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Chapter 4. Certification workflow for non-containerized application

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Red Hat recommends that you are a Red Hat Certified Engineer or hold equivalent experience before starting the certification process.

Task Summary

The certification workflow includes three primary stages -

4.1. Certification onboarding

Perform the steps outlined for certification onboarding:

  1. Join the Red Hat Connect for Technology Partner Program.
  2. Agree to the program terms and conditions.
  3. Create your product listing by selecting your desired product category. You can select from the available product categories:

    1. Containerized Application
    2. Standalone Application
    3. OpenStack Infrastructure
  4. Complete your company profile.
  5. Add components to the product listing.
  6. Certify components for your product listing.

Additional resources

For detailed instructions about creating your first product listing, see Creating a product.

4.2. Certification testing

Follow these high-level steps to run a certification test:

  • Log in to the Red Hat Certification portal.
  • Download the test plan.
  • Configure the system under test (SUT) for running the tests.
  • Download the test plan to our SUT.
  • Run the certification tests on your system.
  • Review and upload the test results to the certification portal.

Additional resources

For detailed instructions about certification testing, see Setting up the test environment for non-containerized application testing.

4.3. Publishing the certified application

When you complete all the certification checks successfully, you can submit the test results to Red Hat. Upon successful validation, you can publish your product on the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.

Additional resources

For detailed instructions about publishing your application, see Publishing the certified application.

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