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Chapter 60. Securing passwords with a keystore

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You can use a keystore to encrypt passwords that are used for communication between Business Central and KIE Server. You should encrypt both controller and KIE Server passwords. If Business Central and KIE Server are deployed to different application servers, then both application servers should use the keystore.

Use Java Cryptography Extension KeyStore (JCEKS) for your keystore because it supports symmetric keys. Use KeyTool, which is part of the JDK installation, to create a new JCEKS.


If KIE Server is not configured with JCEKS, KIE Server passwords are stored in system properties in plain text form.



  1. To use KeyTool to create a JCEKS, enter the following command in the Java 8 home directory:

    $<JAVA_HOME>/bin/keytool -importpassword -keystore <KEYSTORE_PATH> -keypass <ALIAS_KEY_PASSWORD> -alias <PASSWORD_ALIAS> -storepass <KEYSTORE_PASSWORD> -storetype JCEKS

    In this example, replace the following variables:

    • <KEYSTORE_PATH>: The path where the keystore will be stored
    • <KEYSTORE_PASSWORD>: The keystore password
    • <ALIAS_KEY_PASSWORD>: The password used to access values stored with the alias
    • <PASSWORD_ALIAS>: The alias of the entry to the process
  2. When prompted, enter the password for the KIE Server user that you created.
  3. Set the system properties listed in the following table:

    Table 60.1. System properties used to load a KIE Server JCEKS
    System propertyPlaceholderDescription



    URL for the JCEKS that you want to use, for example file:///home/kie/keystores/keystore.jceks



    Password for the JCEKS



    Alias of the key for REST services where the password is stored



    Password of the alias for REST services with the stored password



    Alias of the key for default REST Process Automation Controller where the password is stored



    Password of the alias for default REST Process Automation Controller with the stored password

  4. Start KIE Server to verify the configuration.
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