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Chapter 1. Installation options

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The following table presents the various Red Hat Update Infrastructure 4 components.

Table 1.1. Red Hat Update Infrastructure components and functions

Red Hat Update Appliance


Downloads new packages from the Red Hat content delivery network and copies new packages to each CDS node


Content Delivery Server


Provides the yum repositories that clients connect to for the updated packages




Provides load balancing across CDS nodes

Existing load balancing solution

Shared storage


Provides shared storage

Existing storage solution

The following table describes how to perform installation tasks.

Table 1.2. Red Hat Update Infrastructure installation tasks
Installation TaskPerformed on

Install RHEL 8

RHUA, CDS, and HAProxy

Subscribe the system

RHUA, CDS, and HAProxy

Attach a RHUI subscription

RHUA, CDS, and HAProxy

Apply updates

RHUA, CDS and HAProxy

Install rhui-installer


Run rhui-installer


1.1. Option 1: Full installation

  • A RHUA
  • Two or more CDS nodes with shared storage
  • One or more HAProxy load-balancers

1.2. Option 2: Installation with an existing storage solution

  • A RHUA
  • Two or more CDS nodes with an existing storage solution
  • One or more HAProxy load-balancers

1.3. Option 3: Installation with an existing load-balancer solution

  • A RHUA
  • Two or more CDS nodes with shared storage
  • An existing load-balancer

1.4. Option 4: Installation with existing storage and load-balancer solutions

  • A RHUA
  • Two or more CDS nodes with existing shared storage
  • An existing load-balancer

The following figure depicts a high-level view of how the various Red Hat Update Infrastructure 4 components interact.

Figure 1.1. Red Hat Update Infrastructure 4 overview

Red Hat Update Infrastructure Overview

You need to subscribe the RHUA as --type rhui and have a Red Hat Certified Cloud and Service Provider subscription to install RHUI. You also need an appropriate content certificate.

Install the RHUA and CDS nodes on separate x86_64 servers (bare metal or virtual machines). Ensure all the servers and networks that connect to RHUI can access the Red Hat Subscription Management service.

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