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3.7. Software Collection MANPATH Support

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To allow the man command on the system to display man pages from the enabled Software Collection, update the MANPATH environment variable with the paths to the man pages that are associated with the Software Collection.
To update the MANPATH environment variable, add the following to the %install section of the Software Collection spec file:
cat >> %{buildroot}%{_scl_scripts}/enable << EOF
export MANPATH="%{_mandir}:\${MANPATH:-}"
This configures the enable scriptlet to update the MANPATH environment variable. The man pages associated with the Software Collection are then not visible as long as the Software Collection is not enabled.
The Software Collection can provide a wrapper script that is visible to the system to enable the Software Collection, for example in the /usr/bin/ directory. In this case, ensure that the man pages are visible to the system even if the Software Collection is disabled.
To allow the man command on the system to display man pages from the disabled Software Collection, update the MANPATH environment variable with the paths to the man pages associated with the Software Collection.

Procedure 3.7. Updating the MANPATH environment variable for the disabled Software Collection

  1. To update the MANPATH environment variable, create a custom script /etc/profile.d/ The script is preloaded when a shell is started on the system.
    For example, create the following file:
  2. Use the short script that modifies the MANPATH variable to refer to your man path directory:
    export MANPATH="/opt/provider/software_collection/path/to/your/man_pages:${MANPATH}"
  3. Add the file to your Software Collection package's spec file:
    SOURCE2: %{?scl_prefix}
  4. Install this file into the system /etc/profile.d/ directory by adjusting the %install section of the Software Collection package's spec file:
    install -p -c -m 644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{?scl:%_root_sysconfdir}%{!?scl:%_sysconfdir}/profile.d/
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