Chapter 4. EAP 7.x migration
This section covers the changes in the EAP 7.x related to Messaging, WildFly Management Port, CXF consumers, and other components that are used in Fuse 7.0 .
4.1. Messaging
The messaging subsystem on EAP 7.x uses Artemis instead of HornetQ. You need to migrate custom EAP CLI scripts that reference the old EAP 6.x messaging subsystem to Artemis. See, EAP migration guide [https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.1/html-single/migration_guide/index] for details.
4.2. WildFly Management Port
The WildFly management port is changed to 9990. The old port number 9999 is no longer in use. For configurations that use the wildly-maven-plugin
in the pom files, you must remove references to port 9999 as the plugin defaults to 9990.
4.3. Component camel-restlet
The camel-restlet
component has been removed from Fuse on EAP. The camel-restlet
producers are supported, but the consumers working on the old EAP JBoss Web stack never worked. Considering that we support a number of alternative HTTP components, the camel-restlet
component was removed from Fuse 7.
You should switch to an alternate HTTP consumer component such as undertow
, http4
, netty-http4
, and so on.
4.4. Workarounds for CXF consumers
The camel-cxf
consumers are supported in Fuse 7.x. You can migrate to 'skinny' WAR deployments instead of deploying 'fat' camel WAR deployments or other workarounds for using CXF consumers in Fuse EAP 6.x.
4.5. Maven POM version updates
You need to update the Maven POMs to reference to the latest BOM & Fuse and EAP artifact versions.