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Chapter 2. Preparing your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment for Service Telemetry Framework

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To prepare your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment for Service Telemetry Framework (STF), you must plan for persistent storage, adequate resources, event storage, and network considerations:

2.1. Observability Strategy in Service Telemetry Framework

Service Telemetry Framework (STF) does not include event storage backends or dashboarding tools. STF can optionally create datasource configurations for Grafana using the community operator to provide a dashboarding interface.

Instead of having Service Telemetry Operator create custom resource requests, you can use your own deployments of these applications or other compatible applications, and scrape the metrics Smart Gateways for delivery to your own Prometheus-compatible system for telemetry storage. If you set the observabilityStrategy to none, then storage backends will not be deployed so persistent storage will not be required by STF.

Use the observabilityStrategy property on the STF object to specify which type of observability components will be deployed.

The following values are available:



Red Hat supported components are requested by STF. This includes Prometheus and Alertmanager from the Cluster Observability Operator, but no resource requests to Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) Operator. If enabled, resources are also requested from the Grafana Operator (community component).


In addition to the Red Hat supported components, Elasticsearch and Grafana resources are also requested (if specified in the ServiceTelemetry object)


The community version of Prometheus Operator is used instead of Cluster Observability Operator. Elasticsearch and Grafana resources are also requested (if specified in the ServiceTelemetry object)


No storage or alerting components are deployed


Newly deployed STF environments as of 1.5.3 default to use_redhat. Existing STF deployments created before 1.5.3 default to use_community.

To migrate an existing STF deployment to use_redhat, see the Red Hat Knowledge Base article Migrating Service Telemetry Framework to fully supported operators.

2.2. Persistent volumes

Service Telemetry Framework (STF) uses persistent storage in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to request persistent volumes so that Prometheus can store metrics.

When you enable persistent storage through the Service Telemetry Operator, the Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) requested in an STF deployment results in an access mode of RWO (ReadWriteOnce). If your environment contains pre-provisioned persistent volumes, ensure that volumes of RWO are available in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform default configured storageClass.

Additional resources

2.3. Resource allocation

To enable the scheduling of pods within the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure, you need resources for the components that are running. If you do not allocate enough resources, pods remain in a Pending state because they cannot be scheduled.

The amount of resources that you require to run Service Telemetry Framework (STF) depends on your environment and the number of nodes and clouds that you want to monitor.

Additional resources

2.4. Network considerations for Service Telemetry Framework

You can deploy Service Telemetry Framework (STF) in fully connected network environments or in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform-disconnected environments. You cannot deploy STF in network proxy environments.

2.5. Deploying STF on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform-disconnected environments

Since Service Telemetry Framework (STF) version 1.5.4, you can deploy STF in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform-disconnected environments.


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Extended Update Support (EUS) version 4.12 or 4.14 deployed in a restricted network.
  • A mirror registry so that the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster can access the required images. For more information about mirror registries, see Disconnected installation mirroring in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Installing guide.
  • All the STF dependencies are available in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster mirror registry.

Adding STF dependencies to the mirror registry

You can use the oc-mirror plugin to fetch the STF dependencies and add them to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster mirror registry. For more information about installing the oc-mirror plugin, see Mirroring images for a disconnected installation using the oc-mirror plugin in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Installing guide.


  1. Create an imagesetconfig.yaml file in your local working directory:


    kind: ImageSetConfiguration
        path: ./
      - catalog:
          - name: service-telemetry-operator
              - name: stable-1.5
          - name: openshift-cert-manager-operator
              - name: stable-v1
          - name: amq7-interconnect-operator
              - name: 1.10.x
          - name: smart-gateway-operator
              - name: stable-1.5
          - name: cluster-observability-operator
              - name: development

  2. (Optional) If your mirror registry is not reachable, you can save the manifests and images that you fetched with oc-mirror and physically transfer them to the mirror registry and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Otherwise you can run oc-mirror and point to the mirror registry.

    You can use the oc-mirror plugin differently, depending on your environment, such as:

  3. Push the STF operators and their dependencies from the mirror registry and generate the manifest for the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

    $ oc-mirror --config imagesetconfig.yaml <mirror_registry_location>
    • Replace <mirror_registry_location> with the filepath to the mirror registry that you want to use.
  4. Locate the generated manifests and apply them to the target Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster. For more information, see Configuring your cluster to use the resources generated by oc-mirror in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Installing guide.


    The manifests that you generate with oc-mirror produce catalogs with the full index name, such as redhat-operator-index instead of redhat-operators for CatalogSource. Ensure that you use the correct index name for the STF subscriptions. For more information, see Section 3.1, “Deploying Service Telemetry Framework to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment”. For more information about customizing Operators with oc mirror, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase solution How to customize the catalog name and tags of Operators mirrored to the mirror registry using the oc mirror plugin.


  • Check that the catalog sources are applied. You can return the entries for new catalogs that reference the STF operators and their dependencies:

    $ oc get catalogsources
  • You have deployed STF in a disconnected Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster and therefore cannot access external networks.
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