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Chapter 18. Running Red Hat Process Automation Manager

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Use this procedure to run Red Hat Process Automation Manager on Red Hat JBoss EAP in standalone mode.


  • Red Hat Process Automation Manager is installed and configured.

If you changed the default host (localhost) or the default port (9990), then before you run Red Hat Process Automation Manager, you must edit the business-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/ and business-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/ files as described in Solution 3519551.


  1. In a terminal application, navigate to EAP_HOME/bin.
  2. Run the standalone configuration:

    • On Linux or UNIX-based systems:

      $ ./ -c standalone-full.xml
    • On Windows:

      standalone.bat -c standalone-full.xml

      If you deployed Business Central without KIE Server, you can start Business Central with the script without specifying the standalone-full.xml file. In this case, ensure that you make any configuration changes to the standalone.xml file before starting Business Central.

      On Linux or UNIX-based systems:

      $ ./

      On Windows:

  3. In a web browser, open the URL localhost:8080/business-central.

    If you configured Red Hat Process Automation Manager to run from a domain name, replace localhost with the domain name, for example:

  4. Log in using the credentials of the user that you created for Business Central in Section 14.4, “Creating users”.
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