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Chapter 14. Using Cruise Control to modify topic replication factor

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Make requests to the /topic_configuration endpoint of the Cruise Control REST API to modify topic configurations, including the replication factor.



  1. Start the Cruise Control server. The server starts on port 9092 by default; optionally, specify a different port.

    cd /opt/cruise-control/
    ./ config/ <port_number>
  2. To verify that Cruise Control is running, send a GET request to the /state endpoint of the Cruise Control server:

    curl -X GET 'http://<cc_host>:<cc_port>/kafkacruisecontrol/state'
  3. Run the bin/ command with the --describe option and to check the current replication factor of the target topic:

    /opt/kafka/bin/ \
      --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
      --topic <topic_name> \
  4. Update the replication factor for the topic:

    curl -X POST 'http://<cc_host>:<cc_port>/kafkacruisecontrol/topic_configuration?topic=<topic_name>&replication_factor=<new_replication_factor>&dryrun=false'

    For example, curl -X POST 'localhost:9090/kafkacruisecontrol/topic_configuration?topic=topic1&replication_factor=3&dryrun=false'.

  5. Run the bin/ command with the --describe option, as before, to see the results of the change to the topic.
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