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Chapter 77. KafkaClientAuthenticationPlain schema reference

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Used in: KafkaBridgeSpec, KafkaConnectSpec, KafkaMirrorMaker2ClusterSpec, KafkaMirrorMakerConsumerSpec, KafkaMirrorMakerProducerSpec

Full list of KafkaClientAuthenticationPlain schema properties

To configure SASL-based PLAIN authentication, set the type property to plain. SASL PLAIN authentication mechanism requires a username and password.


The SASL PLAIN mechanism will transfer the username and password across the network in cleartext. Only use SASL PLAIN authentication if TLS encryption is enabled.

77.1. username

Specify the username in the username property.

77.2. passwordSecret

In the passwordSecret property, specify a link to a Secret containing the password.

You can use the secrets created by the User Operator.

If required, create a text file that contains the password, in cleartext, to use for authentication:


You can then create a Secret from the text file, setting your own field name (key) for the password:

oc create secret generic MY-CONNECT-SECRET-NAME --from-file=MY-PASSWORD-FIELD-NAME=./MY-PASSWORD.txt

Example Secret for PLAIN client authentication for Kafka Connect

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-connect-secret-name
type: Opaque
  my-password-field-name: LFTIyFRFlMmU2N2Tm

The secretName property contains the name of the Secret and the password property contains the name of the key under which the password is stored inside the Secret.


Do not specify the actual password in the password property.

An example SASL based PLAIN client authentication configuration

  type: plain
  username: my-connect-username
    secretName: my-connect-secret-name
    password: my-password-field-name

77.3. KafkaClientAuthenticationPlain schema properties

The type property is a discriminator that distinguishes use of the KafkaClientAuthenticationPlain type from KafkaClientAuthenticationTls, KafkaClientAuthenticationScramSha256, KafkaClientAuthenticationScramSha512, KafkaClientAuthenticationOAuth. It must have the value plain for the type KafkaClientAuthenticationPlain.

PropertyProperty typeDescription



Reference to the Secret which holds the password.



Must be plain.



Username used for the authentication.

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