2.81.7. hammer virt-who-config update
virt-who 設定を更新します。
Usage: hammer virt-who-config update [OPTIONS] Options: --blacklist BLACKLIST Hypervisor blacklist, applicable only when filtering mode is set to 2. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be Separated by comma. --debug DEBUG Enable debugging output One of true/false, yes/no, 1/0. --exclude-host-parents EXCLUDE_HOST_PARENTS Applicable only for esx provider type. Hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option Will NOT be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions Are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Put the value Into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma. All New line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white Spaces are removed from beginning and end. --filter-host-parents FILTER_HOST_PARENTS Applicable only for esx provider type. Only hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option Will be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple Records must be separated by comma. Put the value into the double-quotes if It contains special characters like comma. All new line characters will be Removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from Beginning and end. --filtering-mode MODE Hypervisor filtering mode Possible value(s): 'none', 'whitelist', 'blacklist' --hypervisor-id HYPERVISOR_ID Specifies how the hypervisor will be identified. Possible value(s): 'hostname', 'uuid', 'hwuuid' --hypervisor-password HYPERVISOR_PASSWORD Hypervisor password, required for all hypervisor types except for libvirt --hypervisor-server HYPERVISOR_SERVER Fully qualified host name or IP address of the hypervisor --hypervisor-type HYPERVISOR_TYPE Hypervisor type Possible value(s): 'esx', 'rhevm', 'hyperv', 'xen', 'libvirt', 'kubevirt' --hypervisor-username HYPERVISOR_USERNAME Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the hypervisor. --id ID Configuration numeric identifier --interval INTERVAL Configuration interval in minutes Possible value(s): '60', '120', '240', '480', '720', '1440', '2880', '4320' --location LOCATION_NAME Location name --location-id LOCATION_ID --location-title LOCATION_TITLE Location title --name NAME Name to search by --new-name NEW_NAME Configuration name --no-proxy NO_PROXY Ignore Proxy. A comma-separated list of hostnames or domains or ip Addresses to ignore Capsule settings for. Optionally this may be set to * To bypass proxy settings for all hostnames domains or ip addresses. --organization ORGANIZATION_NAME Organization name --organization-id ORGANIZATION_ID Organization ID --organization-title ORGANIZATION_TITLE Organization title --proxy PROXY HTTP Proxy that should be used for communication between the server on Which virt-who is running and the hypervisors and virtualization managers. --satellite-url SATELLITE_URL Satellite server FQDN --whitelist WHITELIST Hypervisor whitelist, applicable only when filtering mode is set to 1. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be Separated by comma. -h, --help Print help