
3.4. Creating a Job Template:

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  1. Navigate to Hosts > Job templates.
  2. Click New Job Template.
  3. Click the Template tab, and in the Name field, enter a unique name for your job template.
  4. Select Default to make the template available for all organizations and locations.
  5. Create the template directly in the template editor or upload it from a text file by clicking Import.
  6. Optional: In the Audit Comment field, add information about the change.
  7. Click the Job tab, and in the Job category field, enter your own category or select from the default categories listed in 「Default Job Template Categories」.
  8. Optional: In the Description Format field, enter a description template. For example, Install package %{package_name}. You can also use %{template_name} and %{job_category} in your template.
  9. From the Provider Type list, select SSH for shell scripts and Ansible for Ansible tasks or playbooks.
  10. Optional: In the Timeout to kill field, enter a timeout value to terminate the job if it does not complete.
  11. Optional: Click Add Input to define an input parameter. Parameters are requested when executing the job and do not have to be defined in the template. For examples, see the Help tab.
  12. Optional: Click Foreign input set to include other templates in this job.
  13. Optional: In the Effective user area, configure a user if the command cannot use the default remote_execution_effective_user setting.
  14. Optional: If this template is a snippet to be included in other templates, click the Type tab and select Snippet.
  15. Click the Location tab and add the locations where you want to use the template.
  16. Click the Organizations tab and add the organizations where you want to use the template.
  17. Click Submit to save your changes.

You can extend and customize job templates by including other templates in the template syntax. For more information, see the appendices in the Managing Hosts guide.

For CLI Users

To create a job template using a template-definition file, enter the following command:

# hammer job-template create \
--file "path_to_template_file" \
--name "template_name" \
--provider-type SSH \
--job-category "category_name"
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