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Chapter 3. Release information RHOSO 18.0 Beta

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These release notes highlight selected updates in some or all of the RHOSO components. Consider these updates when you deploy this release of Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO). Each of the notes in this section refers to the Jira issue used to track the update. If the Jira issue security level is public, you can click the link to see the Jira issue. If the security level is restricted, the Jira issue ID does not have a link to the Jira issue.

3.1. Advisory list

This release of Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) includes the following advisories:

RHOSO 18.0 Beta container images, data plane 1.0 Beta
RHOSO 18.0 Beta container images, control plane 1.0 Beta
RHOSO 18.0 Beta service container images
RHOSO 18.0 Beta packages

3.2. Compute

3.2.1. New features

This part describes new features and major enhancements introduced in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 Beta.

You can schedule archival and purge of deleted rows from Compute service (nova) cells

The nova-operator now schedules a periodic job for each Compute service (nova) cell to archive and purge the deleted rows from the cell database. The frequency of the job and the age of the database rows to archive and purge can be fine tuned in the {{OpenStackControlPlane.spec.nova.template.cellTemplates[].dbPurge}} structure for each cell in the cellTemplates.


3.2.2. Deprecated functionality

This part provides an overview of functionality that has been deprecated in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 Beta.

Deprecated functionality will likely not be supported in future major releases of this product and is not recommended for new deployments.

i440fx PC machine type no longer tested or supported

In RHOSP 17, the i440fx PC machine type, pc-i440fx, was deprecated and Q35 became the default machine type for x86_64.

In RHOSP 18, the i440fx PC machine type is no longer tested or supported.

The i440fx PC machine type is still available for use under a support exception for legacy applications that cannot function with the Q35 machine type. If you have such a workload, contact Red Hat support to request a support exception.

With the removal of support for the i440fx PC machine type from RHOSP, you cannot use pc-i440fx to certify VNFs or third-party integrations. You must use the Q35 machine type.


3.2.3. Known issues

This part describes known issues in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 Beta.

No network block device (NBD) live migration with TLS enabled

In RHOSO 18.0 Beta, a bug prevents you from using network block device (NBD) to live migrate storage between Compute nodes with TLS enabled. See

This issue only affects storage migration when TLS is enabled. You can live migrate storage with TLS not enabled.


Cannot delete instance when cpu_power_managment is set to true

When an instance is first started and the host core state is changed there is a short time period where it cannot be updated again. during this period instance deletion can fail. if this happens a second delete attempt should succeed after a short delay of a few seconds.


Do not mix NUMA and non-NUMA instances on same Compute host

Instances without a NUMA topology should not coexist with NUMA instances on the same host.


Listing physical function (PF) ports using neutron might show the wrong MAC

Lists of PF ports might show the wrong MAC.


3.3. Networking

3.3.1. Known issues

This part describes known issues in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 Beta.

OVN pod goes into loop due to NIC Mapping

When using a large number of NIC mappings, OVN might go into a creation loop.


3.4. Storage

3.4.1. Known issues

This part describes known issues in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 Beta.

Image uploads might fail if a multipathing path for Block Storage service (cinder) volumes is offline

If you use multipath for Block storage service volumes, and you have configured the Block Storage service as the back end for the Image service (glance), image uploads might fail if one of the paths goes offline.


RGW does not pass certain Tempest object storage metadata tests

Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 supports Red Hat Ceph Storage 7. Red Hat Ceph Storage 7 RGW does not pass certain Tempest object storage metadata tests as tracked by the following Jiras:


Missing Barbican configuration in the Image service (glance)

The Image service is not automatically configured to interact with Key Manager (barbican), and encrypted image signing and verification fails due to the missing configuration.


3.5. Release delivery

3.5.1. Removed functionality

This part provides an overview of functionality that has been removed in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 Beta.

Removed functionality is no longer supported in this product and is not recommended for new deployments.

Removal of snmp and snmpd

The snmp service and snmpd daemon are removed in RHOSO 18.0.


3.6. Integration test suite

3.6.1. Known issues

This part describes known issues in Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 Beta.

Tempest test-operator does not work with LVMS storage class

When the test-operator is used to run Tempest, it requests a “ReadWriteMany” PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) which the LVMS storage class does not support. This causes the tempest-test pod to become stuck in the pending state.

Workaround: Use the test-operator with a storage class supporting ReadWriteMany PVCs. The test-operator should work with a  ReadWriteOnce PVC so the fixed version will no longer request a ReadWriteMany PVC.


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