
付録A Using an NFS Share for Content Storage

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Your environment requires adequate hard disk space to fulfill content storage. In some situations, it is useful to use an NFS share to store this content. This appendix shows how to mount the NFS share on your Satellite Server’s content management component.


Do not mount the full /var/lib/pulp on an NFS share. Use high-bandwidth, low-latency storage for the /var/lib/pulp file system. Red Hat Satellite has many I/O-intensive operations; therefore, high-latency, low-bandwidth storage might have issues with performance degradation. Only use the NFS share for the /var/lib/pulp/content directory.

  1. Create the NFS share. This example uses a share at nfs.example.com:/satellite/content. Ensure this share provides the appropriate permissions to Satellite Server and its apache user.
  2. Stop the satellite-maintain services on the Satellite host:

    # satellite-maintain service stop
  3. Ensure Satellite Server has the nfs-utils package installed:

    # satellite-maintain packages install nfs-utils
  4. You need to copy the existing contents of /var/lib/pulp/content to the NFS share. First, mount the NFS share to a temporary location:

    # mkdir /mnt/temp
    # mount -o rw nfs.example.com:/satellite/content /mnt/temp

    Copy the existing contents of /var/lib/pulp/content to the temporary location:

    # cp -r /var/lib/pulp/content/* /mnt/temp/.
  5. Set the permissions for all files on the share to use the apache user. This ID of this user is usually 48.
  6. Unmount the temporary storage location:

    # umount /mnt/temp
  7. Remove the existing contents of /var/lib/pulp/content:

    # rm -rf /var/lib/pulp/content/*
  8. Edit the /etc/fstab file and add the following line:

    nfs.example.com:/satellite/content    /var/lib/pulp/content   nfs    rw,hard,intr,context="system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_rw_content_t:s0"

    This makes the mount persistent across system reboots. Ensure to include the SELinux context.

  9. Enable the mount:

    # mount -a
  10. Confirm the NFS share mounts to var/lib/pulp/content:

    # df
    Filesystem                         1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
    nfs.example.com:/satellite/content 309506048 58632800 235128224  20% /var/lib/pulp/content

    Also confirm that the existing content exists at the mount on var/lib/pulp/content:

    # ls /var/lib/pulp/content
  11. Start the satellite-maintain services on the Satellite host:

    # satellite-maintain service start

Satellite Server now uses the NFS share to store content. Run a content synchronization to ensure the NFS share works as expected. For more information, see 「Content Synchronization Overview」.

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