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Chapter 14. Red Hat Process Automation Manager Red Hat build of Kogito Operator interaction with Kafka

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The Red Hat Process Automation Manager Red Hat build of Kogito Operator uses the AMQ Streams Operator to automatically configure the Red Hat build of Kogito microservice with Kafka.

When you enable an infrastructure mechanism through KogitoInfra deployment, the Red Hat Process Automation Manager Red Hat build of Kogito Operator uses the relevant third-party operator to configure the infrastructure.

You must define your custom infrastructure resource and link it in the KogitoInfra file. You can specify your custom infrastructure resource in the and spec.resource.namespace configurations.

Example Red Hat Process Automation Manager Red Hat build of Kogito infrastructure resource for custom messaging

apiVersion: # Red Hat build of Kogito API for this microservice
kind: KogitoInfra # Application type
  name: my-kafka-infra
    apiVersion: # AMQ Streams API
    kind: Kafka	# AMQ Streams Application Type
    name: my-kafka-instance
    namespace: my-namespace

In this example, the KogitoInfra custom resource connects to the Kafka cluster my-kafka-instance from my-namespace for event messaging.

To connect Red Hat build of Kogito microservice to Kafka, you need to define the infra configuration to use the corresponding infrastructure.

Example of Red Hat build of Kogito microservice resource configuration with messaging

apiVersion: # Red Hat build of Kogito API for this microservice
kind: KogitoRuntime # Application type
  name: example-quarkus # Application name
  image: <final-image-name> # Kogito image name
  insecureImageRegistry: true # Can be omitted when image is pushed into secured registry with valid certificate
  - my-kafka-infra

The Red Hat Process Automation Manager Red Hat build of Kogito Operator configures the necessary properties so that your application can connect to the Kafka instance.

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