
3.2. Starting luci and ricci

To administer Red Hat Clusters with Conga, install and run luci and ricci as follows:
  1. At each node to be administered by Conga, install the ricci agent. For example:
    # yum install ricci
  2. At each node to be administered by Conga, start ricci. For example:
    # service ricci start
    Starting ricci:                                            [  OK  ]
  3. Select a computer to host luci and install the luci software on that computer. For example:
    # yum install luci


    Typically, a computer in a server cage or a data center hosts luci; however, a cluster computer can host luci.
  4. At the computer running luci, initialize the luci server using the luci_admin init command. For example:
    # luci_admin init
    Initializing the Luci server
    Creating the 'admin' user
    Enter password:  <Type password and press ENTER.>
    Confirm password: <Re-type password and press ENTER.>
    Please wait...
    The admin password has been successfully set.
    Generating SSL certificates...
    Luci server has been successfully initialized
    Restart the Luci server for changes to take effect
    eg. service luci restart
  5. Start luci using service luci restart. For example:
    # service luci restart
    Shutting down luci:                                        [  OK  ]
    Starting luci: generating https SSL certificates...  done
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Please, point your web browser to https://nano-01:8084 to access luci
  6. At a Web browser, place the URL of the luci server into the URL address box and click Go (or the equivalent). The URL syntax for the luci server is https://luci_server_hostname:8084. The first time you access luci, two SSL certificate dialog boxes are displayed. Upon acknowledging the dialog boxes, your Web browser displays the luci login page.
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