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Chapter 1. Configuring storage in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO)

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When you deploy Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO), you can configure your deployment to use Red Hat Ceph Storage as the back end for storage. You can integrate an external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with the Compute service (nova) and a combination of one or more RHOSO storage services, and you can create a Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) environment.

RHOSO provides the following storage services:

  • Block Storage service (cinder)
  • Image service (glance)
  • Object Storage service (swift)
  • Shared File Systems service (manila)

For information about integrating Red Hat Ceph Storage with your RHOSO deployment, see Integrating Red Hat Ceph Storage. For information about creating a HCI environment, see Configuring a Hyperconverged Infrastructure environment.

RHOSO supports the following storage solutions:

  • Configure the Block Storage service with a Ceph RBD back end, iSCSI, FC, or NVMe-TCP storage protocols, or a generic NFS back end. For information about third-party back ends for the Block Storage service, see OSP18 Cinder Alternative Storage.
  • Configure the Image service with a Ceph RBD, Block Storage, Object Storage, or NFS back end.
  • Configure the Object Storage service to use PersistentVolumes (PVs) on OpenShift nodes or disks on external data plane nodes.
  • Configure the Shared File Systems service with a native CephFS, Ceph-NFS, or alternative back end, such as NetApp or Pure Storage.

RHOSO recognizes two types of storage - ephemeral and persistent:

  • Ephemeral storage is associated with a specific Compute instance. When that instance is terminated, so is the associated ephemeral storage. This type of storage is useful for runtime requirements, such as storing the operating system of an instance.
  • Persistent storage is designed to survive (persist) independent of any running instance. This storage is used for any data that needs to be reused, either by different instances or beyond the life of a specific instance.

For information about planning the storage solution and related requirements for your RHOSO deployment, for example, networking and security, see the Planning storage chapter in Planning your deployment.

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