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Chapter 54. CertificateAuthority schema reference

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Used in: KafkaSpec

Configuration of how TLS certificates are used within the cluster. This applies to certificates used for both internal communication within the cluster and to certificates used for client access via Kafka.spec.kafka.listeners.tls.

PropertyProperty typeDescription



If true then Certificate Authority certificates will be generated automatically. Otherwise the user will need to provide a Secret with the CA certificate. Default is true.



If true, the Cluster and Client CA Secrets are configured with the ownerReference set to the Kafka resource. If the Kafka resource is deleted when true, the CA Secrets are also deleted. If false, the ownerReference is disabled. If the Kafka resource is deleted when false, the CA Secrets are retained and available for reuse. Default is true.



The number of days generated certificates should be valid for. The default is 365.



The number of days in the certificate renewal period. This is the number of days before the a certificate expires during which renewal actions may be performed. When generateCertificateAuthority is true, this will cause the generation of a new certificate. When generateCertificateAuthority is true, this will cause extra logging at WARN level about the pending certificate expiry. Default is 30.


string (one of [replace-key, renew-certificate])

How should CA certificate expiration be handled when generateCertificateAuthority=true. The default is for a new CA certificate to be generated reusing the existing private key.

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