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Chapter 5. Setting up RHUA nodes

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To access the RHUI interface and manage various RHUI functionalities, you must first set up the RHUA node.

The following process explains how to:

5.1. Registering the RHUA node

The following instructions explain how to register your Red Hat Update Appliance (RHUA) node.


  • Latest version of RHEL 8 is installed.
  • Ensure you have root access to the RHUA node.


  1. Optional: Enable all the required architectures.

    By default, only the architecture on which the RHUA node is running, for example, x86_64, will be available in the RHUI content listings. However, if you want to provide content to ARM64 virtual machines (VMs), in addition to x86_64 VMs, then you must enable the respective architecture.


    You must enable the required architectures before you register the RHUA node. If you have already registered the node, see Section 5.4, “Including required architectures on a registered RHUA node”.

    To enable architectures on an unregistered RHUA node, create a override.facts file and add the required architectures.

    # echo '{ "supported_architectures": "x86_64,i386,aarch64" }' > /etc/rhsm/facts/override.facts
  2. On the RHUA node, enter the following command to register the system:

    # subscription-manager register --type=rhui --username <admin-example> --password <secret>
    Registering to:
    The system has been registered with ID: <a12b34c5-6d78-9ef1-2345-ghi678jk91l2m>
  3. Optional: If your system is already registered, you can override the subscription using the --force option.

    # subscription-manager register --type=rhui --force

    The new system will be available on the Red Hat Customer Portal, and the new RHUA instance will not have any subscriptions attached to it.


  1. Navigate to the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Verify that your system is available by locating it within the Customer Portal.

5.2. Attaching a subscription to the RHUA node

The following instructions explain how to attach a subscription to your Red Hat Update Appliance (RHUA) node.


You do not need to perform the following steps if you are using Simple Content Access.


  • Ensure you have root access to the RHUA node.


  1. On the RHUA node, check for available subscriptions that you can attach.

    # subscription-manager list --available
        Available Subscriptions
    Subscription Name:   Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host for Certified Cloud
                         and Service Providers (via Red Hat Update Infrastructure)
    Provides:            Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host Beta from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host from RHUI
    SKU:                 RH00731
    Contract:            11312089
    Pool ID:             8a85f15a71f0bd015a72445adf0223
    Provides Management: No
    Available:           19
    Suggested:           1
    Service Level:       Premium
    Service Type:        L1-L3
    Subscription Type:   Standard
    Ends:                02/22/2018
    System Type:         Physical
    Subscription Name:   Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for
    Provides:            dotNET on RHEL (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from RHUI
                         Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Resilient Storage (for RHEL
                         Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Scalable File System (for RHEL
                         Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Update Support
                         from RHUI
                         dotNET on RHEL Beta (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Hana from RHUI
                         RHEL Software Test Suite (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability (for RHEL
                         Server) from RHUI
                         Red Hat Update Infrastructure
                         Red Hat Enterprise Linux Load Balancer (for RHEL Server)
                         from RHUI
    SKU:                 RC1116415
    Contract:            1134314
    Pool ID:             8a85f15a71f0bd015a72445adf0223
    Provides Management: No
    Available:           20
    Suggested:           1
    Service Level:       Premium
    Service Type:        L1-L3
    Subscription Type:   Standard
    Ends:                02/23/2018
    System Type:         Physical
  2. Attach a subscription using its pool ID.

    For example, the following command attaches the Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for Providers subscription.

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=8a85f9815a71f0bd015a72445adf0223
    Successfully attached a subscription for: Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for Providers

5.3. Enabling the required repositories on the RHUA node

To install RHUI on your system, you must first enable certain repositories on your nodes which contain the required packages. The following instructions explain how to enable the rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rhui-rpms, rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rhui-rpms, and ansible-2-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rhui-rpms repositories on the RHUA node.

If you are planning to use Ceph File System (CephFS) as your shared storage, you must also enable the rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rhui-rpms repository.


RHUA nodes require RHEL installations with base packages, and with all repositories disabled except for the rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rhui-rpms, rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rhui-rpms, ansible-2-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rhui-rpms and, optionally, rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rhui-rpms repositories. This requirement means that you cannot install any third-party configurations or software that are not necessary for the direct operation of the server. This restriction includes hardening or other non-Red Hat security software.


  • Ensure you have root access to the RHUA node.


  1. Navigate to the RHUA node, list the enabled repositories, and verify that your system is correctly subscribed.

    • If not using Simple Content Access (SCA):

      # subscription-manager list --consumed
         Consumed Subscriptions
      Subscription Name:   Red Hat Update Infrastructure and RHEL Add-Ons for Providers
      Provides:            JBoss Enterprise Application Platform from RHUI
                           JBoss Enterprise Web Server from RHUI
                           JBoss Operations Network from RHUI
                           RHEL for SAP - Update Services for SAP Solutions from RHUI
                           Red Hat Developer Tools from RHUI (for RHEL Server)
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Update Support from RHUI
                           RHEL for SAP HANA - Update Services for SAP Solutions from RHUI
                           Red Hat Developer Tools Beta from RHUI (for RHEL Server)
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           Red Hat JBoss Core Services from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64 from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86_64 Beta from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Load Balancer (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Resilient Storage (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Scalable File System (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Performance Networking (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP from RHUI
                           Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder for x86_64 from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Hana from RHUI
                           Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder for ARM 64 from RHUI
                           RHEL Software Test Suite (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Gluster Storage Server for On-premise from RHUI
                           Red Hat Single Sign-On from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability for x86_64 from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Resilient Storage for x86_64 from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability (for RHEL Server) - Extended Update Support from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Extended Life Cycle Support (from RHUI)
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Load Balancer (for RHEL Server) - Extended Update Support from RHUI
                           RHEL for SAP HANA - Extended Update Support (from RHUI)
                           RHEL for SAP - Extended Update Support (from RHUI)
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Resilient Storage (for RHEL Server) - Extended Update Support from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Performance Networking (for RHEL Server) - Extended Update Support from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux for ARM 64 from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - Update Services for SAP Solutions from RHUI
                           Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server for ARM from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability - Update Services for SAP Solutions from RHUI
                           Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder for x86_64 - Extended Update Support from RHUI
                           Red Hat Software Collections (for RHEL Server for ARM) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Ansible Engine from RHUI
                           Red Hat Software Collections Beta (for RHEL Server for ARM) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux for ARM 64 Beta from RHUI
                           Red Hat Developer Tools (for RHEL Server for ARM) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Developer Tools Beta (for RHEL Server for ARM) from RHUI
                           dotNET on RHEL (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           dotNET on RHEL Beta (for RHEL Server) from RHUI
                           Red Hat Update Infrastructure
                           Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from RHUI
      SKU:                 RC11164
      Contract:            126839
      Account:             5401
      Serial:              5744492009337488
      Pool ID:             8a85f9a1790fb0ed017961af515b7
      Provides Management: No
      Active:              True
      Quantity Used:       1
      Service Type:        L1-L3
      Service Level:       Premium
      Status Details:      Subscription is current
      Subscription Type:   Standard
      Starts:              05/12/2021
      Ends:                05/11/2022
      Entitlement Type:    Physical
    • If using Simple Content Access (SCA):

      # subscription-manager status
         System Status Details
      Overall Status: Disabled
      Content Access Mode is set to Simple Content Access. This host has access to content, regardless of subscription status.
      System Purpose Status: Disabled
  2. Disable all repositories.

    # subscription-manager repos --disable=*
  3. Enable the relevant repositories.

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rhui-rpms --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rhui-rpms
  4. Optional: If you are planning to use CephFS, enable the Ceph tools repository.

    # subscription-manager repos --enable rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rhui-rpms
  5. Enable the Ansible repository.

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=ansible-2-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rhui-rpms
  6. Enable the RHUI 4 repository.

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhui-4-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

5.4. Including required architectures on a registered RHUA node

By default, only the architecture on which the RHUA node is running, for example, x86_64, will be available in the RHUI content listings. However, if you want to provide content to ARM64 virtual machines (VMs), in addition to x86_64 VMs, then you can add the additional architectures to a RHUA node and register the node again.


  • Ensure you have root access to the RHUA node.


  1. Create a override.facts file and add the required architectures.

    # echo '{ "supported_architectures": "x86_64,i386,aarch64" }' > /etc/rhsm/facts/override.facts
  2. Override the subscription using the --force option.

    # subscription-manager register --type=rhui --force
  3. Delete the current RHUI cert and repository mapping cache.

    # rm /etc/pki/rhui/redhat/* /var/cache/rhui/*
  4. Optional: If you do not have Simple Content Access enabled, then manually attach the RHUI pool.

    # subscription-manager attach --pool <id>
  5. Synchronize the subscription.

    # rhui-subscription-sync
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