
2.37.2. hammer job-invocation create

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    hammer job-invocation create [OPTIONS]

 --async                                                 Do not wait for the task
 --bookmark BOOKMARK_NAME                                Name to search by
 --bookmark-id BOOKMARK_ID
 --concurrency-level CONCURRENCY_LEVEL                   Run at most N tasks at a time
 --cron-line CRONLINE                                    Create a recurring execution
                                                         Cron line format 'a b c d e', where:
                                                           a. is minute (range: 0-59)
                                                           b. is hour (range: 0-23)
                                                           c. is day of month (range: 1-31)
                                                           d. is month (range: 1-12)
                                                           e. is day of week (range: 0-6)
 --description-format DESCRIPTION_FORMAT                 Override the description format from the template for this invocation only
 --dynamic                                               Dynamic search queries are evaluated at run time
 --effective-user EFFECTIVE_USER                         What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms).
                                                         Defaults to a template parameter or global setting.
 --end-time DATETIME                                     Perform no more executions after this time, used with --cron-line
                                                         Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
 --execution-timeout-interval EXECUTION_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL Override the timeout interval from the template for this invocation only
 --feature FEATURE                                       Remote execution feature label that should be triggered, job template
                                                         Assigned to this feature will be used
 --input-files INPUT FILES                               Read input values from files
                                                         Comma-separated list of key=file, where file is a path to a text file to be read
 --inputs INPUTS                                         Specify inputs from command line
                                                         Comma-separated list of key=value.
                                                         JSON is acceptable and preferred way for complex parameters
 --job-template JOB_TEMPLATE_NAME                        Name to search by
 --job-template-id JOB_TEMPLATE_ID
 --location LOCATION_NAME                                Location name
 --location-id LOCATION_ID
 --location-title LOCATION_TITLE                         Location title
 --max-iteration MAX_ITERATION                           Repeat a maximum of N times
 --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME                        Organization name
 --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID                       Organization ID
 --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE                 Organization title
 --randomized-ordering RANDOMIZED_ORDERING               Execute the jobs on hosts in randomized order
                                                         One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0.
 --search-query SEARCH_QUERY
 --start-at DATETIME                                     Schedule the execution for a later time
                                                         Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
 --start-before DATETIME                                 Execution should be cancelled if it cannot be started before --start-at
                                                         Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 format
 --time-span TIME_SPAN                                   Distribute tasks over N seconds
 -h, --help                                              Print help
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