Chapter 4. Planner Configuration
4.1. Overview
Solving a planning problem with Planner consists out of 5 steps:
Model your planning problem as a class that implements the interface
, for example the classNQueens
. -
Configure a
, for example a First Fit and Tabu Search solver for anyNQueens
instance. - Load a problem data set from your data layer, for example a 4 Queens instance. That is the planning problem.
Solve it with
which returns the best solution found.

4.2. Solver Configuration
4.2.1. Solver Configuration by XML
Build a Solver
instance with the SolverFactory
. Configure the SolverFactory
with a solver configuration XML file, provided as a classpath resource (as defined by ClassLoader.getResource()
SolverFactory<NQueens> solverFactory = SolverFactory.createFromXmlResource( "org/optaplanner/examples/nqueens/solver/nqueensSolverConfig.xml"); Solver<NQueens> solver = solverFactory.buildSolver();
In a typical project (following the Maven directory structure), that solverConfig XML file would be located at $PROJECT_DIR/src/main/resources/org/optaplanner/examples/nqueens/solver/nqueensSolverConfig.xml
. Alternatively, a SolverFactory
can be created from a File
, an InputStream
or a Reader
with methods such as SolverFactory.createFromXmlFile()
. However, for portability reasons, a classpath resource is recommended.
On some environments (OSGi, JBoss modules, …), classpath resources (such as the solver config, score DRL’s and domain classes) in your JARs might not be available to the default ClassLoader
of the optaplanner-core
JAR. In those cases, provide the ClassLoader
of your classes as a parameter:
SolverFactory<NQueens> solverFactory = SolverFactory.createFromXmlResource( ".../nqueensSolverConfig.xml", getClass().getClassLoader());
When using Workbench or Execution Server or to take advantage of Drools’s KieContainer
features, provide the KieContainer
as a parameter:
KieServices kieServices = KieServices.Factory.get(); KieContainer kieContainer = kieServices.newKieContainer( kieServices.newReleaseId("org.nqueens", "nqueens", "1.0.0")); SolverFactory<NQueens> solverFactory = SolverFactory.createFromKieContainerXmlResource( kieContainer, ".../nqueensSolverConfig.xml");
Both a Solver
and a SolverFactory
have a generic type called Solution_
, which is the class representing a planning problem and solution.
A solver configuration XML file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <solver> <!-- Define the model --> <solutionClass>org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.domain.NQueens</solutionClass> <entityClass>org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.domain.Queen</entityClass> <!-- Define the score function --> <scoreDirectorFactory> <scoreDefinitionType>SIMPLE</scoreDefinitionType> <scoreDrl>org/optaplanner/examples/nqueens/solver/nQueensScoreRules.drl</scoreDrl> </scoreDirectorFactory> <!-- Configure the optimization algorithms (optional) --> <termination> ... </termination> <constructionHeuristic> ... </constructionHeuristic> <localSearch> ... </localSearch> </solver>
Notice the three parts in it:
- Define the model.
- Define the score function.
- Optionally configure the optimization algorithm(s).
These various parts of a configuration are explained further in this manual.
Planner makes it relatively easy to switch optimization algorithm(s) just by changing the configuration. There is even a Benchmarker which allows you to play out different configurations against each other and report the most appropriate configuration for your use case.
4.2.2. Solver Configuration by Java API
A solver configuration can also be configured with the SolverConfig
API. This is especially useful to change some values dynamically at runtime. For example, to change the running time based on user input, before building the Solver
SolverFactory<NQueens> solverFactory = SolverFactory.createFromXmlResource( "org/optaplanner/examples/nqueens/solver/nqueensSolverConfig.xml"); TerminationConfig terminationConfig = new TerminationConfig(); terminationConfig.setMinutesSpentLimit(userInput); solverFactory.getSolverConfig().setTerminationConfig(terminationConfig); Solver<NQueens> solver = solverFactory.buildSolver();
Every element in the solver configuration XML is available as a *Config
class or a property on a *Config
class in the package namespace org.optaplanner.core.config
. These *Config
classes are the Java representation of the XML format. They build the runtime components (of the package namespace org.optaplanner.core.impl
) and assemble them into an efficient Solver
The SolverFactory
is only multi-thread safe after it’s configured. So the getSolverConfig()
method is not thread-safe. To configure a SolverFactory
dynamically for each user request, build a SolverFactory
as base during initialization and clone it with the cloneSolverFactory()
method for a user request:
private SolverFactory<NQueens> base; public void init() { base = SolverFactory.createFromXmlResource( "org/optaplanner/examples/nqueens/solver/nqueensSolverConfig.xml"); base.getSolverConfig().setTerminationConfig(new TerminationConfig()); } // Called concurrently from different threads public void userRequest(..., long userInput) SolverFactory<NQueens> solverFactory = base.cloneSolverFactory(); solverFactory.getSolverConfig().getTerminationConfig().setMinutesSpentLimit(userInput); Solver<NQueens> solver = solverFactory.buildSolver(); ... }
4.2.3. Solver Configuration in Business Central
To configure your solver, you can use the Solver Editor in Business Central. To learn about Business Central, see chapter 1.4. Business Central from Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite User Guide.
You must have the role plannermgmt
to enable the Business Resource Planner settings in Business Central.
Click New Item
Figure 4.1. Solver Configuration Editor

The solver editor creates a basic solver configuration. You can run it, together with DRL rules, planner entities, and planner solution, in the Intelligent Process Server or in plain Java code after the KJAR is deployed.
Once you define your solver in the editor, you can click Source and view it in the XML format:
<solver xStreamId="1"> <scanAnnotatedClasses xStreamId="2"/> <scoreDirectorFactory xStreamId="3"> <scoreDefinitionType>HARD_SOFT</scoreDefinitionType> </scoreDirectorFactory> <termination xStreamId="4"> <secondsSpentLimit>0</secondsSpentLimit> <minutesSpentLimit>0</minutesSpentLimit> <hoursSpentLimit>5</hoursSpentLimit> <daysSpentLimit>0</daysSpentLimit> </termination> </solver>
Use the Validate button to validate the solver configuration. This will actually build a Solver, so most issues in your project will present themselves then, without the need to deploy and run it.
By default, the solver configuration will automatically scan for all planning entities and a planning solution classes. If none are found (or too many), validation will fail.
Data Object Tab
To model planning entities and planning solutions used in Business Resource Planner, use data objects. To learn more about data objects, see chapter 4.14. Data models from Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite User Guide. To designate a data object as a planner entity or solution, see the following steps:
Figure 4.2. Data Object Tab

- Click on the label of your data object and then on the OptaPlanner tool window to set the object to be a Planning Entity or a Planning Solution.
- Click a specific data object field and then on the OptaPlanner tool window to set the relations between Business Resource Planner variables and solver.
- The OptaPlanner tool window allows you to change the planner settings based on the context, that is this window changes its content based on your selection.
4.2.4. Annotations Configuration Automatic Scanning for Annotations
Instead of the declaring the classes that have a @PlanningSolution
or @PlanningEntity
<solver> <!-- Define the model --> <solutionClass>org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.domain.NQueens</solutionClass> <entityClass>org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.domain.Queen</entityClass> ... </solver>
Planner can find scan the classpath and find them automatically:
<solver> <!-- Define the model --> <scanAnnotatedClasses/> ... </solver>
If there are multiple models in your classpath (or just to speed up scanning), specify the packages to scan:
<solver> <!-- Define the model --> <scanAnnotatedClasses> <packageInclude>org.optaplanner.examples.cloudbalancing</packageInclude> </scanAnnotatedClasses> ... </solver>
This will find all solution and entity classes in the package or subpackages.
If scanAnnotatedClasses
is not specified, the org.reflections
transitive Maven dependency can be excluded. Annotation Alternatives
Planner needs to be told which classes in your domain model are planning entities, which properties are planning variables, etc. There are several ways to deliver this information:
- Add class annotations and JavaBean property annotations on the domain model (recommended). The property annotations must be on the getter method, not on the setter method. Such a getter does not need to be public.
- Add class annotations and field annotations on the domain model. Such a field does not need to be public.
- No annotations: externalize the domain configuration in an XML file. This is not yet supported.
This manual focuses on the first manner, but every feature supports all 3 manners, even if it’s not explicitly mentioned.
4.3. Model a Planning Problem
4.3.1. Is This Class a Problem Fact or Planning Entity?
Look at a dataset of your planning problem. You will recognize domain classes in there, each of which can be categorized as one of the following:
- A unrelated class: not used by any of the score constraints. From a planning standpoint, this data is obsolete.
A problem fact class: used by the score constraints, but does NOT change during planning (as long as the problem stays the same). For example:
, … All the properties of a problem fact class are problem properties. -
A planning entity class: used by the score constraints and changes during planning. For example:
, … The properties that change during planning are planning variables. The other properties are problem properties.
Ask yourself: What class changes during planning? Which class has variables that I want the Solver to change for me? That class is a planning entity. Most use cases have only one planning entity class. Most use cases also have only one planning variable per planning entity class.
In real-time planning, even though the problem itself changes, problem facts do not really change during planning, instead they change between planning (because the Solver temporarily stops to apply the problem fact changes).
A good model can greatly improve the success of your planning implementation. Follow these guidelines to design a good model:
In a many to one relationship, it is normally the many side that is the planning entity class. The property referencing the other side is then the planning variable. For example in employee rostering: the planning entity class is
, notEmployee
, and the planning variable isShiftAssignment.getEmployee()
because oneEmployee
has multipleShiftAssignments
but oneShiftAssignment
has only oneEmployee
. A planning entity class should have at least one problem property. A planning entity class with only planning variables can normally be simplified by converting one of those planning variables into a problem property. That heavily decreases the search space size. For example in employee rostering: the
is a problem property and thegetEmployee()
is a planning variable. If both were a planning variable, solving it would be far less efficient.- A surrogate ID does not suffice as the required minimum of one problem property. It needs to be understandable by the business. A business key does suffice. This prevents an unassigned entity from being nameless (unidentifiable by the business).
- This way, there is no need to add a hard constraint to assure that two planning entities are different: they are already different due to their problem properties.
In some cases, multiple planning entities have the same problem property. In such cases, it can be useful to create an extra problem property to distinguish them. For example in employee rostering:
has besides the problem propertyShift
also the problem propertyindexInShift
The number of planning entities is recommended to be fixed during planning. When unsure of which property should be a planning variable and which should be a problem property, choose it so the number of planning entities is fixed. For example in employee rostering: if the planning entity class would have been
with a problem propertygetEmployee()
and a planning variablegetShift()
, than it is impossible to accurately predict how manyEmployeeAssignment
instances to make perEmployee
For inspiration, take a look at typical design patterns or how the examples modeled their domain:

Vehicle routing is special, because it uses a chained planning variable.
In Planner, all problems facts and planning entities are plain old JavaBeans (POJOs). Load them from a database, an XML file, a data repository, a REST service, a noSQL cloud, … (see integration): it doesn’t matter.
4.3.2. Problem Fact
A problem fact is any JavaBean (POJO) with getters that does not change during planning. Implementing the interface Serializable
is recommended (but not required). For example in n queens, the columns and rows are problem facts:
public class Column implements Serializable { private int index; // ... getters }
public class Row implements Serializable { private int index; // ... getters }
A problem fact can reference other problem facts of course:
public class Course implements Serializable { private String code; private Teacher teacher; // Other problem fact private int lectureSize; private int minWorkingDaySize; private List<Curriculum> curriculumList; // Other problem facts private int studentSize; // ... getters }
A problem fact class does not require any Planner specific code. For example, you can reuse your domain classes, which might have JPA annotations.
Generally, better designed domain classes lead to simpler and more efficient score constraints. Therefore, when dealing with a messy (denormalized) legacy system, it can sometimes be worthwhile to convert the messy domain model into a Planner specific model first. For example: if your domain model has two Teacher
instances for the same teacher that teaches at two different departments, it is harder to write a correct score constraint that constrains a teacher’s spare time on the original model than on an adjusted model.
Alternatively, you can sometimes also introduce a cached problem fact to enrich the domain model for planning only.
4.3.3. Planning Entity Planning Entity Annotation
A planning entity is a JavaBean (POJO) that changes during solving, for example a Queen
that changes to another row. A planning problem has multiple planning entities, for example for a single n queens problem, each Queen
is a planning entity. But there is usually only one planning entity class, for example the Queen
A planning entity class needs to be annotated with the @PlanningEntity
Each planning entity class has one or more planning variables. It should also have one or more defining properties. For example in n queens, a Queen
is defined by its Column
and has a planning variable Row
. This means that a Queen’s column never changes during solving, while its row does change.
@PlanningEntity public class Queen { private Column column; // Planning variables: changes during planning, between score calculations. private Row row; // ... getters and setters }
A planning entity class can have multiple planning variables. For example, a Lecture
is defined by its Course
and its index in that course (because one course has multiple lectures). Each Lecture
needs to be scheduled into a Period
and a Room
so it has two planning variables (period and room). For example: the course Mathematics has eight lectures per week, of which the first lecture is Monday morning at 08:00 in room 212.
@PlanningEntity public class Lecture { private Course course; private int lectureIndexInCourse; // Planning variables: changes during planning, between score calculations. private Period period; private Room room; // ... }
Without automated scanning, the solver configuration also needs to declare each planning entity class:
<solver> ... <entityClass>org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.domain.Queen</entityClass> ... </solver>
Some use cases have multiple planning entity classes. For example: route freight and trains into railway network arcs, where each freight can use multiple trains over its journey and each train can carry multiple freights per arc. Having multiple planning entity classes directly raises the implementation complexity of your use case.
Do not create unnecessary planning entity classes. This leads to difficult Move
implementations and slower score calculation.
For example, do not create a planning entity class to hold the total free time of a teacher, which needs to be kept up to date as the Lecture
planning entities change. Instead, calculate the free time in the score constraints (or as a shadow variable) and put the result per teacher into a logically inserted score object.
If historic data needs to be considered too, then create problem fact to hold the total of the historic assignments up to, but not including, the planning window (so that it does not change when a planning entity changes) and let the score constraints take it into account. Planning Entity Difficulty
Some optimization algorithms work more efficiently if they have an estimation of which planning entities are more difficult to plan. For example: in bin packing bigger items are harder to fit, in course scheduling lectures with more students are more difficult to schedule, and in n queens the middle queens are more difficult to fit on the board.
Therefore, you can set a difficultyComparatorClass
to the @PlanningEntity
@PlanningEntity(difficultyComparatorClass = CloudProcessDifficultyComparator.class) public class CloudProcess { // ... }
public class CloudProcessDifficultyComparator implements Comparator<CloudProcess> { public int compare(CloudProcess a, CloudProcess b) { return new CompareToBuilder() .append(a.getRequiredMultiplicand(), b.getRequiredMultiplicand()) .append(a.getId(), b.getId()) .toComparison(); } }
Alternatively, you can also set a difficultyWeightFactoryClass
to the @PlanningEntity
annotation, so that you have access to the rest of the problem facts from the Solution
@PlanningEntity(difficultyWeightFactoryClass = QueenDifficultyWeightFactory.class) public class Queen { // ... }
See sorted selection for more information.
Difficulty should be implemented ascending: easy entities are lower, difficult entities are higher. For example, in bin packing: small item < medium item < big item.
Although most algorithms start with the more difficult entities first, they just reverse the ordering.
None of the current planning variable states should be used to compare planning entity difficulty. During Construction Heuristics, those variables are likely to be null
anyway. For example, a Queen
's row
variable should not be used.
4.3.4. Planning Variable Planning Variable Annotation
A planning variable is a JavaBean property (so a getter and setter) on a planning entity. It points to a planning value, which changes during planning. For example, a Queen
's row
property is a planning variable. Note that even though a Queen
's row
property changes to another Row
during planning, no Row
instance itself is changed.
A planning variable getter needs to be annotated with the @PlanningVariable
annotation, which needs a non-empty valueRangeProviderRefs
@PlanningEntity public class Queen { ... private Row row; @PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {"rowRange"}) public Row getRow() { return row; } public void setRow(Row row) { this.row = row; } }
The valueRangeProviderRefs
property defines what are the possible planning values for this planning variable. It references one or more @ValueRangeProvider
A @PlanningVariable annotation needs to be on a member in a class with a @PlanningEntity annotation. It is ignored on parent classes or subclasses without that annotation.
Annotating the field instead of the property works too:
@PlanningEntity public class Queen { ... @PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {"rowRange"}) private Row row; } Nullable Planning Variable
By default, an initialized planning variable cannot be null
, so an initialized solution will never use null
for any of its planning variables. In an over-constrained use case, this can be counterproductive. For example: in task assignment with too many tasks for the workforce, we would rather leave low priority tasks unassigned instead of assigning them to an overloaded worker.
To allow an initialized planning variable to be null
, set nullable
to true
@PlanningVariable(..., nullable = true) public Worker getWorker() { return worker; }
Planner will automatically add the value null
to the value range. There is no need to add null
in a collection used by a ValueRangeProvider
Using a nullable planning variable implies that your score calculation is responsible for punishing (or even rewarding) variables with a null value.
Repeated planning (especially real-time planning) does not mix well with a nullable planning variable. Every time the Solver starts or a problem fact change is made, the Construction Heuristics will try to initialize all the null
variables again, which can be a huge waste of time. One way to deal with this, is to change when a planning entity should be reinitialized with an reinitializeVariableEntityFilter
@PlanningVariable(..., nullable = true, reinitializeVariableEntityFilter = ReinitializeTaskFilter.class) public Worker getWorker() { return worker; } When is a Planning Variable Considered Initialized?
A planning variable is considered initialized if its value is not null
or if the variable is nullable
. So a nullable variable is always considered initialized, even when a custom reinitializeVariableEntityFilter
triggers a reinitialization during construction heuristics.
A planning entity is initialized if all of its planning variables are initialized.
A Solution
is initialized if all of its planning entities are initialized.
4.3.5. Planning Value and Planning Value Range Planning Value
A planning value is a possible value for a planning variable. Usually, a planning value is a problem fact, but it can also be any object, for example a double
. It can even be another planning entity or even a interface implemented by both a planning entity and a problem fact.
A planning value range is the set of possible planning values for a planning variable. This set can be a countable (for example row 1
, 2
, 3
or 4
) or uncountable (for example any double
between 0.0
and 1.0
). Planning Value Range Provider Overview
The value range of a planning variable is defined with the @ValueRangeProvider
annotation. A @ValueRangeProvider
annotation always has a property ID
, which is referenced by the @PlanningVariable
property valueRangeProviderRefs
This annotation can be located on 2 types of methods:
- On the Solution: All planning entities share the same value range.
- On the planning entity: The value range differs per planning entity. This is less common.
A @ValueRangeProvider annotation needs to be on a member in a class with a @PlanningSolution or a @PlanningEntity annotation. It is ignored on parent classes or subclasses without those annotations.
The return type of that method can be 2 types:
: The value range is defined by aCollection
(usually aList
) of its possible values. -
: The value range is defined by its bounds. This is less common. ValueRangeProvider on the Solution
All instances of the same planning entity class share the same set of possible planning values for that planning variable. This is the most common way to configure a value range.
The Solution
implementation has a method that returns a Collection
(or a ValueRange
). Any value from that Collection
is a possible planning value for this planning variable.
@PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {"rowRange"}) public Row getRow() { return row; }
@PlanningSolution public class NQueens implements Solution<SimpleScore> { // ... @ValueRangeProvider(id = "rowRange") public List<Row> getRowList() { return rowList; } }
That Collection
(or ValueRange
) must not contain the value null
, not even for a nullable planning variable.
Annotating the field instead of the property works too:
@PlanningSolution public class NQueens implements Solution<SimpleScore> { ... @ValueRangeProvider(id = "rowRange") private List<Row> rowList; } ValueRangeProvider on the Planning Entity
Each planning entity has its own value range (a set of possible planning values) for the planning variable. For example, if a teacher can never teach in a room that does not belong to his department, lectures of that teacher can limit their room value range to the rooms of his department.
@PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {"departmentRoomRange"}) public Room getRoom() { return room; } @ValueRangeProvider(id = "departmentRoomRange") public List<Room> getPossibleRoomList() { return getCourse().getTeacher().getDepartment().getRoomList(); }
Never use this to enforce a soft constraint (or even a hard constraint when the problem might not have a feasible solution). For example: Unless there is no other way, a teacher can not teach in a room that does not belong to his department. In this case, the teacher should not be limited in his room value range (because sometimes there is no other way).
By limiting the value range specifically of one planning entity, you are effectively creating a built-in hard constraint. This can have the benefit of severely lowering the number of possible solutions; however, it can also take away the freedom of the optimization algorithms to temporarily break that constraint in order to escape from a local optimum.
A planning entity should not use other planning entities to determine its value range. That would only try to make the planning entity solve the planning problem itself and interfere with the optimization algorithms.
Every entity has its own List
instance, unless multiple entities have the same value range. For example, if teacher A and B belong to the same department, they use the same List<Room>
instance. Furthermore, each List
contains a subset of the same set of planning value instances. For example, if department A and B can both use room X, then their List<Room>
instances contain the same Room
A ValueRangeProvider
on the planning entity consumes more memory than ValueRangeProvider
on the Solution and disables certain automatic performance optimizations.
A ValueRangeProvider
on the planning entity is not currently compatible with a chained variable. ValueRangeFactory
Instead of a Collection
, you can also return a ValueRange
or CountableValueRange
, built by the ValueRangeFactory
@ValueRangeProvider(id = "delayRange") public CountableValueRange<Integer> getDelayRange() { return ValueRangeFactory.createIntValueRange(0, 5000); }
A ValueRange
uses far less memory, because it only holds the bounds. In the example above, a Collection
would need to hold all 5000 ints
, instead of just the two bounds.
Furthermore, an incrementUnit
can be specified, for example if you have to buy stocks in units of 200 pieces:
@ValueRangeProvider(id = "stockAmountRange") public CountableValueRange<Integer> getStockAmountRange() { // Range: 0, 200, 400, 600, ..., 9999600, 9999800, 10000000 return ValueRangeFactory.createIntValueRange(0, 10000000, 200); }
Return CountableValueRange
instead of ValueRange
whenever possible (so Planner knows that it’s countable).
The ValueRangeFactory
has creation methods for several value class types:
: A 32bit integer range. -
: A 64bit integer range. -
: A 64bit floating point range which only supports random selection (because it does not implementCountableValueRange
). -
: An arbitrary-precision integer range. -
: A decimal point range. By default, the increment unit is the lowest non-zero value in the scale of the bounds. Combine ValueRangeProviders
Value range providers can be combined, for example:
@PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {"companyCarRange", "personalCarRange"}) public Car getCar() { return car; }
@ValueRangeProvider(id = "companyCarRange") public List<CompanyCar> getCompanyCarList() { return companyCarList; } @ValueRangeProvider(id = "personalCarRange") public List<PersonalCar> getPersonalCarList() { return personalCarList; } Planning Value Strength
Some optimization algorithms work more efficiently if they have an estimation of which planning values are stronger, which means they are more likely to satisfy a planning entity. For example: in bin packing bigger containers are more likely to fit an item and in course scheduling bigger rooms are less likely to break the student capacity constraint.
Therefore, you can set a strengthComparatorClass
to the @PlanningVariable
@PlanningVariable(..., strengthComparatorClass = CloudComputerStrengthComparator.class) public CloudComputer getComputer() { // ... }
public class CloudComputerStrengthComparator implements Comparator<CloudComputer> { public int compare(CloudComputer a, CloudComputer b) { return new CompareToBuilder() .append(a.getMultiplicand(), b.getMultiplicand()) .append(b.getCost(), a.getCost()) // Descending (but this is debatable) .append(a.getId(), b.getId()) .toComparison(); } }
If you have multiple planning value classes in the same value range, the strengthComparatorClass
needs to implement a Comparator
of a common superclass (for example Comparator<Object>
) and be able to handle comparing instances of those different classes.
Alternatively, you can also set a strengthWeightFactoryClass
to the @PlanningVariable
annotation, so you have access to the rest of the problem facts from the solution too:
@PlanningVariable(..., strengthWeightFactoryClass = RowStrengthWeightFactory.class) public Row getRow() { // ... }
See sorted selection for more information.
Strength should be implemented ascending: weaker values are lower, stronger values are higher. For example in bin packing: small container < medium container < big container.
None of the current planning variable state in any of the planning entities should be used to compare planning values. During construction heuristics, those variables are likely to be null
. For example, none of the row
variables of any Queen
may be used to determine the strength of a Row
. Chained Planning Variable (TSP, VRP, …)
Some use cases, such as TSP and Vehicle Routing, require chaining. This means the planning entities point to each other and form a chain. By modeling the problem as a set of chains (instead of a set of trees/loops), the search space is heavily reduced.
A planning variable that is chained either:
- Directly points to a problem fact (or planning entity), which is called an anchor.
- Points to another planning entity with the same planning variable, which recursively points to an anchor.
Here are some example of valid and invalid chains:

Every initialized planning entity is part of an open-ended chain that begins from an anchor. A valid model means that:
- A chain is never a loop. The tail is always open.
- Every chain always has exactly one anchor. The anchor is a problem fact, never a planning entity.
- A chain is never a tree, it is always a line. Every anchor or planning entity has at most one trailing planning entity.
- Every initialized planning entity is part of a chain.
- An anchor with no planning entities pointing to it, is also considered a chain.
A planning problem instance given to the Solver
must be valid.
If your constraints dictate a closed chain, model it as an open-ended chain (which is easier to persist in a database) and implement a score constraint for the last entity back to the anchor.
The optimization algorithms and built-in Moves
do chain correction to guarantee that the model stays valid:

A custom Move
implementation must leave the model in a valid state.
For example, in TSP the anchor is a Domicile
(in vehicle routing it is Vehicle
public class Domicile ... implements Standstill { ... public City getCity() {...} }
The anchor (which is a problem fact) and the planning entity implement a common interface, for example TSP’s Standstill
public interface Standstill { City getCity(); }
That interface is the return type of the planning variable. Furthermore, the planning variable is chained. For example TSP’s Visit
(in vehicle routing it is Customer
@PlanningEntity public class Visit ... implements Standstill { ... public City getCity() {...} @PlanningVariable(graphType = PlanningVariableGraphType.CHAINED, valueRangeProviderRefs = {"domicileRange", "visitRange"}) public Standstill getPreviousStandstill() { return previousStandstill; } public void setPreviousStandstill(Standstill previousStandstill) { this.previousStandstill = previousStandstill; } }
Notice how two value range providers are usually combined:
The value range provider that holds the anchors, for example
. -
The value range provider that holds the initialized planning entities, for example
4.3.6. Shadow Variable Introduction
A shadow variable is a variable whose correct value can be deduced from the state of the genuine planning variables. Even though such a variable violates the principle of normalization by definition, in some use cases it can be very practical to use a shadow variable, especially to express the constraints more naturally. For example in vehicle routing with time windows: the arrival time at a customer for a vehicle can be calculated based on the previously visited customers of that vehicle (and the known travel times between two locations).

When the customers for a vehicle change, the arrival time for each customer is automatically adjusted. For more information, see the vehicle routing domain model.
From a score calculation perspective, a shadow variable is like any other planning variable. From an optimization perspective, Planner effectively only optimizes the genuine variables (and mostly ignores the shadow variables): it just assures that when a genuine variable changes, any dependent shadow variables are changed accordingly.
There are several built-in shadow variables: Bi-directional Variable (Inverse Relation Shadow Variable)
Two variables are bi-directional if their instances always point to each other (unless one side points to null
and the other side does not exist). So if A references B, then B references A.

For a non-chained planning variable, the bi-directional relationship must be a many to one relationship. To map a bi-directional relationship between two planning variables, annotate the master side (which is the genuine side) as a normal planning variable:
@PlanningEntity public class CloudProcess { @PlanningVariable(...) public CloudComputer getComputer() { return computer; } public void setComputer(CloudComputer computer) {...} }
And then annotate the other side (which is the shadow side) with a @InverseRelationShadowVariable
annotation on a Collection
(usually a Set
or List
) property:
@PlanningEntity public class CloudComputer { @InverseRelationShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "computer") public List<CloudProcess> getProcessList() { return processList; } }
The sourceVariableName
property is the name of the genuine planning variable on the return type of the getter (so the name of the genuine planning variable on the other side).
The shadow property, which is a Collection
, can never be null
. If no genuine variable is referencing that shadow entity, then it is an empty Collection
. Furthermore it must be a mutable Collection
because once the Solver starts initializing or changing genuine planning variables, it will add and remove to the Collections
of those shadow variables accordingly.
For a chained planning variable, the bi-directional relationship must be a one to one relationship. In that case, the genuine side looks like this:
@PlanningEntity public class Customer ... { @PlanningVariable(graphType = PlanningVariableGraphType.CHAINED, ...) public Standstill getPreviousStandstill() { return previousStandstill; } public void setPreviousStandstill(Standstill previousStandstill) {...} }
And the shadow side looks like this:
@PlanningEntity public class Standstill { @InverseRelationShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "previousStandstill") public Customer getNextCustomer() { return nextCustomer; } public void setNextCustomer(Customer nextCustomer) {...} }
The input planning problem of a Solver
must not violate bi-directional relationships. If A points to B, then B must point to A. Planner will not violate that principle during planning, but the input must not violate it. Anchor Shadow Variable
An anchor shadow variable is the anchor of a chained variable.
Annotate the anchor property as a @AnchorShadowVariable
@PlanningEntity public class Customer { @AnchorShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "previousStandstill") public Vehicle getVehicle() {...} public void setVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {...} }
The sourceVariableName
property is the name of the chained variable on the same entity class. Custom VariableListener
To update a shadow variable, Planner uses a VariableListener
. To define a custom shadow variable, write a custom VariableListener
: implement the interface and annotate it on the shadow variable that needs to change.
@PlanningVariable(...) public Standstill getPreviousStandstill() { return previousStandstill; } @CustomShadowVariable(variableListenerClass = VehicleUpdatingVariableListener.class, sources = {@CustomShadowVariable.Source(variableName = "previousStandstill")}) public Vehicle getVehicle() { return vehicle; }
The variableName
is the variable that triggers changes in the shadow variable(s).
If the class of the trigger variable is different than the shadow variable, also specify the entityClass
on @CustomShadowVariable.Source
. In that case, make sure that that entityClass
is also properly configured as a planning entity class in the solver config, or the VariableListener
will simply never trigger.
Any class that has at least one shadow variable, is a planning entity class, even it has no genuine planning variables.
For example, the VehicleUpdatingVariableListener
assures that every Customer
in a chain has the same Vehicle
, namely the chain’s anchor.
public class VehicleUpdatingVariableListener implements VariableListener<Customer> { public void afterEntityAdded(ScoreDirector scoreDirector, Customer customer) { updateVehicle(scoreDirector, customer); } public void afterVariableChanged(ScoreDirector scoreDirector, Customer customer) { updateVehicle(scoreDirector, customer); } ... protected void updateVehicle(ScoreDirector scoreDirector, Customer sourceCustomer) { Standstill previousStandstill = sourceCustomer.getPreviousStandstill(); Vehicle vehicle = previousStandstill == null ? null : previousStandstill.getVehicle(); Customer shadowCustomer = sourceCustomer; while (shadowCustomer != null && shadowCustomer.getVehicle() != vehicle) { scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(shadowCustomer, "vehicle"); shadowCustomer.setVehicle(vehicle); scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(shadowCustomer, "vehicle"); shadowCustomer = shadowCustomer.getNextCustomer(); } } }
A VariableListener
can only change shadow variables. It must never change a genuine planning variable or a problem fact.
Any change of a shadow variable must be told to the ScoreDirector
If one VariableListener
changes two shadow variables (because having two separate VariableListeners
would be inefficient), then annotate only the first shadow variable with the variableListenerClass
and let the other shadow variable(s) reference the first shadow variable:
@PlanningVariable(...) public Standstill getPreviousStandstill() { return previousStandstill; } @CustomShadowVariable(variableListenerClass = TransportTimeAndCapacityUpdatingVariableListener.class, sources = {@CustomShadowVariable.Source(variableName = "previousStandstill")}) public Integer getTransportTime() { return transportTime; } @CustomShadowVariable(variableListenerRef = @PlanningVariableReference(variableName = "transportTime")) public Integer getCapacity() { return capacity; } VariableListener triggering order
All shadow variables are triggered by a VariableListener
, regardless if it’s a built-in or a custom shadow variable. The genuine and shadow variables form a graph, that determines the order in which the afterEntityAdded()
, afterVariableChanged()
and afterEntityRemoved()
methods are called:

In the example above, D could have also been ordered after E (or F) because there is no direct or indirect dependency between D and E (or F).
Planner guarantees that:
The first
methods trigger after the last genuine variable has changed. Therefore the genuine variables (A and B in the example above) are guaranteed to be in a consistent state across all its instances (with values A1, A2 and B1 in the example above) because the entireMove
has been applied. -
The second
methods trigger after the last first shadow variable has changed. Therefore the first shadow variable (C in the example above) are guaranteed to be in consistent state across all its instances (with values C1 and C2 in the example above). And of course the genuine variables too. - And so forth.
Planner does not guarantee the order in which the after*()
methods are called for the same VariableListener
with different parameters (such as A1 and A2 in the example above), although they are likely to be in the order in which they were affected.
4.3.7. Planning Problem and Planning Solution Planning Problem Instance
A dataset for a planning problem needs to be wrapped in a class for the Solver
to solve. You must implement this class. For example in n queens, this in the NQueens
class, which contains a Column
list, a Row
list, and a Queen
A planning problem is actually an unsolved planning solution or—stated differently—an uninitialized Solution
. Therefore, that wrapping class must implement the Solution
interface. For example in n queens, that NQueens
class implements Solution
, yet every Queen
in a fresh NQueens
class is not yet assigned to a Row
(their row
property is null
). This is not a feasible solution. It’s not even a possible solution. It’s an uninitialized solution. Solution Interface
You need to present the problem as a Solution
instance to the Solver
. So your class needs to implement the Solution
public interface Solution<S extends Score> { S getScore(); void setScore(S score); Collection<? extends Object> getProblemFacts(); }
For example, an NQueens
instance holds a list of all columns, all rows and all Queen
@PlanningSolution public class NQueens implements Solution<SimpleScore> { private int n; // Problem facts private List<Column> columnList; private List<Row> rowList; // Planning entities private List<Queen> queenList; // ... }
A planning solution class also needs to be annotated with the @PlanningSolution
annotation. Without automated scanning, the solver configuration also needs to declare the planning solution class:
<solver> ... <solutionClass>org.optaplanner.examples.nqueens.domain.NQueens</solutionClass> ... </solver> Extract the entities from the Solution
Planner needs to extract the entity instances from the Solution
instance. It gets those collection(s) by calling every getter (or field) that is annotated with @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty
@PlanningSolution public class NQueens implements Solution<SimpleScore> { ... private List<Queen> queenList; @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty public List<Queen> getQueenList() { return queenList; } }
There can be multiple @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty
annotated members. Those can even return a Collection
with the same entity class type.
A @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty annotation needs to be on a member in a class with a @PlanningSolution annotation. It is ignored on parent classes or subclasses without that annotation.
In rare cases, a planning entity might be a singleton: use @PlanningEntityProperty
on its getter (or field) instead. The getScore() and setScore() Methods
A Solution
requires a score property. The score property is null
if the Solution
is uninitialized or if the score has not yet been (re)calculated. The score
property is usually typed to the specific Score
implementation you use. For example, NQueens
uses a SimpleScore
@PlanningSolution public class NQueens implements Solution<SimpleScore> { private SimpleScore score; public SimpleScore getScore() { return score; } public void setScore(SimpleScore score) { this.score = score; } // ... }
Most use cases use a HardSoftScore
@PlanningSolution public class CourseSchedule implements Solution<HardSoftScore> { private HardSoftScore score; public HardSoftScore getScore() { return score; } public void setScore(HardSoftScore score) { this.score = score; } // ... }
See the Score calculation section for more information on the Score
implementations. The getProblemFacts() Method
The method is only used if Drools is used for score calculation. Other score directors do not use it.
All objects returned by the getProblemFacts()
method will be asserted into the Drools working memory, so the score rules can access them. For example, NQueens
just returns all Column
and Row
public Collection<? extends Object> getProblemFacts() { List<Object> facts = new ArrayList<Object>(); facts.addAll(columnList); facts.addAll(rowList); // Do not add the planning entities (queenList) because that will be done automatically return facts; }
All planning entities are automatically inserted into the Drools working memory. Do not add them in the method getProblemFacts()
A common mistake is to use facts.add(…)
instead of fact.addAll(…)
for a Collection
, which leads to score rules failing to match because the elements of that Collection
are not in the Drools working memory.
The getProblemFacts()
method is not called often: at most only once per solver phase per solver thread. Cached Problem Fact
A cached problem fact is a problem fact that does not exist in the real domain model, but is calculated before the Solver
really starts solving. The getProblemFacts()
method has the chance to enrich the domain model with such cached problem facts, which can lead to simpler and faster score constraints.
For example in examination, a cached problem fact TopicConflict
is created for every two Topics
which share at least one Student
public Collection<? extends Object> getProblemFacts() { List<Object> facts = new ArrayList<Object>(); // ... facts.addAll(calculateTopicConflictList()); // ... return facts; } private List<TopicConflict> calculateTopicConflictList() { List<TopicConflict> topicConflictList = new ArrayList<TopicConflict>(); for (Topic leftTopic : topicList) { for (Topic rightTopic : topicList) { if (leftTopic.getId() < rightTopic.getId()) { int studentSize = 0; for (Student student : leftTopic.getStudentList()) { if (rightTopic.getStudentList().contains(student)) { studentSize++; } } if (studentSize > 0) { topicConflictList.add(new TopicConflict(leftTopic, rightTopic, studentSize)); } } } } return topicConflictList; }
Where a score constraint needs to check that no two exams with a topic that shares a student are scheduled close together (depending on the constraint: at the same time, in a row, or in the same day), the TopicConflict
instance can be used as a problem fact, rather than having to combine every two Student
instances. Cloning a Solution
Most (if not all) optimization algorithms clone the solution each time they encounter a new best solution (so they can recall it later) or to work with multiple solutions in parallel.
There are many ways to clone, such as a shallow clone, deep clone, … This context focuses on a planning clone.
A planning clone of a Solution
must fulfill these requirements:
- The clone must represent the same planning problem. Usually it reuses the same instances of the problem facts and problem fact collections as the original.
The clone must use different, cloned instances of the entities and entity collections. Changes to an original
entity’s variables must not affect its clone.

Implementing a planning clone method is hard, therefore you do not need to implement it. FieldAccessingSolutionCloner
This SolutionCloner
is used by default. It works well for most use cases.
When the FieldAccessingSolutionCloner
clones your entity collection, it may not recognize the implementation and replace it with ArrayList
, LinkedHashSet
or TreeSet
(whichever is more applicable). It recognizes most of the common JDK Collection
The FieldAccessingSolutionCloner
does not clone problem facts by default. If any of your problem facts needs to be deep cloned for a planning clone, for example if the problem fact references a planning entity or the planning solution, mark it with a @DeepPlanningClone
@DeepPlanningClone public class SeatDesignationDependency { private SeatDesignation leftSeatDesignation; // planning entity private SeatDesignation rightSeatDesignation; // planning entity ... }
In the example above, because SeatDesignation
is a planning entity (which is deep planning cloned automatically), SeatDesignationDependency
must also be deep planning cloned.
Alternatively, the @DeepPlanningClone
annotation can also be used on a getter method. Custom Cloning: Make Solution Implement PlanningCloneable
If your Solution
implements PlanningCloneable
, Planner will automatically choose to clone it by calling the planningClone()
public interface PlanningCloneable<T> { T planningClone(); }
For example: If NQueens
implements PlanningCloneable
, it would only deep clone all Queen
instances. When the original solution is changed during planning, by changing a Queen
, the clone stays the same.
public class NQueens implements Solution<...>, PlanningCloneable<NQueens> { ... /** * Clone will only deep copy the {@link #queenList}. */ public NQueens planningClone() { NQueens clone = new NQueens(); clone.id = id; clone.n = n; clone.columnList = columnList; clone.rowList = rowList; List<Queen> clonedQueenList = new ArrayList<Queen>(queenList.size()); for (Queen queen : queenList) { clonedQueenList.add(queen.planningClone()); } clone.queenList = clonedQueenList; clone.score = score; return clone; } }
The planningClone()
method should only deep clone the planning entities. Notice that the problem facts, such as Column
and Row
are not normally cloned: even their List
instances are not cloned. If you were to clone the problem facts too, then you would have to make sure that the new planning entity clones also refer to the new problem facts clones used by the solution. For example, if you were to clone all Row
instances, then each Queen
clone and the NQueens
clone itself should refer to those new Row
Cloning an entity with a chained variable is devious: a variable of an entity A might point to another entity B. If A is cloned, then its variable must point to the clone of B, not the original B. Create an Uninitialized Solution
Create a Solution
instance to represent your planning problem’s dataset, so it can be set on the Solver
as the planning problem to solve. For example in n queens, an NQueens
instance is created with the required Column
and Row
instances and every Queen
set to a different column
and every row
set to null
private NQueens createNQueens(int n) { NQueens nQueens = new NQueens(); nQueens.setId(0L); nQueens.setN(n); nQueens.setColumnList(createColumnList(nQueens)); nQueens.setRowList(createRowList(nQueens)); nQueens.setQueenList(createQueenList(nQueens)); return nQueens; } private List<Queen> createQueenList(NQueens nQueens) { int n = nQueens.getN(); List<Queen> queenList = new ArrayList<Queen>(n); long id = 0L; for (Column column : nQueens.getColumnList()) { Queen queen = new Queen(); queen.setId(id); id++; queen.setColumn(column); // Notice that we leave the PlanningVariable properties on null queenList.add(queen); } return queenList; }
Figure 4.3. Uninitialized Solution for the 4 Queens Puzzle

Usually, most of this data comes from your data layer, and your Solution
implementation just aggregates that data and creates the uninitialized planning entity instances to plan:
private void createLectureList(CourseSchedule schedule) { List<Course> courseList = schedule.getCourseList(); List<Lecture> lectureList = new ArrayList<Lecture>(courseList.size()); long id = 0L; for (Course course : courseList) { for (int i = 0; i < course.getLectureSize(); i++) { Lecture lecture = new Lecture(); lecture.setId(id); id++; lecture.setCourse(course); lecture.setLectureIndexInCourse(i); // Notice that we leave the PlanningVariable properties (period and room) on null lectureList.add(lecture); } } schedule.setLectureList(lectureList); }
4.4. Use the Solver
4.4.1. The Solver Interface
A Solver
implementation will solve your planning problem.
public interface Solver<S extends Solution> { S solve(S planningProblem); ... }
A Solver
can only solve one planning problem instance at a time. A Solver
should only be accessed from a single thread, except for the methods that are specifically javadocced as being thread-safe. It is built with a SolverFactory
, there is no need to implement it yourself.
4.4.2. Solving a Problem
Solving a problem is quite easy once you have:
built from a solver configuration -
that represents the planning problem instance
Just provide the planning problem as argument to the solve()
method and it will return the best solution found:
NQueens bestSolution = solver.solve(planningProblem);
For example in n queens, the solve()
method will return an NQueens
instance with every Queen
assigned to a Row
Figure 4.4. Best Solution for the 4 Queens Puzzle in 8ms (Also an Optimal Solution)

The solve(Solution)
method can take a long time (depending on the problem size and the solver configuration). The Solver
intelligently wades through the search space of possible solutions and remembers the best solution it encounters during solving. Depending on a number factors (including problem size, how much time the Solver
has, the solver configuration, …), that best solution might or might not be an optimal solution.
The Solution
instance given to the method solve(Solution)
is changed by the Solver
, but do not mistake it for the best solution.
The Solution
instance returned by the methods solve(Solution)
or getBestSolution()
is most likely a planning clone of the instance given to the method solve(Solution)
, which implies it is a different instance.
The Solution
instance given to the solve(Solution)
method does not need to be uninitialized. It can be partially or fully initialized, which is often the case in repeated planning.
4.4.3. Environment Mode: Are There Bugs in my Code?
The environment mode allows you to detect common bugs in your implementation. It does not affect the logging level.
You can set the environment mode in the solver configuration XML file:
<solver> <environmentMode>FAST_ASSERT</environmentMode> ... </solver>
A solver has a single Random
instance. Some solver configurations use the Random
instance a lot more than others. For example Simulated Annealing depends highly on random numbers, while Tabu Search only depends on it to deal with score ties. The environment mode influences the seed of that Random
These are the environment modes: FULL_ASSERT
The FULL_ASSERT mode turns on all assertions (such as assert that the incremental score calculation is uncorrupted for each move) to fail-fast on a bug in a Move implementation, a score rule, the rule engine itself, …
This mode is reproducible (see the reproducible mode). It is also intrusive because it calls the method calculateScore()
more frequently than a non-assert mode.
The FULL_ASSERT mode is horribly slow (because it does not rely on incremental score calculation). NON_INTRUSIVE_FULL_ASSERT
The NON_INTRUSIVE_FULL_ASSERT turns on several assertions to fail-fast on a bug in a Move implementation, a score rule, the rule engine itself, …
This mode is reproducible (see the reproducible mode). It is non-intrusive because it does not call the method calculateScore()
more frequently than a non assert mode.
The NON_INTRUSIVE_FULL_ASSERT mode is horribly slow (because it does not rely on incremental score calculation). FAST_ASSERT
The FAST_ASSERT mode turns on most assertions (such as assert that an undoMove’s score is the same as before the Move) to fail-fast on a bug in a Move implementation, a score rule, the rule engine itself, …
This mode is reproducible (see the reproducible mode). It is also intrusive because it calls the method calculateScore()
more frequently than a non assert mode.
The FAST_ASSERT mode is slow.
It is recommended to write a test case that does a short run of your planning problem with the FAST_ASSERT mode on. REPRODUCIBLE (default)
The reproducible mode is the default mode because it is recommended during development. In this mode, two runs in the same Planner version will execute the same code in the same order. Those two runs will have the same result at every step, except if the note below applies. This enables you to reproduce bugs consistently. It also allows you to benchmark certain refactorings (such as a score constraint performance optimization) fairly across runs.
Despite the reproducible mode, your application might still not be fully reproducible because of:
Use of
(or anotherCollection
which has an inconsistent order between JVM runs) for collections of planning entities or planning values (but not normal problem facts), especially in theSolution
implementation. Replace it withLinkedHashSet
. - Combining a time gradient dependent algorithms (most notably Simulated Annealing) together with time spent termination. A sufficiently large difference in allocated CPU time will influence the time gradient values. Replace Simulated Annealing with Late Acceptance. Or instead, replace time spent termination with step count termination.
The reproducible mode is slightly slower than the production mode. If your production environment requires reproducibility, use this mode in production too.
In practice, this mode uses the default, fixed random seed if no seed is specified, and it also disables certain concurrency optimizations (such as work stealing). PRODUCTION
The production mode is the fastest, but it is not reproducible. It is recommended for a production environment, unless reproducibility is required.
In practice, this mode uses no fixed random seed if no seed is specified.
4.4.4. Logging Level: What is the Solver Doing?
The best way to illuminate the black box that is a Solver
, is to play with the logging level:
error: Log errors, except those that are thrown to the calling code as a
.NoteIf an error happens, Planner normally fails fast: it throws a subclass of
with a detailed message to the calling code. It does not log it as an error itself to avoid duplicate log messages. Except if the calling code explicitly catches and eats thatRuntimeException
, aThread
's defaultExceptionHandler
will log it as an error anyway. Meanwhile, the code is disrupted from doing further harm or obfuscating the error.- warn: Log suspicious circumstances.
- info: Log every phase and the solver itself. See scope overview.
- debug: Log every step of every phase. See scope overview.
trace: Log every move of every step of every phase. See scope overview.
NoteTurning on
logging, will slow down performance considerably: it is often four times slower. However, it is invaluable during development to discover a bottleneck.Even debug logging can slow down performance considerably for fast stepping algorithms (such as Late Acceptance and Simulated Annealing), but not for slow stepping algorithms (such as Tabu Search).
For example, set it to debug
logging, to see when the phases end and how fast steps are taken:
INFO Solving started: time spent (3), best score (uninitialized/0), random (JDK with seed 0). DEBUG CH step (0), time spent (5), score (0), selected move count (1), picked move (Queen-2 {null -> Row-0}). DEBUG CH step (1), time spent (7), score (0), selected move count (3), picked move (Queen-1 {null -> Row-2}). DEBUG CH step (2), time spent (10), score (0), selected move count (4), picked move (Queen-3 {null -> Row-3}). DEBUG CH step (3), time spent (12), score (-1), selected move count (4), picked move (Queen-0 {null -> Row-1}). INFO Construction Heuristic phase (0) ended: step total (4), time spent (12), best score (-1). DEBUG LS step (0), time spent (19), score (-1), best score (-1), accepted/selected move count (12/12), picked move (Queen-1 {Row-2 -> Row-3}). DEBUG LS step (1), time spent (24), score (0), new best score (0), accepted/selected move count (9/12), picked move (Queen-3 {Row-3 -> Row-2}). INFO Local Search phase (1) ended: step total (2), time spent (24), best score (0). INFO Solving ended: time spent (24), best score (0), average calculate count per second (1625).
All time spent values are in milliseconds.
Everything is logged to SLF4J, which is a simple logging facade which delegates every log message to Logback, Apache Commons Logging, Log4j or java.util.logging. Add a dependency to the logging adaptor for your logging framework of choice.
If you are not using any logging framework yet, use Logback by adding this Maven dependency (there is no need to add an extra bridge dependency):
<dependency> <groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId> <artifactId>logback-classic</artifactId> <version>1.x</version> </dependency>
Configure the logging level on the org.optaplanner
package in your logback.xml
<configuration> <logger name="org.optaplanner" level="debug"/> ... <configuration>
If instead, you are still using Log4J 1.x (and you do not want to switch to its faster successor, Logback), add the bridge dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-log4j12</artifactId> <version>1.x</version> </dependency>
And configure the logging level on the package org.optaplanner
in your log4j.xml
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/"> <category name="org.optaplanner"> <priority value="debug" /> </category> ... </log4j:configuration>
In a multitenant application, multiple Solver
instances might be running at the same time. To separate their logging into distinct files, surround the solve()
call with an MDC:
MDC.put("tenant.name", tenantName); Solution bestSolution = solver.solve(planningProblem); MDC.remove("tenant.name");
Then configure your logger to use different files for each ${tenant.name}
. For example in Logback, use a SiftingAppender
in logback.xml
<appender name="fileAppender" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.sift.SiftingAppender"> <discriminator> <key>tenant.name</key> <defaultValue>unknown</defaultValue> </discriminator> <sift> <appender name="fileAppender.${tenant.name}" class="...FileAppender"> <file>local/log/optaplanner-${tenant.name}.log</file> ... </appender> </sift> </appender>
4.4.5. Random Number Generator
Many heuristics and metaheuristics depend on a pseudorandom number generator for move selection, to resolve score ties, probability based move acceptance, … During solving, the same Random
instance is reused to improve reproducibility, performance and uniform distribution of random values.
To change the random seed of that Random
instance, specify a randomSeed
<solver> <randomSeed>0</randomSeed> ... </solver>
To change the pseudorandom number generator implementation, specify a randomType
<solver> <randomType>MERSENNE_TWISTER</randomType> ... </solver>
The following types are supported:
(default): Standard implementation (java.util.Random
). -
: Implementation by Commons Math. -
: Implementation by Commons Math.
For most use cases, the randomType has no significant impact on the average quality of the best solution on multiple datasets. If you want to confirm this on your use case, use the benchmarker.