
第3章 Unsupported and Deprecated Functionality

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3.1. Unsupported Features

Support for some technologies was removed due to the high maintenance cost, low community interest, and much better alternative solutions. The following features are not supported in JBoss EAP 7.

  • JAX-RPC is no longer supported. JAX-WS offers a more accurate and complete solution.
JSR 88
  • JSR 88 had limited adoption.
JBoss Web Services
  • Bean Validation 1.1 interceptors and features
  • JASPI authentication
Messaging (ActiveMQ Artemis)
  • AMQP, Stomp, REST, MQTT, and OpenWire protocol
  • Netty over HTTP and Netty Servlet transport
  • OIO (Old Java IO) connectors/acceptors type
  • Vert.x, AeroGear, Spring and Jolokia integration
  • Dynamic queue creation
  • Chain cluster
  • Using ActiveMQ Artemis Management using JMX
  • Use database as shared JDBC store
  • Scaling Down in cluster
  • Colocated HA topology configured using http-connector/http-acceptor or using replication-colocated/shared-store-colocated
3rd JMS Broker Certification
  • Generic JMS resource adapter
Management Console
  • All flush operations for connection pools
  • Red Hat Access integration is dropped in JBoss EAP7
Resteasy 3
  • jose-jwt
  • resteasy-crypto
  • resteasy-yaml-provider
Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • CLI preferences in .jbossclirc file
  • Simplify working with complex attributes
  • CLI tab-completion for attribute name path syntax
  • Connection controller alias in jboss-cli.xml
  • RBAC-based tab completion for the CLI commands
  • Cross-site replication
  • Declarative channels, channel forks, fork protocol stacks and custom JGroups protocols in the jgroups subsystem
  • Public API for JGroups channel creation
  • Runtime management metrics for JGroups channels
  • Ability to configure thread pools per protocol stack in the jgroups subsystem
  • Ability to configure thread pools per cache container in the infinispan subsystem
  • Compensable transactions
  • REST transactions
Add user
  • Enable or disable users using add-user utility
  • Generics in Hibernate native API
  • PicketLink IDM
  • PicketLink IDM subsystem
  • STS Client Pooling feature of PicketLink Federation
  • PicketLink JEE (CDI Security)
  • Support was dropped for mod_cluster and mod_jk connectors used with Apache HTTP Server from Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPM channels.
  • Support was dropped for mod_cluster and mod_jk connectors used with Apache HTTP Server from the HP-UX Web Server Suites.
  • OpenSSL was dropped in JBoss EAP 7
  • tcnatives was dropped in JBoss EAP 7
  • WebDAV functionality is not provided in JBoss EAP 7. In JBoss EAP 7, to add the WebDAV functionality, you need to implement the servlet, which implements the WebDAV functionality.
  • JacORB features

3.2. Deprecated Features

Some features have been deprecated with the release of JBoss EAP 7. This means that no enhancements will be made to these features, and they may be removed in the future, usually the next major release.

Red Hat will continue providing full support and bug fixes under our standard support terms and conditions. For more information about the Red Hat support policy, see the Red Hat JBoss Middleware Product Update and Support Policy article located on the Red Hat Customer Portal.

For details of which features have been deprecated, see the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Component Details located on the Red Hat Customer Portal.

  • All PicketLink modules, including Federation, are deprecated in JBoss EAP 7, which means that they may be removed in future versions of JBoss EAP. JBoss EAP 7 still supports PicketLink Federation.
  • resteasy-jettison-provider is deprecated in JBoss EAP 7. For more information, see RESTEasy Jettison JSON Provider Changes in the JBoss EAP Migration Guide.
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