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Chapter 1. New and enhanced features

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This section provides an overview of features that have been added to or significantly enhanced in this release of Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO).

RHOSO improves substantially over previous versions of Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP). The RHOSO control plane is natively hosted on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) and the external RHEL-based data plane and workloads are managed with Ansible. This shift in architecture aligns with Red Hat’s platform infrastructure strategy. You can future proof your existing investments by using RHOCP as a hosting platform for all of your infrastructure services.

RHOSP 17.1 is the last version of the product to use the director-based OpenStack on OpenStack form-factor for the control plane.

1.1. Control plane new and enhanced features

Control plane deployed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)

The director-based undercloud is replaced by a control plane that is natively hosted on an RHOCP cluster and managed with the OpenStack Operator. The RHOSO control plane features include:

  • Deployed in pods and governed by Kubernetes Operators.
  • Deploys in minutes, consuming only a fraction of the CPU and RAM footprint required by earlier RHOSP releases.
  • Takes advantage of native Kubernetes mechanisms for high availability.
  • Features built-in monitoring based on RHOCP Observability.

1.2. Data plane new and enhanced features

Ansible-managed data plane

The director-deployed overcloud is replaced by a data plane driven by the RHOCP Data Plane Operator and executed by Ansible. RHOSO data plane features include:

  • The OpenStack DataPlaneNodeSet custom resource definition (CRD), which provides a highly parallel deployment model.
  • Micro failure domains based on the OpenStack DataPlaneNodeSet CRD. If one or more node sets fail, the other node sets run to completion because there is no interdependency between node sets.
  • Faster deployment times compared to previous RHOSP versions.
  • Highly configurable data plane setup based on the OpenStack DataPlaneNodeSet and DataPlaneService CRDs.

1.3. Networking new and enhanced features

DPDK Telemetry
DPDK telemetry provides valuable resource consumption insights into virtual machine (VM) workloads when deploying OVS-DPDK.
Egress QoS support at NIC level using DCB (DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW)

Egress quality of service (QoS) at the network interface controller (NIC) level uses the Data Center Bridging Capability Exchange (DCBX) protocol to configure egress QoS at the NIC level in the host. It triggers the configuration and provides the information directly from the top of rack (ToR) switch that peers with the host NIC. This capability, combined with egress QoS and OVS/OVN, enables end-to-end egress QoS.

This is a Developer Preview feature. A Developer Preview feature might not be fully implemented and tested. Some features might be absent, incomplete, or not work as expected.

Configuring and deploying networking with Kubernetes NMState Operator and the RHEL NetworkManager service
The RHOSO bare-metal network deployment uses os-net-config with a Kubernetes NMState Operator and NetworkManager back end. Therefore, administrators can use the Kubernetes NMState Operator, nmstate, and the RHEL NetworkManager CLI tool nmcli to configure and deploy networks on the data plane, instead of legacy ifcfg files and network-init-scripts.

1.4. Storage new and enhanced features

Integration with external Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) 7 clusters
You can integrate RHOSO with external RHCS 7 clusters to include RHCS capabilities with your deployment.
Distributed image import
RHOSO 18.0 introduces distributed image import for the Image service (glance). With this feature, you do not need to configure a shared staging area for different API workers to access images that are imported to the Image service. Now the API worker that owns the image data is the same API worker that performs the image import.
Block Storage service (cinder) backup and restore for thin volumes
The backup service for the Block Storage service service now preserves sparseness when restoring a backup to a new volume. This feature ensures that restored volumes use the same amount of storage as the backed up volume. It does not apply to RBD backups, which use a different mechanism to preserve sparseness.
Support for RHCS RBD deferred deletion
RHOSO 18.0 introduces Block Storage service and Image service RBD deferred deletion, which improves flexibility in the way RBD snapshot dependencies are managed. With deferred deletion, you can delete a resource such as an image, volume, or snapshot even if there are active dependencies.
Shared File Systems service (manila) CephFS NFS driver with Ganesha Active/Active
The CephFS-NFS driver for the Shared File Systems service now consumes an active/active Ganesha cluster by default, improving both the scalability and high availability of the Ceph NFS service.
Unified OpenStack client parity with native Shared File Systems service client
The Shared File Systems service now fully supports the openstack client command line interface.

1.5. Security new and enhanced features

This section outlines the top new and enhanced features for RHOSO security services.

FIPS enabled by default
  • Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) is enabled by default when RHOSO is installed on a FIPS enabled RHOCP cluster in new deployments.
  • You do not enable or disable FIPS in your RHOSO configuration. You control the FIPS state in the underlying RHOCP cluster.
  • Adoption of an existing FIPS-enabled deployment is not available in RHOSO 18.0 Beta.
TLS-everywhere enabled by default
After deployment, you can configure public services with your own certificates.
Secure RBAC enabled by default
The Secure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policy framework is enabled by default in RHOSO deployments.
Key Manager (barbican) enabled by default
The Key Manager is enabled by default in RHOSO deployments.

1.6. High availability new and enhanced features

High availability managed natively in RHOCP
RHOSO high availability (HA) uses RHOCP primitives instead of RHOSP services to manage failover and recovery deployment.

1.7. Upgrades new and enhanced features

Improved updates and upgrades experience
RHOSO uses the RHOCP rolling update and upgrade capabilities to improve the updates and upgrades experience.
Adopting a RHOSP 17.1 environment to RHOSO
Adopt your existing Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 environment to RHOSO 18.0 while minimizing impact to your workloads. Use the Data Plane Operator (dataplane-operator) to halt OpenStack services and perform OVN adoption, eliminating the need to SSH into Compute nodes. Additionally, MariaDB Galera database adoption now uses RHOCP pod helpers instead of local Podman on the operator’s device.

1.8. Observability new and enhanced features

Enhanced Openstack Observability
  • Enhanced dashboards provide unified observability with visualizations that are natively integrated into the RHOCP Observability UI. These include the node_exporter agent that exposes metrics to the Prometheus monitoring system.
  • In RHOSO 18.0, the node_exporter agent replaces the collectd daemon, and Prometheus replaces the Time series database (Gnocchi).
The OpenStack logging capability is significantly enhanced. You can now collect logs from control plane and Compute nodes, and use RHOCP Logging to store them in-cluster via Loki log store, or forward them off-cluster to an external log store. Logs that are stored in-cluster with Loki can be visualized in the RHOCP Observability UI console.
Service Telemetry Framework deprecation
The Observability product for previous versions of RHOSP is Service Telemetry Framework (STF). With the release of RHOSO 18.0, STF is Deprecated and in maintenance mode. There are no feature enhancements for STF after STF 1.5.4, and STF status reaches end of life at the end of the RHOSP 17.1 lifecycle. Maintenance versions of STF will be released on new EUS versions of RHOCP until the end of the RHOSP 17.1 lifecycle.

1.9. Dashboard new and enhanced features

Pinned CPUs
The OpenStack Dashboard service (horizon) now shows how many pinned CPUs (pCPUs) are used and available to use in your environment.

1.10. Documentation new and enhanced features

Library restructure
The documentation library has been restructured to align with the user lifecycle of RHOSO. Each guide incorporates content from one or more product areas that work together to cover end-to-end tasks.
RHOCP feature documentation
Features that are supported and managed natively in RHOCP are documented in the RHOCP documentation library. The RHOSO documentation includes links to relevant RHOCP documentation where needed.
Documentation scope

This beta release includes a basic documentation set for planning, deployment, and adoption. The following titles are published with RHOSO 18.0 Beta:

  • Release notes. Information about major features, enhancements, bug fixes, and limitations in this release
  • Planning your deployment. Getting started, hardware and software requirements, storage requirements, and RHOCP requirements for your deployment.
  • Partner integration. Integration instructions for third-party storage drivers and container images.
  • Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift. Preparing the RHOCP cluster for deployment, deploying the control plane and data plane, configuring observability and high availability, and accessing the cloud.
  • Configuring storage. Integrating with external RHCS clusters, configuring OpenStack Block Storage, OpenStack Image Storage, OpenStack Object Storage, and shared file systems.
  • Adopting a Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1 deployment. Instructions for planning and performing an end-to-end adoption of RHOSP services.

    The GA release will include the full documentation set for planning, deployment, adoption, customization, and operation of a RHOSO environment.

Earlier documentation versions
The RHOSO documentation page shows documentation for version 18.0 and later. For earlier supported versions of RHOSP, see Product Documentation for Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1.
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