

Chapter 3. Configuring a Security Domain to use LDAP

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Security domains can be configured to use an LDAP server for authentication and authorization by using a login module. The basics of security domains and login modules are covered in the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Security Architecture Guide. LdapExtended is the preferred login module for integrating with LDAP servers (including Active Directory), but there are several other LDAP login modules that can be used as well. Specifically, the Ldap, AdvancedLdap, and AdvancedAdLdap can also be used to configure a security domain to use LDAP. This section uses the LdapExtended login module to illustrate how to create a security domain that uses an LDAP for authentication and authorization, but the other LDAP login modules may be used as well. For more details on the other LDAP login modules, please see the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Login Module Reference.

3.1. LdapExtended Login Module

LdapExtended (org.jboss.security.auth.spi.LdapExtLoginModule) is a login module implementation that uses searches to locate the bind user and associated roles on LDAP server. The roles query recursively follows DNs to navigate a hierarchical role structure. For the vast majority of cases when using LDAP with security domains, the LdapExtended login module should be used, especially with LDAP implementations that are not Active Directory. For a full list of configuration options for the LdapExtended login module, please see the LdapExtend login module section Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Login Module Reference.

The authentication happens as follows:

  1. An initial bind to the LDAP server is done using the bindDN and bindCredential options. The bindDN is a LDAP user with the ability to search both the baseCtxDN and rolesCtxDN trees for the user and roles. The user DN to authenticate against is queried using the filter specified by the baseFilter attribute.
  2. The resulting user DN is authenticated by binding to the LDAP server using the user DN as the InitialLdapContext environment Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL. The Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS property is set to the String password obtained by the callback handler.

3.1.1. Configuring a Security Domain to use the LdapExtended Login Module

Example Data (LDIF format)

dn: uid=jduke,ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: Java Duke
sn: duke
uid: jduke
userPassword: theduke
# =============================
dn: uid=hnelson,ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: Horatio Nelson
sn: Nelson
uid: hnelson
userPassword: secret
# =============================
dn: ou=groups,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: groups
# =============================
dn: uid=ldap,ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: LDAP
sn: Service
uid: ldap
userPassword: randall
# =============================
dn: ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Users
# =============================
dn: dc=jboss,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: domain
dc: jboss
# =============================
dn: uid=GroupTwo,ou=groups,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: uidObject
cn: GroupTwo
member: uid=jduke,ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org
uid: GroupTwo
# =============================
dn: uid=GroupThree,ou=groups,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: uidObject
cn: GroupThree
uid: GroupThree
uniqueMember: uid=GroupOne,ou=groups,dc=jboss,dc=org
# =============================
dn: uid=HTTP,ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: HTTP
sn: Service
uid: HTTP
userPassword: httppwd
# =============================
dn: uid=GroupOne,ou=groups,dc=jboss,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: uidObject
cn: GroupOne
uid: GroupOne
uniqueMember: uid=jduke,ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org
uniqueMember: uid=hnelson,ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org

CLI Commands for Adding the LdapExtended Login Module



/subsystem=security/security-domain=testLdapExtendedExample/authentication=classic/login-module=LdapExtended:add(code=LdapExtended, flag=required, module-options=[ ("java.naming.factory.initial"=>"com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"),     ("java.naming.provider.url"=>"ldap://localhost:10389"), ("java.naming.security.authentication"=>"simple"),     ("bindDN"=>"uid=ldap,ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org"), ("bindCredential"=>"randall"),     ("baseCtxDN"=>"ou=Users,dc=jboss,dc=org"), ("baseFilter"=>"(uid={0})"), ("rolesCtxDN"=>"ou=groups,dc=jboss,dc=org"),     ("roleFilter"=>"(uniqueMember={1})"), ("roleAttributeID"=>"uid")])



The management CLI commands shown assume that you are running a JBoss EAP standalone server. For more details on using the management CLI for a JBoss EAP managed domain, please see the JBoss EAP Management CLI Guide. Configuring a Security Domain to use the LdapExtended Login Module for Active Directory

For Microsoft Active Directory, the LdapExtended Login Module may be used.

The example below represents the configuration for a default Active Directory configuration. Some Active Directory configurations may require searching against the Global Catalog on port 3268 instead of the usual port 389. This is most likely when the Active Directory forest includes multiple domains.

Example Configuration for the LdapExtended Login Module for a Default AD Configuration



/subsystem=security/security-domain=AD_Default/authentication=classic/login-module=LdapExtended:add(code=LdapExtended,flag=required,module-options=[ ("java.naming.provider.url"=>"ldap://ldaphost.jboss.org"),("bindDN"=>"JBOSSsearchuser"), ("bindCredential"=>"password"), ("baseCtxDN"=>"CN=Users,DC=jboss,DC=org"), ("baseFilter"=>"(sAMAccountName={0})"), ("rolesCtxDN"=>"CN=Users,DC=jboss,DC=org"), ("roleFilter"=>"(sAMAccountName={0})"), ("roleAttributeID"=>"memberOf"), ("roleAttributeIsDN"=>"true"), ("roleNameAttributeID"=>"cn"), ("searchScope"=>"ONELEVEL_SCOPE"), ("allowEmptyPasswords"=>"false")])


The example below implements a recursive role search within Active Directory. The key difference between this example and the default Active Directory example is that the role search has been replaced to search the member attribute using the DN of the user. The login module then uses the DN of the role to find groups of which the group is a member.

Example Configuration for the LdapExtended Login Module for a Default AD Configuration with Recursive Search



/subsystem=security/security-domain=AD_Recursive/authentication=classic/login-module=LdapExtended:add(code=LdapExtended,flag=required,module-options=[("java.naming.provider.url"=>"ldap://ldaphost.jboss.org"), ("java.naming.referral"=>"follow"), ("bindDN"=>"JBOSSsearchuser"), ("bindCredential"=>"password"), ("baseCtxDN"=>"CN=Users,DC=jboss,DC=org"), ("baseFilter"=>"(sAMAccountName={0})"), ("rolesCtxDN"=>"CN=Users,DC=jboss,DC=org"), ("roleFilter"=>"(member={1})"), ("roleAttributeID"=>"cn"), ("roleAttributeIsDN"=>"false"), ("roleRecursion"=>"2"), ("searchScope"=>"ONELEVEL_SCOPE"), ("allowEmptyPasswords"=>"false")])


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