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Chapter 12. Restoring Satellite Server or Capsule Server from a backup

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You can restore Satellite Server or Capsule Server from the backup data that you create as part of Chapter 11, Backing up Satellite Server and Capsule Server. This process outlines how to restore the backup on the same server that generated the backup, and all data covered by the backup is deleted on the target system. If the original system is unavailable, provision a system with the same configuration settings and host name.

12.1. Restoring from a full backup

Use this procedure to restore Red Hat Satellite or Capsule Server from a full backup. When the restore process completes, all processes are online, and all databases and system configuration revert to the state at the time of the backup.


  • Ensure that you are restoring to the correct instance. The Red Hat Satellite instance must have the same host name, configuration, and be the same minor version (X.Y) as the original system.
  • Ensure that you have an existing target directory. The target directory is read from the configuration files contained within the archive.
  • Ensure that you have enough space to store this data on the base system of Satellite Server or Capsule Server as well as enough space after the restoration to contain all the data in the /etc/ and /var/ directories contained within the backup.

    To check the space used by a directory, enter the following command:

    # du -sh /var/backup_directory

    To check for free space, enter the following command:

    # df -h /var/backup_directory

    Add the --total option to get a total of the results from more than one directory.

  • Ensure that all SELinux contexts are correct. Enter the following command to restore the correct SELinux contexts:

    # restorecon -Rv /


  1. Choose the appropriate method to install Satellite or Capsule:

  2. Copy the backup data to Satellite Server’s local file system. Use /var/ or /var/tmp/.
  3. Run the restoration script.

    # satellite-maintain restore /var/backup_directory

    Where backup_directory is the time-stamped directory or subdirectory containing the backed-up data.

    The restore process can take a long time to complete, because of the amount of data to copy.

Additional resources

  • For troubleshooting, you can check /var/log/foreman/production.log and /var/log/messages.

12.2. Restoring from incremental backups

Use this procedure to restore Satellite or Capsule Server from incremental backups. If you have multiple branches of incremental backups, select your full backup and each incremental backup for the branch you want to restore, in chronological order.

When the restore process completes, all processes are online, and all databases and system configuration revert to the state at the time of the backup.


  1. Restore the last full backup using the instructions in Section 12.1, “Restoring from a full backup”.
  2. Remove the full backup data from Satellite Server’s local file system, for example, /var/ or /var/tmp/.
  3. Copy the incremental backup data to Satellite Server’s local file system, for example, /var/ or /var/tmp/.
  4. Restore the incremental backups in the same sequence that they are made:

    # satellite-maintain restore /var/backup_directory/FIRST_INCREMENTAL
    # satellite-maintain restore /var/backup_directory/SECOND_INCREMENTAL

Additional resources

  • For troubleshooting, you can check /var/log/foreman/production.log and /var/log/messages.

12.3. Backup and restore Capsule Server using a virtual machine snapshot

If your Capsule Server is a virtual machine, you can restore it from a snapshot. Creating weekly snapshots to restore from is recommended. In the event of failure, you can install, or configure a new Capsule Server, and then synchronize the database content from Satellite Server.

If required, deploy a new Capsule Server, ensuring the host name is the same as before, and then install the Capsule certificates. You may still have them on Satellite Server, the package name ends in -certs.tar, alternately create new ones. Follow the procedures in Installing Capsule Server until you can confirm, in the Satellite web UI, that Capsule Server is connected to Satellite Server. Then use the procedure Section 12.3.1, “Synchronizing content from Satellite Server to Capsule Servers” to synchronize from Satellite.

12.3.1. Synchronizing content from Satellite Server to Capsule Servers

Use this procedure to synchronize content from your Satellite Server to your Capsule Server.


  • Ensure that you either select the relevant organization and location context of your Capsule Server or choose Any Organization and Any Location.


  1. In the Satellite web UI, navigate to Infrastructure > Capsules.
  2. Select your Capsule Server.
  3. On the Overview tab, click Synchronize.

    • Select Optimized Sync to synchronize content from your Satellite Server to your Capsule Server that bypasses unnecessary steps to speed up performance.
    • Select Complete Sync to perform a complete sync from your Satellite Server to your Capsule Server that synchronizes content even if the metadata has not changed.
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