
第4章 Integrating Red Hat Satellite and Ansible Tower

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You can integrate Red Hat Satellite and Ansible Tower to use Satellite Server as a dynamic inventory source for Ansible Tower.

You can also use the provisioning callback function to run playbooks on hosts managed by Satellite, from either the host or Ansible Tower. When provisioning new hosts from Satellite Server, you can use the provisioning callback function to trigger playbook runs from Ansible Tower. The playbook configures the host following Kickstart deployment.

4.1. Adding Satellite Server to Ansible Tower as a Dynamic Inventory Item

To add Satellite Server to Ansible Tower as a dynamic inventory item, you must create a credential for a Satellite Server user on Ansible Tower, add an Ansible Tower user to the credential, and then configure an inventory source.


  • If your Satellite deployment is large, for example, managing tens of thousands of hosts, using a non-admin user can negatively impact performance because of time penalties that accrue during authorization checks. For large deployments, consider using an admin user.
  • For non-admin users, you must assign the Ansible Tower Inventory Reader role to your Satellite Server user. For more information about managing users, roles, and permission filters, see Creating and Managing Roles in Administering Red Hat Satellite.
  • You must host your Satellite Server and Ansible Tower on the same network or subnet.


To add Satellite Server to Ansible Tower as a Dynamic Inventory Item, complete the following procedure:

  1. In the Ansible Tower web UI, create a credential for your Satellite. For more information about creating credentials, see Add a New Credential and Red Hat Satellite 6 Credentials in the Ansible Tower User Guide.

    表4.1 Satellite Credentials
    Credential Type:Red Hat Satellite 6

    Satellite 6 URL:



    The username of the Satellite user with the integration role.


    The password of the Satellite user.

  2. Add an Ansible Tower user to the new credential. For more information about adding a user to a credential, see Getting Started with Credentials in the Ansible Tower User Guide.
  3. Add a new inventory. For more information, see Add a new inventory in the Ansible Tower User Guide.
  4. In the new inventory, add Satellite Server as the inventory source, specifying the following inventory source options. For more information, see Add Source in the Ansible Tower User Guide.

    表4.2 Inventory Source Options
    SourceRed Hat Satellite 6


    The credential you create for Satellite Server.



    Overwrite Variables


    Update on Launch


    Cache Timeout


  5. Ensure that you synchronize the source that you add.
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