4.3. Python を使用した API 要求

本セクションでは、Satellite API で Python を使用して、さまざまなタスクを実行する方法を説明します。



本セクションのスクリプト例では、REST API との対話に SSL 検証を使用しません。

4.3.1. Python を使用したオブジェクトの作成

以下のスクリプトは Red Hat Satellite 6 API と接続して、組織を作成し、その新規組織内に 3 つの環境を作成します。組織がすでに存在する場合には、このスクリプトはその組織を使用します。組織内に環境が 1 つでも存在する場合は、スクリプトによりエラーが送出されて、スクリプトは終了します。

Python 2 Example


import json
import sys

    import requests
except ImportError:
    print "Please install the python-requests module."

# URL to your Satellite 6 server
URL = "https://satellite.example.com"
# URL for the API to your deployed Satellite 6 server
SAT_API = "%s/katello/api/v2/" % URL
# Katello-specific API
KATELLO_API = "%s/katello/api/" % URL
POST_HEADERS = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
# Default credentials to login to Satellite 6
USERNAME = "admin"
PASSWORD = "changeme"
# Ignore SSL for now

# Name of the organization to be either created or used
ORG_NAME = "MyOrg"
# Name for life cycle environments to be either created or used
ENVIRONMENTS = ["Development", "Testing", "Production"]

def get_json(location):
    Performs a GET using the passed URL location

    r = requests.get(location, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD), verify=SSL_VERIFY)

    return r.json()

def post_json(location, json_data):
    Performs a POST and passes the data to the URL location

    result = requests.post(
        auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD),

    return result.json()

def main():
    Main routine that creates or re-uses an organization and
    life cycle environments. If life cycle environments already
    exist, exit out.

    # Check if our organization already exists
    org = get_json(SAT_API + "organizations/" + ORG_NAME)

    # If our organization is not found, create it
    if org.get('error', None):
        org_id = post_json(
            SAT_API + "organizations/",
            json.dumps({"name": ORG_NAME}))["id"]
        print "Creating organization: \t" + ORG_NAME
        # Our organization exists, so let's grab it
        org_id = org['id']
        print "Organization '%s' exists." % ORG_NAME

    # Now, let's fetch all available life cycle environments for this org...
    envs = get_json(
        SAT_API + "organizations/" + str(org_id) + "/environments/")

    # ... and add them to a dictionary, with respective 'Prior' environment
    prior_env_id = 0
    env_list = {}
    for env in envs['results']:
        env_list[env['id']] = env['name']
        prior_env_id = env['id'] if env['name'] == "Library" else prior_env_id

    # Exit the script if at least one life cycle environment already exists
    if all(environment in env_list.values() for environment in ENVIRONMENTS):
        print "ERROR: One of the Environments is not unique to organization"

    # Create life cycle environments
    for environment in ENVIRONMENTS:
        new_env_id = post_json(
            SAT_API + "organizations/" + str(org_id) + "/environments/",
                    "name": environment,
                    "organization_id": org_id,
                    "prior": prior_env_id}

        print "Creating environment: \t" + environment
        prior_env_id = new_env_id

if __name__ == "__main__":

4.3.2. Python を使用した API からの情報要求

以下は、さまざまな API 要求に Python を使用するスクリプト例です。

Python 2 Example

import json
import sys
    import requests
except ImportError:
    print "Please install the python-requests module."

SAT_API = 'https://satellite.example.com/api/v2/'
USERNAME = "admin"
PASSWORD = "password"
SSL_VERIFY = False   # Ignore SSL for now

def get_json(url):
    # Performs a GET using the passed URL location
    r = requests.get(url, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD), verify=SSL_VERIFY)
    return r.json()

def get_results(url):
    jsn = get_json(url)
    if jsn.get('error'):
        print "Error: " + jsn['error']['message']
        if jsn.get('results'):
            return jsn['results']
        elif 'results' not in jsn:
            return jsn
            print "No results found"
    return None

def display_all_results(url):
    results = get_results(url)
    if results:
        print json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

def display_info_for_hosts(url):
    hosts = get_results(url)
    if hosts:
        for host in hosts:
            print "ID: %-10d Name: %-30s IP: %-20s OS: %-30s" % (host['id'], host['name'], host['ip'], host['operatingsystem_name'])

def main():
    host = 'satellite.example.com'
    print "Displaying all info for host %s ..." % host
    display_all_results(SAT_API + 'hosts/' + host)

    print "Displaying all facts for host %s ..." % host
    display_all_results(SAT_API + 'hosts/%s/facts' % host)

    host_pattern = 'example'
    print "Displaying basic info for hosts matching pattern '%s'..." % host_pattern
    display_info_for_hosts(SAT_API + 'hosts?search=' + host_pattern)

    environment = 'production'
    print "Displaying basic info for hosts in environment %s..." % environment
    display_info_for_hosts(SAT_API + 'hosts?search=environment=' + environment)

    model = 'RHEV Hypervisor'
    print "Displaying basic info for hosts with model name %s..." % model
    display_info_for_hosts(SAT_API + 'hosts?search=model="' + model + '"')

if __name__ == "__main__":

Python 3 の例

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import sys

    import requests
except ImportError:
    print("Please install the python-requests module.")

SAT = "satellite.example.com"
# URL for the API to your deployed Satellite 6 server
SAT_API = f"https://{SAT}/api/"
KATELLO_API = f"https://{SAT}/katello/api/v2/"

POST_HEADERS = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
# Default credentials to login to Satellite 6
USERNAME = "admin"
PASSWORD = "password"
# Ignore SSL for now
#SSL_VERIFY = "./path/to/CA-certificate.crt" # Put the path to your CA certificate here to allow SSL_VERIFY

def get_json(url):
    # Performs a GET using the passed URL location
    r = requests.get(url, auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD), verify=SSL_VERIFY)
    return r.json()

def get_results(url):
    jsn = get_json(url)
    if jsn.get('error'):
        print("Error: " + jsn['error']['message'])
        if jsn.get('results'):
            return jsn['results']
        elif 'results' not in jsn:
            return jsn
            print("No results found")
    return None

def display_all_results(url):
    results = get_results(url)
    if results:
        print(json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

def display_info_for_hosts(url):
    hosts = get_results(url)
    if hosts:
        print(f"{'ID':10}{'Name':40}{'IP':30}{'Operating System':30}")
        for host in hosts:

def display_info_for_subs(url):
    subs = get_results(url)
    if subs:
        print(f"{'ID':10}{'Name':90}{'Start Date':30}")
        for sub in subs:

def main():
    host = SAT
    print(f"Displaying all info for host {host} ...")
    display_all_results(SAT_API + 'hosts/' + host)

    print(f"Displaying all facts for host {host} ...")
    display_all_results(SAT_API + f'hosts/{host}/facts')

    host_pattern = 'example'
    print(f"Displaying basic info for hosts matching pattern '{host_pattern}'...")
    display_info_for_hosts(SAT_API + 'hosts?per_page=1&search=name~' + host_pattern)

    print(f"Displaying basic info for subscriptions")
    display_info_for_subs(KATELLO_API + 'subscriptions')

    environment = 'production'
    print(f"Displaying basic info for hosts in environment {environment}...")
    display_info_for_hosts(SAT_API + 'hosts?search=environment=' + environment)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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