This document provides information about installing, configuring and managing Red Hat Cluster components. Red Hat Cluster components are part of Red Hat Cluster Suite and allow you to connect a group of computers (called nodes or members) to work together as a cluster. This document does not include information about installing, configuring, and managing Linux Virtual Server (LVS) software. Information about that is in a separate document.
The audience of this document should have advanced working knowledge of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and understand the concepts of clusters, storage, and server computing.
For more information about Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, refer to the following resources:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide — Provides information regarding installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Deployment Guide — Provides information regarding the deployment, configuration and administration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
For more information about Red Hat Cluster Suite for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, refer to the following resources:
- Red Hat Cluster Suite Overview — Provides a high level overview of the Red Hat Cluster Suite.
- Logical Volume Manager Administration — Provides a description of the Logical Volume Manager (LVM), including information on running LVM in a clustered environment.
- Global File System: Configuration and Administration — Provides information about installing, configuring, and maintaining Red Hat GFS (Red Hat Global File System).
- Global File System 2: Configuration and Administration — Provides information about installing, configuring, and maintaining Red Hat GFS2 (Red Hat Global File System 2).
- Using Device-Mapper Multipath — Provides information about using the Device-Mapper Multipath feature of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
- Using GNBD with Global File System — Provides an overview on using Global Network Block Device (GNBD) with Red Hat GFS.
- Linux Virtual Server Administration — Provides information on configuring high-performance systems and services with the Linux Virtual Server (LVS).
- Red Hat Cluster Suite Release Notes — Provides information about the current release of Red Hat Cluster Suite.
Red Hat Cluster Suite documentation and other Red Hat documents are available in HTML, PDF, and RPM versions on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Documentation CD and https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/.
1. Feedback
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Cluster_Administration(EN)-5 (2014-6-30T15:52)
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