
第2章 Technology Preview

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The following configurations and features are provided as technology previews only. They are not supported for use in a production environment, and may be subject to significant future changes. See this note on the Red Hat Customer Portal on the support scope for Technology Preview features.

Modern Enterprise Web Applications with Server-side JavaScript on JVM (technical preview only for JBoss EAP 7.0)
  • JBoss EAP 7 allows you to write server-side JavaScript (using JDK 8 Nashorn capabilities) to quickly develop REST endpoints that can pull in CDI beans, perform JNDI lookups, and invoke JPA Entity Beans. The Undertow project provides this capability.
PowerShell Scripts

The PowerShell scripts are available for technical preview only and not supported. PowerShell scripts are designed to work correctly with version 2 and newer, because JBoss EAP is supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x86_64 and Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard x86_64.

  • By default, Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x86_64 uses PowerShell version 2. Newer version could be installed.
  • By default, Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard x86_64 uses PowerShell version 4. Newer version could be installed.

    The path of the PowerShell scripts is EAP_HOME/bin and you can use the scripts when you want to use modern scripting language on Windows.

Undertow provides support for the HTTP/2 standard
Undertow provides support for the HTTP/2 standard (technical preview only for JBoss EAP 7.0). HTTP/2 reduces latency by compressing headers and multiplexing streams over the same TCP connection. It also supports the ability for a server to push resources to the client before it has requested them, leading to faster page loads.
Clustered Singleton MDB
The clustered singleton MDB is a technical preview feature in JBoss EAP 7. When an MDB is identified as a clustered singleton and deployed in a cluster, it will always be active only on one node at a time. When the server node fails or is shut down, the clustered singleton MDB is activated on a different node and starts consuming messages on that node.
Datasource Templates in Management Console
The datasource templates provided for creating new datasources in the management console is a technical preview feature in JBoss EAP 7.
JCA and Datasources
JBoss EAP 7 supports a DistributedWorkManager implementation based on the JGroups project. This is a technical preview only.
Transaction Monitoring

JBoss EAP 7 supports transaction monitoring. This is a technical preview only. The following two new attributes are added to track the transactions:

  • number-of-system-rollbacks: The number of transactions that were rolled back due to an internal system error.
  • average-commit-time: The average time, in nanoseconds, to commit a transaction.

    These statistics are available only through the standard JMX client.


    A small number of stuck transactions can skew the overall average-commit-time.

Configuring Certain Subsystems in the Management Console

Configuring the following subsystems using the management console is a technical preview feature in JBoss EAP 7:

  • IO
  • Remoting
  • BeanValidation
  • Jaxrs
  • Jdr
  • Jsf
  • Jsr77
  • Naming
  • Pojo
  • RequestController
  • Sar
  • SecurityManager
  • Singleton
  • Weld
Batch processing (JSR 352) handled by JBeret

Batch processing (JSR 352) is handled by JBeret. JBeret has the following three helper annotations that may become part of the batch specification in a future release.

  • @org.jberet.cdi.JobScoped
  • @org.jberet.cdi.StepScoped
  • @org.jberet.cdi.PartitionScoped

    These annotations are in the org.jberet.core module, which is a private module. These specific annotations are considered only a technical preview. In a future release these annotations may be moved to a supported public module. As of now, using these annotations will result in a warning message being logged indicating the org.jberet.core module is a private module.

Server-Sent Events in Java (SSE)
An implementation of the Server-Sent Event Model in Java is provided for customers working with mobile and rich clients. This includes only the server implementation. This is a technical preview only.
Microsoft Azure Discovery Protocol
The JGroups AZURE_PING discovery protocol for Microsoft Azure has undergone minimal testing and is available for technical preview only in JBoss EAP 7. For more information, see JBEAP-3327 and the jgroups-azure GitHub repository.
JBoss EAP Container Image
The JBoss EAP base image for containers, registry.access.redhat.com/jboss-eap-7-tech-preview/eap70, distributed through the Red Hat Docker Registry is technology preview and is intended for development use only. It is NOT supported for use in production. For more details on the JBoss EAP container image, see Using the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Docker Image.
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