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Chapter 1. Understanding OpenShift Pipelines


OpenShift Pipelines is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines is a cloud-native, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) solution based on Kubernetes resources. It uses Tekton building blocks to automate deployments across multiple platforms by abstracting away the underlying implementation details. Tekton introduces a number of standard Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for defining CI/CD pipelines that are portable across Kubernetes distributions.

1.1. Key features

  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines is a serverless CI/CD system that runs Pipelines with all the required dependencies in isolated containers.
  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines are designed for decentralized teams that work on microservice-based architecture.
  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines use standard CI/CD pipeline definitions that are easy to extend and integrate with the existing Kubernetes tools, enabling you to scale on-demand.
  • You can use Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines to build images with Kubernetes tools such as Source-to-Image (S2I), Buildah, Buildpacks, and Kaniko that are portable across any Kubernetes platform.
  • You can use the OpenShift Container Platform Developer Console to create Tekton resources, view logs of Pipeline runs, and manage pipelines in your OpenShift Container Platform namespaces.

1.2. Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines concepts

Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines provide a set of standard Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) that act as the building blocks from which you can assemble a CI/CD pipeline for your application.

A Task is the smallest configurable unit in a Pipeline. It is essentially a function of inputs and outputs that form the Pipeline build. It can run individually or as a part of a Pipeline. A Pipeline includes one or more Tasks, where each Task consists of one or more Steps. Steps are a series of commands that are sequentially executed by the Task.
A Pipeline consists of a series of Tasks that are executed to construct complex workflows that automate the build, deployment, and delivery of applications. It is a collection of PipelineResources, parameters, and one or more Tasks. A Pipeline interacts with the outside world by using PipelineResources, which are added to Tasks as inputs and outputs.
A PipelineRun is the running instance of a Pipeline. A PipelineRun initiates a Pipeline and manages the creation of a TaskRun for each Task being executed in the Pipeline.
A TaskRun is automatically created by a PipelineRun for each Task in a Pipeline. It is the result of running an instance of a Task in a Pipeline. It can also be manually created if a Task runs outside of a Pipeline.
A Workspace is a storage volume that a Task requires at runtime to receive input or provide output. A Task or Pipeline declares the Workspace, and a TaskRun or PipelineRun provides the actual location of the storage volume, which mounts on the declared Workspace. This makes the Task flexible, reusable, and allows the Workspaces to be shared across multiple Tasks.
A Trigger captures an external event, such as a Git pull request and processes the event payload to extract key pieces of information. This extracted information is then mapped to a set of predefined parameters, which trigger a series of tasks that may involve creation and deployment of Kubernetes resources. You can use Triggers along with Pipelines to create full-fledged CI/CD systems where the execution is defined entirely through Kubernetes resources.
A Condition refers to a validation or check, which is executed before a Task is run in your Pipeline. Conditions are like if statements which perform logical tests, with a return value of True or False. A Task is executed if all Conditions return True, but if any of the Conditions fail, the Task and all subsequent Tasks are skipped. You can use Conditions in your Pipeline to create complex workflows covering multiple scenarios.

1.3. Detailed OpenShift Pipeline Concepts

This guide provides a detailed view of the various Pipeline concepts.

1.3.1. Tasks

Tasks are the building blocks of a Pipeline and consist of sequentially executed Steps. Tasks are reusable and can be used in multiple Pipelines.

Steps are a series of commands that achieve a specific goal, such as building an image. Every Task runs as a pod and each Step runs in its own container within the same pod. Because Steps run within the same pod, they have access to the same volumes for caching files, ConfigMaps, and Secrets.

The following example shows the apply-manifests Task.

apiVersion: 1
kind: Task 2
  name: apply-manifests 3
spec: 4
  - default: k8s
    description: The directory in source that contains yaml manifests
    name: manifest_dir
    type: string
  - args:
    - |-
      echo Applying manifests in $(inputs.params.manifest_dir) directory
      oc apply -f $(inputs.params.manifest_dir)
      echo -----------------------------------
    - /bin/bash
    - -c
    name: apply
    workingDir: /workspace/source
  - name: source
Task API version v1beta1.
Specifies the type of Kubernetes object. In this example, Task.
Unique name of this Task.
Lists the parameters and Steps in the Task and the workspace used by the Task.

This Task starts the pod and runs a container inside that pod using the maven:3.6.0-jdk-8-slim image to run the specified commands. It receives an input directory called workspace-git that contains the source code of the application.

The Task only declares the placeholder for the Git repository, it does not specify which Git repository to use. This allows Tasks to be reusable for multiple Pipelines and purposes.


Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines 1.3 and earlier versions in Technology Preview (TP) allowed users to create a task without verifying their Security Context Constraints (SCC). Thus, any authenticated user could create a task using a container running with a privileged SCC.

To avoid such security issues in the production scenario, do not use Pipelines versions that are in TP. Instead, consider upgrading the Operator to generally available versions such as Pipelines 1.4 or later.

1.3.2. TaskRun

A TaskRun instantiates a Task for execution with specific inputs, outputs, and execution parameters on a cluster. It can be invoked on its own or as part of a PipelineRun.

A Task consists of one or more Steps that execute container images, and each container image performs a specific piece of build work. A TaskRun executes the Steps in a Task in the specified order, until all Steps execute successfully or a failure occurs.

The following example shows a TaskRun that runs the apply-manifests Task with the relevant input parameters:

apiVersion: 1
kind: TaskRun 2
  name: apply-manifests-taskrun 3
spec: 4
  serviceAccountName: pipeline
  taskRef: 5
    kind: Task
    name: apply-manifests
  workspaces: 6
  - name: source
      claimName: source-pvc
TaskRun API version v1beta1.
Specifies the type of Kubernetes object. In this example, TaskRun.
Unique name to identify this TaskRun.
Definition of the TaskRun. For this TaskRun, the Task and the required workspace are specified.
Name of the Task reference used for this TaskRun. This TaskRun executes the apply-manifests Task.
Workspace used by the TaskRun.

1.3.3. Pipelines

A Pipeline is a collection of Task resources arranged in a specific order of execution. You can define a CI/CD workflow for your application using pipelines containing one or more tasks.

A Pipeline resource definition consists of a number of fields or attributes, which together enable the pipeline to accomplish a specific goal. Each Pipeline resource definition must contain at least one Task resource, which ingests specific inputs and produces specific outputs. The pipeline definition can also optionally include Conditions, Workspaces, Parameters, or Resources depending on the application requirements.

The following example shows the build-and-deploy pipeline, which builds an application image from a Git repository using the buildah ClusterTask resource:

apiVersion: 1
kind: Pipeline 2
  name: build-and-deploy 3
spec: 4
  workspaces: 5
  - name: shared-workspace
  params: 6
  - name: deployment-name
    type: string
    description: name of the deployment to be patched
  - name: git-url
    type: string
    description: url of the git repo for the code of deployment
  - name: git-revision
    type: string
    description: revision to be used from repo of the code for deployment
    default: "release-tech-preview-3"
  - name: IMAGE
    type: string
    description: image to be built from the code
  tasks: 7
  - name: fetch-repository
      name: git-clone
      kind: ClusterTask
    - name: output
      workspace: shared-workspace
    - name: url
      value: $(params.git-url)
    - name: subdirectory
      value: ""
    - name: deleteExisting
      value: "true"
    - name: revision
      value: $(params.git-revision)
  - name: build-image 8
      name: buildah
      kind: ClusterTask
    - name: TLSVERIFY
      value: "false"
    - name: IMAGE
      value: $(params.IMAGE)
    - name: source
      workspace: shared-workspace
    - fetch-repository
  - name: apply-manifests 9
      name: apply-manifests
    - name: source
      workspace: shared-workspace
    runAfter: 10
    - build-image
  - name: update-deployment
      name: update-deployment
    - name: source
      workspace: shared-workspace
    - name: deployment
      value: $(params.deployment-name)
    - name: IMAGE
      value: $(params.IMAGE)
    - apply-manifests
Pipeline API version v1beta1.
Specifies the type of Kubernetes object. In this example, Pipeline.
Unique name of this Pipeline.
Specifies the definition and structure of the Pipeline.
Workspaces used across all the Tasks in the Pipeline.
Parameters used across all the Tasks in the Pipeline.
Specifies the list of Tasks used in the Pipeline.
Task build-image, which uses the buildah ClusterTask to build application images from a given Git repository.
Task apply-manifests, which uses a user-defined Task with the same name.
Specifies the sequence in which Tasks are run in a Pipeline. In this example, the apply-manifests Task is run only after the build-image Task is completed.

1.3.4. PipelineRun

A PipelineRun instantiates a Pipeline for execution with specific inputs, outputs, and execution parameters on a cluster. A corresponding TaskRun is created for each Task automatically in the PipelineRun.

All the Tasks in the Pipeline are executed in the defined sequence until all Tasks are successful or a Task fails. The status field tracks and stores the progress of each TaskRun in the PipelineRun for monitoring and auditing purpose.

The following example shows a PipelineRun to run the build-and-deploy Pipeline with relevant resources and parameters:

apiVersion: 1
kind: PipelineRun 2
  name: build-deploy-api-pipelinerun 3
    name: build-and-deploy 4
  params: 5
  - name: deployment-name
    value: vote-api
  - name: git-url
  - name: IMAGE
    value: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/vote-api
  workspaces: 6
  - name: shared-workspace
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 500Mi
PipelineRun API version v1beta1.
Specifies the type of Kubernetes object. In this example, PipelineRun.
Unique name to identify this PipelineRun.
Name of the Pipeline to be run. In this example, build-and-deploy.
Specifies the list of parameters required to run the Pipeline.
Workspace used by the PipelineRun.

1.3.5. Workspaces


It is recommended that you use Workspaces instead of PipelineResources in OpenShift Pipelines, as PipelineResources are difficult to debug, limited in scope, and make Tasks less reusable.

Workspaces declare shared storage volumes that a Task in a Pipeline needs at runtime. Instead of specifying the actual location of the volumes, Workspaces enable you to declare the filesystem or parts of the filesystem that would be required at runtime. You must provide the specific location details of the volume that is mounted into that Workspace in a TaskRun or a PipelineRun. This separation of volume declaration from runtime storage volumes makes the Tasks reusable, flexible, and independent of the user environment.

With Workspaces, you can:

  • Store Task inputs and outputs
  • Share data among Tasks
  • Use it as a mount point for credentials held in Secrets
  • Use it as a mount point for configurations held in ConfigMaps
  • Use it as a mount point for common tools shared by an organization
  • Create a cache of build artifacts that speed up jobs

You can specify Workspaces in the TaskRun or PipelineRun using:

  • A read-only ConfigMaps or Secret
  • An existing PersistentVolumeClaim shared with other Tasks
  • A PersistentVolumeClaim from a provided VolumeClaimTemplate
  • An emptyDir that is discarded when the TaskRun completes

The following example shows a code snippet of the build-and-deploy Pipeline, which declares a shared-workspace Workspace for the build-image and apply-manifests Tasks as defined in the Pipeline.

kind: Pipeline
  name: build-and-deploy
  workspaces: 1
  - name: shared-workspace
  tasks: 2
  - name: build-image
      name: buildah
      kind: ClusterTask
    - name: TLSVERIFY
      value: "false"
    - name: IMAGE
      value: $(params.IMAGE)
    workspaces: 3
    - name: source 4
      workspace: shared-workspace 5
    - fetch-repository
  - name: apply-manifests
      name: apply-manifests
    workspaces: 6
    - name: source
      workspace: shared-workspace
      - build-image
List of Workspaces shared between the Tasks defined in the Pipeline. A Pipeline can define as many Workspaces as required. In this example, only one Workspace named shared-workspace is declared.
Definition of Tasks used in the Pipeline. This snippet defines two Tasks, build-image and apply-manifests, which share a common Workspace.
List of Workspaces used in the build-image Task. A Task definition can include as many Workspaces as it requires. However, it is recommended that a Task uses at most one writable Workspace.
Name that uniquely identifies the Workspace used in the Task. This Task uses one Workspace named source.
Name of the Pipeline Workspace used by the Task. Note that the Workspace source in turn uses the Pipeline Workspace named shared-workspace.
List of Workspaces used in the apply-manifests Task. Note that this Task shares the source Workspace with the build-image Task.

Workspaces help tasks share data, and allow you to specify one or more volumes that each task in the pipeline requires during execution. You can create a persistent volume claim or provide a volume claim template that creates a persistent volume claim for you.

The following code snippet of the build-deploy-api-pipelinerun PipelineRun uses a volume claim template to create a persistent volume claim for defining the storage volume for the shared-workspace Workspace used in the build-and-deploy Pipeline.

kind: PipelineRun
  name: build-deploy-api-pipelinerun
    name: build-and-deploy

  workspaces: 1
  - name: shared-workspace 2
    volumeClaimTemplate: 3
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 500Mi
Specifies the list of Pipeline Workspaces for which volume binding will be provided in the PipelineRun.
The name of the Workspace in the Pipeline for which the volume is being provided.
Specifies a volume claim template that creates a persistent volume claim to define the storage volume for the workspace.

1.3.6. Triggers

Use Triggers in conjunction with pipelines to create a full-fledged CI/CD system where Kubernetes resources define the entire CI/CD execution. Triggers capture the external events and process them to extract key pieces of information. Mapping this event data to a set of predefined parameters triggers a series of tasks that can then create and deploy Kubernetes resources and instantiate the pipeline.

For example, you define a CI/CD workflow using Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines for your application. The pipeline must start for any new changes to take effect in the application repository. Triggers automate this process by capturing and processing any change event and by triggering a pipeline run that deploys the new image with the latest changes.

Triggers consist of the following main resources that work together to form a reusable, decoupled, and self-sustaining CI/CD system:

  • The TriggerBinding resource validates events, extracts the fields from an event payload, and stores them as parameters.
  • The TriggerTemplate resource acts as a standard for the way resources must be created. It specifies the way parameterized data from the TriggerBinding resource should be used. A trigger template receives input from the trigger binding, and then performs a series of actions that results in creation of new pipeline resources, and initiation of a new pipeline run.
  • The EventListener resource provides an endpoint, or an event sink, that listens for incoming HTTP-based events with a JSON payload. It extracts event parameters from each TriggerBinding resource, and then processes this data to create Kubernetes resources as specified by the corresponding TriggerTemplate resource. The EventListener resource also performs lightweight event processing or basic filtering on the payload using event interceptors, which identify the type of payload and optionally modify it. Currently, pipeline triggers support four types of interceptors: Webhook Interceptors, GitHub Interceptors, GitLab Interceptors, and Common Expression Language (CEL) Interceptors.
  • The Trigger resource connects the TriggerBinding and TriggerTemplate resources, and this Trigger resource is referenced in the EventListener specification.

The following example shows a code snippet of the TriggerBinding resource, which extracts the Git repository information from the received event payload:

apiVersion: 1
kind: TriggerBinding 2
  name: vote-app 3
  params: 4
  - name: git-repo-url
    value: $(body.repository.url)
  - name: git-repo-name
    value: $(
  - name: git-revision
    value: $(
The API version of the TriggerBinding resource. In this example, v1alpha1.
Specifies the type of Kubernetes object. In this example, TriggerBinding.
Unique name to identify the TriggerBinding resource.
List of parameters which will be extracted from the received event payload and passed to the TriggerTemplate resource. In this example, the Git repository URL, name, and revision are extracted from the body of the event payload.

The following example shows a code snippet of a TriggerTemplate resource, which creates a pipeline run using the Git repository information received from the TriggerBinding resource you just created:

apiVersion: 1
kind: TriggerTemplate 2
  name: vote-app 3
  params: 4
  - name: git-repo-url
    description: The git repository url
  - name: git-revision
    description: The git revision
    default: master
  - name: git-repo-name
    description: The name of the deployment to be created / patched

  resourcetemplates: 5
  - apiVersion:
    kind: PipelineRun
      name: build-deploy-$(tt.params.git-repo-name)-$(uid)
      serviceAccountName: pipeline
        name: build-and-deploy
      - name: deployment-name
        value: $(tt.params.git-repo-name)
      - name: git-url
        value: $(tt.params.git-repo-url)
      - name: git-revision
        value: $(tt.params.git-revision)
      - name: IMAGE
        value: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/$(tt.params.git-repo-name)
      - name: shared-workspace
           - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 500Mi
The API version of the TriggerTemplate resource. In this example, v1alpha1.
Specifies the type of Kubernetes object. In this example, TriggerTemplate.
Unique name to identify the TriggerTemplate resource.
Parameters supplied by the TriggerBinding or EventListerner resources.
List of templates that specify the way resources must be created using the parameters received through the TriggerBinding or EventListener resources.

The following example shows a code snippet of a Trigger resource, named vote-trigger that connects the TriggerBinding and TriggerTemplate resources.

apiVersion: 1
kind: Trigger 2
  name: vote-trigger 3
  serviceAccountName: pipeline 4
    - ref: vote-app 5
  template: 6
     name: vote-app
The API version of the Trigger resource. In this example, v1alpha1.
Specifies the type of Kubernetes object. In this example, Trigger.
Unique name to identify the Trigger resource.
Service account name to be used.
Name of the TriggerBinding resource to be connected to the TriggerTemplate resource.
Name of the TriggerTemplate resource to be connected to the TriggerBinding resource.

The following example shows an EventListener resource, which references the Trigger resource named vote-trigger.

apiVersion: 1
kind: EventListener 2
  name: vote-app 3
  serviceAccountName: pipeline 4
    - triggerRef: vote-trigger 5
The API version of the EventListener resource. In this example, v1alpha1.
Specifies the type of Kubernetes object. In this example, EventListener.
Unique name to identify the EventListener resource.
Service account name to be used.
Name of the Trigger resource referenced by the EventListener resource.

1.4. Additional resources

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