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Chapter 1. Red Hat build of Kogito microservices in Red Hat Process Automation Manager

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Red Hat build of Kogito is a cloud-native business automation technology for building cloud-ready business applications. The name Kogito derives from the Latin "Cogito", as in "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am"), and is pronounced [ˈkoː.d͡ʒ] (KO-jee-to). The letter K refers to Kubernetes, the base for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform as the target cloud platform for Red Hat Process Automation Manager, and to the Knowledge Is Everything (KIE) open source business automation project from which Red Hat build of Kogito originates.

Red Hat build of Kogito in Red Hat Process Automation Manager is optimized for a hybrid cloud environment and adapts to your domain and tooling needs. The core objective of Red Hat build of Kogito microservices is to help you mold a set of decisions into your own domain-specific cloud-native set of services.


In Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13 version, Red Hat build of Kogito support is limited to decision services, including Decision Model and Notation (DMN), Drools Rule Language (DRL), and Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML). This support will be improved and extended to Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) in a future release.

When you use Red Hat build of Kogito, you are building a cloud-native application as a set of independent domain-specific microservices to achieve some business value. The decisions that you use to describe the target behavior are executed as part of the microservices that you create. The resulting microservices are highly distributed and scalable with no centralized orchestration service, and the runtime that your microservice uses is optimized for what is required.

As a business rules developer, you can use Red Hat build of Kogito microservices in Red Hat Process Automation Manager to build cloud-native applications that adapt to your business domain and tooling.

1.1. Cloud-first priority

Red Hat build of Kogito microservices are designed to run and scale on a cloud infrastructure. You can use Red Hat build of Kogito microservices in Red Hat Process Automation Manager with the latest cloud-based technologies, such as Red Hat build of Quarkus, to increase start times and instant scaling on container application platforms, such as Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

For example, Red Hat build of Kogito microservices are compatible with the following technologies:

  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is based on Kubernetes, and is the target platform for building and managing containerized applications.
  • Red Hat build of Quarkus is a native Java stack for Kubernetes that you can use to build applications, using the Red Hat build of Kogito microservices.
  • Spring Boot is an application framework that you can use to configure Spring Framework with Red Hat Process Automation Manager.

1.2. Red Hat build of Kogito microservices on Red Hat build of Quarkus and Spring Boot

The primary Java frameworks that Red Hat build of Kogito microservices support are Red Hat build of Quarkus and Spring Boot.

Red Hat build of Quarkus is a Kubernetes-native Java framework with a container-first approach to building Java applications, especially for Java virtual machines (JVMs) such as OpenJDK HotSpot. Red Hat build of Quarkus optimizes Java specifically for Kubernetes by reducing the size of both the Java application and container image footprint, eliminating some of the Java programming workload from previous generations, and reducing the amount of memory required to run those images.

For Red Hat build of Kogito microservices, Red Hat build of Quarkus is the preferred framework for optimal Kubernetes compatibility and enhanced developer features, such as live reload in development mode for advanced debugging.

Spring Boot is a Java-based framework for building standalone production-ready Spring applications. Spring Boot enables you to develop Spring applications with minimal configurations and without an entire Spring configuration setup.

For Red Hat build of Kogito microservices, Spring Boot is supported for developers who need to use Red Hat Process Automation Manager in an existing Spring Framework environment.

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