
付録C Importing Kickstart Repositories

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Kickstart repositories are not provided by the Content ISO image. To use Kickstart repositories in your disconnected Satellite, you must download a binary DVD ISO file for the version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux that you want to use and copy the Kickstart files to Satellite.

To import Kickstart repositories for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, complete 「Importing Kickstart Repositories for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7」.

To import Kickstart repositories for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, complete 「Importing Kickstart Repositories for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8」.

C.1. Importing Kickstart Repositories for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

To import Kickstart repositories for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, complete the following steps on Satellite.


  1. Navigate to the Red Hat Customer Portal at https://access.redhat.com/ and log in.
  2. In the upper left of the window, click Downloads.
  3. To the right of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, click Versions 7 and below.
  4. From the Version list, select the required version of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, for example 7.7.
  5. In the Download Red Hat Enterprise Linux window, locate the binary DVD version of the ISO image, for example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 Binary DVD, and click Download Now.
  6. When the download completes, copy the ISO image to Satellite Server.
  7. On Satellite Server, create a mount point and temporarily mount the ISO image at that location:

    # mkdir /mnt/iso
    # mount -o loop rhel-binary-dvd.iso /mnt/iso
  8. Create Kickstart directories:

    # mkdir --parents \
  9. Copy the kickstart files from the ISO image:

    # cp -a /mnt/iso/* /var/www/html/pub/sat-import/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7.7/x86_64/kickstart/
  10. Add the following entries to the listing files:

    To the /var/www/html/pub/sat-import/content/dist/rhel/server/7/listing file, append the version number with a new line. For example, for the RHEL 7.7 ISO, append 7.7.

    To the /var/www/html/pub/sat-import/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7.7/listing file, append the architecture with a new line. For example, x86_64.

    To the /var/www/html/pub/sat-import/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7.7/x86_64/listing file, append kickstart with a new line.

  11. Copy the .treeinfo files from the ISO image:

    # cp /mnt/iso/.treeinfo \
  12. If you do not plan to use the mounted binary DVD ISO image, unmount and remove the directory:

    # umount /mnt/iso
    # rmdir /mnt/iso
  13. In the Satellite web UI, enable the Kickstart repositories.
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