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Chapter 16. Running the certification test suite

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Follow the instructions to run the certification test suite:


  • You have a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system.
  • You can use Podman to log in to your image registry. For example:

    $ podman login --username <your_username> --password <your_password> --authfile ./temp-authfile.json <registry>

    The authentication file generated by using the --authfile ./temp-authfile.json option is required in the following steps. This authentication file is used by the --docker-config option when you submit the test results by using the Preflight tool.

  • You have set up your container on the Red Hat Partner Connect portal. The product listing must at least be in progress.
  • You have a pyxis API key.


  1. Build your container image by using Podman.


    Using Podman to build container images is optional.

  2. Upload your container to any private or public registry of your choice.
  3. Download the latest Preflight certification utility.
  4. Perform the following steps to verify the functionality of the container being certified:

    1. Run the Preflight certification utility:

      $ preflight check container \<namespace>/<image_name>:<image_tag>
    2. Review the log information and change the container as needed. For more information, see the troubleshooting information page.

      If you find any issues, either submit a support ticket or run the following command:

      $ preflight support

      Red Hat welcomes community contributions. If you experience a bug related to Preflight or the Red Hat Partner Connect Portal, or if you have a suggestion for a feature improvement or contribution, please report the issue. Before reporting an issue, ensure to review the open issues to avoid duplication.

    3. Run the container certification utility and make changes until all the tests pass.
  5. Submit the certification test results by running the following command:

    $ preflight check container \<namespace>/<image_name>:<image_tag> \
    --submit \
    --pyxis-api-token=<api_token> \
    --certification-project-id=<project_id> \

    After you submit your test results to the Red Hat Partner Connect portal, Red Hat will scan the layers of your container for package vulnerabilities.

  6. Review your certification and vulnerability test results in the certification component UI by navigating to the Images tab in the Red Hat Partner Connect portal.

Additional resources

If you are certifying a RHEL application, validate the functionality of your product by following the Non-container certification workflow.

You can also certify your RHEL application container by using the Red Hat Certification tool, which has the built-in pre-flight tool, thereby enabling you to validate your container.


Follow the steps to use the built-in preflight tool:

  1. Install the preflight package:

    # dnf install redhat-certification-preflight

  2. Run rhcert and follow the instructions:

    # rhcert-run

  3. Review and save the test results:

    # rhcert-save

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