
第2章 参照資料

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本章では、Hammer の使用方法の説明を一覧で紹介します。以下の使用方法は、Hammer の複数バージョンおよび、Satellite 6.10 向けにリリースされた Hammer のコンポーネントに対して最新の説明です。

2.1. Hammer

    hammer [OPTIONS] SUBCOMMAND [ARG] ...

 SUBCOMMAND                    Subcommand
 [ARG] ...                     Subcommand arguments

 activation-key                Manipulate activation keys
 admin                         Administrative server-side tasks
 ansible                       Manage foreman ansible
 architecture                  Manipulate architectures
 arf-report                    Manipulate compliance reports
 audit                         Search audit trails.
 auth                          Foreman connection login/logout
 auth-source                   Manipulate auth sources
 bookmark                      Manage bookmarks
 bootdisk                      Download boot disks
 capsule                       Manipulate capsule
 compute-profile               Manipulate compute profiles
 compute-resource              Manipulate compute resources
 config-group                  Manipulate config groups
 config-report                 Browse and read reports
 content-credentials           Manipulate content credentials on the server
 content-export                Prepare content for export to a disconnected Katello
 content-import                Import content from an upstream archive.
 content-view                  Manipulate content views
 deb-package                   Manipulate deb packages
 defaults                      Defaults management
 discovery                     Manipulate discovered hosts.
 discovery-rule                Manipulate discovered rules.
 docker                        Manipulate docker content
 domain                        Manipulate domains
 environment                   Manipulate environments
 erratum                       Manipulate errata
 export-templates              Export templates to a git repo or a directory on the server
 fact                          Search facts
 file                          Manipulate files
 filter                        Manage permission filters
 foreign-input-set             Manage foreign input sets
 full-help                     Print help for all hammer commands
 global-parameter              Manipulate global parameters
 host                          Manipulate hosts
 host-collection               Manipulate host collections
 host-registration             Host Registration
 hostgroup                     Manipulate hostgroups
 http-proxy                    Manipulate http proxies
 import-templates              Import templates from a git repo or a directory on the server
 job-invocation                Manage job invocations
 job-template                  Manage job templates
 lifecycle-environment         Manipulate lifecycle_environments on the server
 location                      Manipulate locations
 mail-notification             Manage mail notifications
 medium                        Manipulate installation media
 model                         Manipulate hardware models
 module-stream                 View Module Streams
 organization                  Manipulate organizations
 os                            Manipulate operating system
 ostree-branch                 Manipulate ostree branches
 package                       Manipulate packages
 package-group                 Manipulate package groups
 partition-table               Manipulate partition tables
 ping                          Get the status of the server and/or it's subcomponents
 policy                        Manipulate policies
 prebuild-bash-completion      Prepare map of options and subcommands for Bash completion
 product                       Manipulate products
 proxy                         Manipulate smart proxies
 puppet-class                  Search puppet modules
 puppet-environment            Manipulate Puppet environments
 realm                         Manipulate realms
 recurring-logic               Recurring logic related actions
 remote-execution-feature      Manage remote execution features
 report                        Browse and read reports
 report-template               Manipulate report templates
 repository                    Manipulate repositories
 repository-set                Manipulate repository sets on the server
 role                          Manage user roles
 sc-param                      Manipulate smart class parameters
 scap-content                  Manipulate SCAP contents
 scap-content-profile          Manipulate Scap Content Profiles
 settings                      Change server settings
 shell                         Interactive shell
 simple-content-access         Simple content access commands
 srpm                          Manipulate source RPMs
 status                        Get the complete status of the server and/or it's subcomponents
 subnet                        Manipulate subnets
 subscription                  Manipulate subscriptions
 sync-plan                     Manipulate sync plans
 tailoring-file                Manipulate Tailoring files
 task                          Tasks related actions.
 template                      Manipulate provisioning templates
 template-input                Manage template inputs
 user                          Manipulate users
 user-group                    Manage user groups
 virt-who-config               Manage Virt Who configurations
 webhook                       Manage webhooks
 webhook-template              Manipulate webhook templates

 --[no-]use-defaults           Enable/disable stored defaults. Enabled by default
 --autocomplete LINE           Get list of possible endings
 --csv                         Output as CSV (same as --output=csv)
 --csv-separator SEPARATOR     Character to separate the values
 --fetch-ca-cert SERVER        Fetch CA certificate from server and exit
 --interactive INTERACTIVE     Explicitly turn interactive mode on/off
                               One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --no-headers                  Hide headers from output
 --output ADAPTER              Set output format
                               Possible value(s): 'base', 'table', 'silent', 'csv', 'yaml', 'json'
 --output-file OUTPUT_FILE     Path to custom output file
 --show-ids                    Show ids of associated resources
 --ssl-ca-file CA_FILE         Configure the file containing the CA certificates
 --ssl-ca-path CA_PATH         Configure the directory containing the CA certificates
 --ssl-client-cert CERT_FILE   Configure the client's public certificate
 --ssl-client-key KEY_FILE     Configure the client's private key
 --ssl-with-basic-auth         Use standard authentication in addition to client certificate authentication
 --verify-ssl VERIFY_SSL       Configure SSL verification of remote system
                               One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --version                     Show version
 -c, --config CFG_FILE         Path to custom config file
 -d, --debug                   Show debugging output
 -h, --help                    Print help
 -p, --password PASSWORD       Password to access the remote system
 -q, --quiet                   Completely silent
 -r, --reload-cache            Force reload of Apipie cache
 -s, --server SERVER           Remote system address
 -u, --username USERNAME       Username to access the remote system
 -v, --[no-]verbose            Be verbose (or not). True by default
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