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Chapter 369. Zip Deflate Compression DataFormat
Available as of Camel version 2.12
The Zip Data Format is a message compression and de-compression format. Messages marshalled using Zip compression can be unmarshalled using Zip decompression just prior to being consumed at the endpoint. The compression capability is quite useful when you deal with large XML and Text based payloads. It facilitates more optimal use of network bandwidth while incurring a small cost in order to compress and decompress payloads at the endpoint.
INFO:*About using with Files* The Zip data format, does not (yet) have special support for files. Which means that when using big files, the entire file content is loaded into memory. This is subject to change in the future, to allow a streaming based solution to have a low memory footprint.
369.1. Options
The Zip Deflate Compression dataformat supports 2 options which are listed below.
Name | Default | Java Type | Description |
compressionLevel |
| To specify a specific compression between 0-9. -1 is default compression, 0 is no compression, and 9 is best compression. |
contentTypeHeader |
| Whether the data format should set the Content-Type header with the type from the data format if the data format is capable of doing so. For example application/xml for data formats marshalling to XML, or application/json for data formats marshalling to JSon etc. |
369.2. Marshal
In this example we marshal a regular text/XML payload to a compressed payload employing zip compression Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION
and send it an ActiveMQ queue called MY_QUEUE.
Alternatively if you would like to use the default setting you could send it as
369.3. Unmarshal
In this example we unmarshal a zipped payload from an ActiveMQ queue called MY_QUEUE to its original format, and forward it for processing to the UnZippedMessageProcessor. Note that the compression Level employed during the marshalling should be identical to the one employed during unmarshalling to avoid errors.
from("activemq:queue:MY_QUEUE").unmarshal().zip().process(new UnZippedMessageProcessor());
369.4. Dependencies
This data format is provided in camel-core so no additional dependencies are needed.