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2.8. Software Collection Macros

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The Software Collection packaging macro scl defines where to relocate the Software Collection's file structure. The relocated file structure is a file system used exclusively by the Software Collection.
The %scl_package macro defines files ownership for the Software Collection's metapackage and provides additional packaging macros to use in the Software Collection environment.
To be able to build a conventional package and a Software Collection package with a single spec file, prefix the Software Collection macros with %{?scl:macro}, as in the following example:
%{?scl:Requires: %scl_runtime}
In the example above, the %scl_runtime macro is the value of the Requires tag. Both the macro and the tag use the %{?scl: prefix.

2.8.1. Macros Specific to a Software Collection

The table below shows a list of all macros specific to a particular Software Collection. All the macros have default values that you will not need to change in most cases.
Table 2.1. Software Collection Specific Macros
Example value
name of the Software Collection
name of the Software Collection with a dash appended at the end
name of the original package
root of the Software Collection (not package's root)
location of Software Collection's scriptlets
installation root (install-root) of the package
%scl_require_package software_collection_1 package_2
depend on a particular package from a specific Software Collection

2.8.2. Macros Not Specific to a Software Collection

The table below shows a list of macros that are not specific to a particular Software Collection. Because these macros are not relocated and do not point to the Software Collection file system, they allow you to point to the system root file system. These macros use _root as a prefix.
All the macros have default values that you will not need to change in most cases.
Table 2.2. Software Collection Non-Specific Macros
Example value
Software Collection's %_prefix macro
Software Collection's %_exec_prefix macro
Software Collection's %_bindir macro
Software Collection's %_sbindir macro
Software Collection's %_datadir macro
Software Collection's %_sysconfdir macro
Software Collection's %_libexecdir macro
Software Collection's %_sharedstatedir macro
Software Collection's %_localstatedir macro
Software Collection's %_includedir macro
Software Collection's %_infodir macro
Software Collection's %_mandir macro
Software Collection's %_initddir macro
Software Collection's %_libdir macro, this macro does not work if Software Collection's metapackage is platform-independent

2.8.3. The nfsmountable Macro

Using a Software Collection macro nfsmountable allows you to change values for the _sysconfdir, _sharedstatedir, and _localstatedir macros so that your Software Collection can have its state files and configuration files located outside the Software Collection's /opt file system hierarchy. This makes the files easier to manage and is also required when using your Software Collection over NFS.
If you do not need support for Software Collections over NFS, using nfsmountable is optional but recommended. For more information, see Section 3.1, “Using Software Collections over NFS”.
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