    Number of seconds to wait for an instance to shut down before rebooting. It is not recommended to set this value to 0. The default value is 300.

    For more information about overcloud parameters and their usage, see Overcloud parameters.


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Retrieve a list of your Compute nodes to identify the host name of the node that you want to reboot:

    (undercloud)$ source ~/overcloudrc
    (overcloud)$ openstack compute service list

    Identify the host name of the Compute node that you want to reboot.

  3. Disable the Compute service on the Compute node that you want to reboot:

    (overcloud)$ openstack compute service list
    (overcloud)$ openstack compute service set <hostname> nova-compute --disable
    • Replace <hostname> with the host name of your Compute node.
  4. List all instances on the Compute node:

    (overcloud)$ openstack server list --host <hostname> --all-projects
  5. Optional: To migrate the instances to another Compute node, complete the following steps:

    1. If you decide to migrate the instances to another Compute node, use one of the following commands:

      • To migrate the instance to a different host, run the following command:

        (overcloud) $ openstack server migrate <instance_id> --live <target_host> --wait
        • Replace <instance_id> with your instance ID.
        • Replace <target_host> with the host that you are migrating the instance to.
      • Let nova-scheduler automatically select the target host:

        (overcloud) $ nova live-migration <instance_id>
      • Live migrate all instances at once:

        $ nova host-evacuate-live <hostname>

        The nova command might cause some deprecation warnings, which are safe to ignore.

    2. Wait until migration completes.
    3. Confirm that the migration was successful:

      (overcloud) $ openstack server list --host <hostname> --all-projects
    4. Continue to migrate instances until none remain on the Compute node.
  6. Log in to the Compute node and reboot the node:

    [tripleo-admin@overcloud-compute-0 ~]$ sudo reboot
  7. Wait until the node boots.
  8. Re-enable the Compute node:

    $ source ~/overcloudrc
    (overcloud) $ openstack compute service set <hostname>  nova-compute --enable
  9. Check that the Compute node is enabled:

    (overcloud) $ openstack compute service list
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