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Chapter 115. Using Ansible to delegate authentication for IdM users to external identity providers
You can use the idp
module to associate users with external identity providers (IdP) that support the OAuth 2 device authorization flow. If an IdP reference and an associated IdP user ID exist, you can use them to enable IdP authentication for an IdM user with the user
Afterward, if these users authenticate with the SSSD version 2.7.0 or later, available in RHEL 8.7 or later, they receive RHEL Identity Management (IdM) single sign-on capabilities with Kerberos tickets after performing authentication and authorization at the external IdP.
115.1. The benefits of connecting IdM to an external IdP
As an administrator, you might want to allow users stored in an external identity source, such as a cloud services provider, to access RHEL systems joined to your Identity Management (IdM) environment. To achieve this, you can delegate the authentication and authorization process of issuing Kerberos tickets for these users to that external entity.
You can use this feature to expand IdM’s capabilities and allow users stored in external identity providers (IdPs) to access Linux systems managed by IdM.
115.2. How IdM incorporates logins via external IdPs
SSSD 2.7.0 contains the sssd-idp
package, which implements the idp
Kerberos pre-authentication method. This authentication method follows the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant flow to delegate authorization decisions to external IdPs:
An IdM client user initiates OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant flow, for example, by attempting to retrieve a Kerberos TGT with the
utility at the command line. - A special code and website link are sent from the Authorization Server to the IdM KDC backend.
- The IdM client displays the link and the code to the user. In this example, the IdM client outputs the link and code on the command line.
The user opens the website link in a browser, which can be on another host, a mobile phone, and so on:
- The user enters the special code.
- If necessary, the user logs in to the OAuth 2.0-based IdP.
- The user is prompted to authorize the client to access information.
- The user confirms access at the original device prompt. In this example, the user hits the Enter key at the command line.
- The IdM KDC backend polls the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server for access to user information.
What is supported:
Logging in remotely via SSH with the
authentication method enabled, which allows calling Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) libraries. -
Logging in locally with the console via the
service. -
Retrieving a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT) with the
What is currently not supported:
- Logging in to the IdM WebUI directly. To log in to the IdM WebUI, you must first acquire a Kerberos ticket.
- Logging in to Cockpit WebUI directly. To log in to the Cockpit WebUI, you must first acquire a Kerberos ticket.
115.3. Using Ansible to create a reference to an external identity provider
To connect external identity providers (IdPs) to your Identity Management (IdM) environment, create IdP references in IdM. Complete this procedure to use the idp
module to configure a reference to the github external IdP.
You have registered IdM as an OAuth application to your external IdP, and generated a client ID and client secret on the device that an IdM user will be using to authenticate to IdM. The example assumes that:
- my_github_account_name is the github user whose account the IdM user will be using to authenticate to IdM.
client ID
is 2efe1acffe9e8ab869f4. -
client secret
is 656a5228abc5f9545c85fa626aecbf69312d398c.
- Your IdM servers are using RHEL 8.7 or later.
- Your IdM servers are using SSSD 2.7.0 or later.
You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:
- You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
You have installed the
package on the Ansible controller. - You are using RHEL 8.10 or later.
- The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your
On your Ansible control node, create an configure-external-idp-reference.yml playbook:
--- - name: Configure external IdP hosts: ipaserver become: false gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Ensure a reference to github external provider is available ipaidp: ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}" name: github_idp provider: github client_ID: 2efe1acffe9e8ab869f4 secret: 656a5228abc5f9545c85fa626aecbf69312d398c idp_user_id: my_github_account_name
- Save the file.
Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:
$ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory configure-external-idp-reference.yml
On an IdM client, verify that the output of the
ipa idp-show
command shows the IdP reference you have created.[idmuser@idmclient ~]$ ipa idp-show github_idp
Additional resources
The idp
upstream documentation
115.4. Using Ansible to enable an IdM user to authenticate via an external IdP
You can use the user
module to enable an Identity Management (IdM) user to authenticate via an external identity provider (IdP). To do that, associate the external IdP reference you have previously created with the IdM user account. Complete this procedure to use Ansible to associate an external IdP reference named github_idp with the IdM user named idm-user-with-external-idp. As a result of the procedure, the user is able to use the my_github_account_name github identity to authenticate as idm-user-with-external-idp to IdM.
- Your IdM client and IdM servers are using RHEL 8.7 or later.
- Your IdM client and IdM servers are using SSSD 2.7.0 or later.
- You have created a reference to an external IdP in IdM. See Using Ansible to create a reference to an external identity provider.
You have configured your Ansible control node to meet the following requirements:
- You are using Ansible version 2.13 or later.
You have installed the
package on the Ansible controller. - You are using RHEL 8.10 or later.
- The example assumes that in the ~/MyPlaybooks/ directory, you have created an Ansible inventory file with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the IdM server.
The example assumes that the secret.yml Ansible vault stores your
On your Ansible control node, create an enable-user-to-authenticate-via-external-idp.yml playbook:
--- - name: Ensure an IdM user uses an external IdP to authenticate to IdM hosts: ipaserver become: false gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Retrieve Github user ID ansible.builtin.uri: url: “” method: GET headers: Accept: “application/vnd.github.v3+json” register: user_data - name: Ensure IdM user exists with an external IdP authentication ipauser: ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}" name: idm-user-with-external-idp first: Example last: User userauthtype: idp idp: github_idp idp_user_id: my_github_account_name
- Save the file.
Run the Ansible playbook. Specify the playbook file, the file storing the password protecting the secret.yml file, and the inventory file:
$ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=password_file -v -i inventory enable-user-to-authenticate-via-external-idp.yml
Log in to an IdM client and verify that the output of the
ipa user-show
command for the idm-user-with-external-idp user displays references to the IdP:$ ipa user-show idm-user-with-external-idp User login: idm-user-with-external-idp First name: Example Last name: User Home directory: /home/idm-user-with-external-idp Login shell: /bin/sh Principal name: Principal alias: Email address: ID: 35000003 GID: 35000003 User authentication types: idp External IdP configuration: github External IdP user identifier: Account disabled: False Password: False Member of groups: ipausers Kerberos keys available: False
Additional resources
The idp
upstream documentation
115.5. Retrieving an IdM ticket-granting ticket as an external IdP user
If you have delegated authentication for an Identity Management (IdM) user to an external identity provider (IdP), the IdM user can request a Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT) by authenticating to the external IdP.
Complete this procedure to:
- Retrieve and store an anonymous Kerberos ticket locally.
Request the TGT for the idm-user-with-external-idp user by using
with the-T
option to enable Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (FAST) channel to provide a secure connection between the Kerberos client and Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC).
- Your IdM client and IdM servers use RHEL 8.7 or later.
- Your IdM client and IdM servers use SSSD 2.7.0 or later.
- You have created a reference to an external IdP in IdM. See Using Ansible to create a reference to an external identity provider.
- You have associated an external IdP reference with the user account. See Using Ansible to enable an IdM user to authenticate via an external IdP.
- The user that you are initially logged in as has write permissions on a directory in the local filesystem.
Use Anonymous PKINIT to obtain a Kerberos ticket and store it in a file named
.$ kinit -n -c ./fast.ccache
Optional: View the retrieved ticket:
$ klist -c fast.ccache Ticket cache: FILE:fast.ccache Default principal: WELLKNOWN/ANONYMOUS@WELLKNOWN:ANONYMOUS Valid starting Expires Service principal 03/03/2024 13:36:37 03/04/2024 13:14:28 krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
Begin authenticating as the IdM user, using the
option to enable the FAST communication channel.[root@client ~]# kinit -T ./fast.ccache idm-user-with-external-idp Authenticate at and press ENTER.:
- In a browser, authenticate as the user at the website provided in the command output.
- At the command line, press the Enter key to finish the authentication process.
Display your Kerberos ticket information and confirm that the line
config: pa_type
for pre-authentication with an external IdP.[root@client ~]# klist -C Ticket cache: KCM:0:58420 Default principal: idm-user-with-external-idp@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM Valid starting Expires Service principal 05/09/22 07:48:23 05/10/22 07:03:07 krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM config: fast_avail(krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM) = yes 08/17/2022 20:22:45 08/18/2022 20:22:43 krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM config: pa_type(krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM) = 152
pa_type = 152
indicates external IdP authentication.
115.6. Logging in to an IdM client via SSH as an external IdP user
To log in to an IdM client via SSH as an external identity provider (IdP) user, begin the login process on the command linel. When prompted, perform the authentication process at the website associated with the IdP, and finish the process at the Identity Management (IdM) client.
- Your IdM client and IdM servers are using RHEL 8.7 or later.
- Your IdM client and IdM servers are using SSSD 2.7.0 or later.
- You have created a reference to an external IdP in IdM. See Using Ansible to create a reference to an external identity provider.
- You have associated an external IdP reference with the user account. See Using Ansible to enable an IdM user to authenticate via an external IdP.
Attempt to log in to the IdM client via SSH.
[user@client ~]$ ssh ( Authenticate at and press ENTER.
- In a browser, authenticate as the user at the website provided in the command output.
- At the command line, press the Enter key to finish the authentication process.
Display your Kerberos ticket information and confirm that the line
config: pa_type
for pre-authentication with an external IdP.[idm-user-with-external-idp@client ~]$ klist -C Ticket cache: KCM:0:58420 Default principal: idm-user-with-external-idp@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM Valid starting Expires Service principal 05/09/22 07:48:23 05/10/22 07:03:07 krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM config: fast_avail(krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM) = yes 08/17/2022 20:22:45 08/18/2022 20:22:43 krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM config: pa_type(krbtgt/IDM.EXAMPLE.COM@IDM.EXAMPLE.COM) = 152
115.7. The provider option in the ipaidp Ansible module
The following identity providers (IdPs) support OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant flow:
- Microsoft Identity Platform, including Azure AD
- GitHub
- Keycloak, including Red Hat Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Okta
When using the idp
module to create a reference to one of these external IdPs, you can specify the IdP type with the provider
option in your ipaidp
playbook task, which expands into additional options as described below:
provider: microsoft
Microsoft Azure IdPs allow parametrization based on the Azure tenant ID, which you can specify with the
option. If you need support for the IdP, specify the optionorganization common
provider: microsoft
expands to use the following options. The value of theorganization
option replaces the string${ipaidporg}
in the table.Option Value auth_uri: URI${ipaidporg}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
dev_auth_uri: URI${ipaidporg}/oauth2/v2.0/devicecode
token_uri: URI${ipaidporg}/oauth2/v2.0/token
userinfo_uri: URI
keys_uri: URI
scope: STR
openid email
idp_user_id: STR
provider: google
provider: google
expands to use the following options:Option Value auth_uri: URI
dev_auth_uri: URI
token_uri: URI
userinfo_uri: URI
keys_uri: URI
scope: STR
openid email
idp_user_id: STR
provider: github
provider: github
expands to use the following options:Option Value auth_uri: URI
dev_auth_uri: URI
token_uri: URI
userinfo_uri: URI
keys_uri: URI
scope: STR
idp_user_id: STR
provider: keycloak
With Keycloak, you can define multiple realms or organizations. Since it is often a part of a custom deployment, both base URL and realm ID are required, and you can specify them with the
options in youripaidp
playbook task:--- - name: Playbook to manage IPA idp hosts: ipaserver become: false tasks: - name: Ensure keycloak idp my-keycloak-idp is present using provider ipaidp: ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}" name: my-keycloak-idp provider: keycloak organization: main base_url: client_id: my-keycloak-client-id
provider: keycloak
expands to use the following options. The value you specify in thebase_url
option replaces the string${ipaidpbaseurl}
in the table, and the value you specify for theorganization `option replaces the string `${ipaidporg}
.Option Value auth_uri: URI
dev_auth_uri: URI
token_uri: URI
userinfo_uri: URI
scope: STR
openid email
idp_user_id: STR
provider: okta
After registering a new organization in Okta, a new base URL is associated with it. You can specify this base URL with the
option in theipaidp
playbook task:--- - name: Playbook to manage IPA idp hosts: ipaserver become: false tasks: - name: Ensure okta idp my-okta-idp is present using provider ipaidp: ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}" name: my-okta-idp provider: okta base_url: client_id: my-okta-client-id
provider: okta
expands to use the following options. The value you specify for thebase_url
option replaces the string${ipaidpbaseurl}
in the table.Option Value auth_uri: URI
dev_auth_uri: URI
token_uri: URI
userinfo_uri: URI
scope: STR
openid email
idp_user_id: STR
Additional resources