

8.265. yum

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Updated yum packages that fix several bugs are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
Yum is a command-line utility that allows the user to check for updates and automatically download and install updated RPM packages. Yum automatically obtains and downloads dependencies, prompting the user for permission as necessary.

Bug Fixes

Previously, when the "yum history" command was executed and the /var/lib/yum/history file was missing or empty, the yum utility terminated unexpectedly. With this update, this situation is handled gracefully, and yum no longer crashes.
If the /var/lib/yum/yumdb file was not writable for some reason, the yum utility terminated unexpectedly. With this update, this scenario is handled gracefully, and yum no longer crashes.
Previously, if the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables were set to an address and the "proxy=_none_" option was set in the repository configuration, the yum utility ignored the repository proxy option and used the proxy from the environment variables. A patch has been provided to fix this bug, and the proxy repository configuration option now always overrides the environment variables.
BZ#967121, BZ#1029359
Previously, "yum remove" and "yum grouplist" commands did not respect the "skip_if_unavailable=1" repository property, and failed when the repository was unavailable. As a consequence, the yum utility exited without completion. The underlying source codes have been fixed, the unavailable repository with the "skip_if_unavailabe=1" setting is now skipped, and "yum remove" and "yum grouplist" now work as expected.
When the "yum verify" command was executed, the yum utility reported changes to file permissions even though there were not any. A patch has been provided to fix this bug, and yum now provides only reliable reports.
When the yum command was executed on a non-C locale, yum terminated unexpectedly. This update adds support to locales, and the localized yum now runs without crashes.
Previously, if there was a broken symbolic link in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory and the "yum repolist" command was issued, the yum utility terminated unexpectedly. With this update, the unreadable repository files are skipped, and yum no longer crashes.
Prior to this update, the yum depsolver did not compare versions of virtual provides. As a consequence, when yum installed a package, the depsolver did not select the package with the highest version of virtual provides. The underlying source code has been patched, and the yum depsolver now respects versions of virtual provides as expected.
When the "yum check" command was issued on packages installed with missing pre- or post-dependencies, the yum utility reported RPM database problems, With this update, yum ignores missing pre- or post-dependencies, and "yum check" no longer reports such problems.
When environment variables $YUM0-$YUM9 were used in the yum.conf file, these variables were not substituted with their values. The underlying source code has been patched, and the variables are now correctly substituted with their values in yum.conf.
Users of yum are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix these bugs.
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