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Chapter 7. Containerized Services

The director installs the core OpenStack Platform services as containers on the overcloud. This section provides some background information on how containerized services work.

7.1. Containerized Service Architecture

The director installs the core OpenStack Platform services as containers on the overcloud. The templates for the containerized services are located in the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/.

All nodes using containerized services must enable the OS::TripleO::Services::Podman service. When you create a roles_data.yaml file for your custom roles configuration, include the OS::TripleO::Services::Podman service with the base composable services, as the containerized services. For example, the IronicConductor role uses the following role definition:

- name: IronicConductor
  description: |
    Ironic Conductor node role
      subnet: internal_api_subnet
      subnet: storage_subnet
  HostnameFormatDefault: '%stackname%-ironic-%index%'
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Aide
    - OS::TripleO::Services::AuditD
    - OS::TripleO::Services::BootParams
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
    - OS::TripleO::Services::CertmongerUser
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Collectd
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Docker
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Fluentd
    - OS::TripleO::Services::IpaClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Ipsec
    - OS::TripleO::Services::IronicConductor
    - OS::TripleO::Services::IronicPxe
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Kernel
    - OS::TripleO::Services::LoginDefs
    - OS::TripleO::Services::MetricsQdr
    - OS::TripleO::Services::MySQLClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::ContainersLogrotateCrond
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Podman
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm
    - OS::TripleO::Services::SensuClient
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Snmp
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Timesync
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Timezone
    - OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoFirewall
    - OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoPackages
    - OS::TripleO::Services::Tuned

7.2. Containerized Service Parameters

Each containerized service template contains an outputs section that defines a data set passed to the director’s OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) service. In addition to the standard composable service parameters (see Section 6.2.5, “Examining Role Parameters”), the template contain a set of parameters specific to the container configuration.


Data to pass to Puppet when configuring the service. In the initial overcloud deployment steps, the director creates a set of containers used to configure the service before the actual containerized service runs. This parameter includes the following sub-parameters:

  • config_volume - The mounted volume that stores the configuration.
  • puppet_tags - Tags to pass to Puppet during configuration. These tags are used in OpenStack Platform to restrict the Puppet run to a particular configuration resource for a service. For example, the OpenStack Identity (keystone) containerized service uses the keystone_config tag to run the keystone_config Puppet resource on the configuration container.
  • step_config - The configuration data passed to Puppet. This is usually inherited from the referenced composable service.
  • config_image - The container image used to configure the service.
A set of container-specific data that defines configuration file locations, directory permissions, and the command to run on the container to launch the service.

Tasks to run on the service’s configuration container. All tasks are grouped into the following steps to help the director perform a staged deployment:

  • Step 1 - Load balancer configuration
  • Step 2 - Core services (Database, Redis)
  • Step 3 - Initial configuration of OpenStack Platform service
  • Step 4 - General OpenStack Platform services configuration
  • Step 5 - Service activation
Preparation tasks for the bare metal node to accommodate the containerized service.

7.3. Preparing container images

The overcloud configuration requires initial registry configuration to determine where to obtain images and how to store them. Complete the following steps to generate and customize an environment file for preparing your container images.


  1. Log in to your undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Generate the default container image preparation file:

    $ openstack tripleo container image prepare default \
      --local-push-destination \
      --output-env-file containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

    This command includes the following additional options:

    • --local-push-destination sets the registry on the undercloud as the location for container images. This means the director pulls the necessary images from the Red Hat Container Catalog and pushes them to the registry on the undercloud. The director uses this registry as the container image source. To pull directly from the Red Hat Container Catalog, omit this option.
    • --output-env-file is an environment file name. The contents of this file include the parameters for preparing your container images. In this case, the name of the file is containers-prepare-parameter.yaml.


      You can also use the same containers-prepare-parameter.yaml file to define a container image source for both the undercloud and the overcloud.

  3. Edit the containers-prepare-parameter.yaml and make the modifications to suit your requirements.

7.4. Container image preparation parameters

The default file for preparing your containers (containers-prepare-parameter.yaml) contains the ContainerImagePrepare Heat parameter. This parameter defines a list of strategies for preparing a set of images:

  - (strategy one)
  - (strategy two)
  - (strategy three)

Each strategy accepts a set of sub-parameters that define which images to use and what to do with them. The following table contains information about the sub-parameters you can use with each ContainerImagePrepare strategy:



List of image name substrings to exclude from a strategy.


List of image name substrings to include in a strategy. At least one image name must match an existing image. All excludes are ignored if includes is specified.


String to append to the tag for the destination image. For example, if you pull an image with the tag 14.0-89 and set the modify_append_tag to -hotfix, the director tags the final image as 14.0-89-hotfix.


A dictionary of image labels that filter the images to modify. If an image matches the labels defined, the director includes the image in the modification process.


String of ansible role names to run during upload but before pushing the image to the destination registry.


Dictionary of variables to pass to modify_role.


The namespace of the registry to push images during the upload process. When you specify a namespace for this parameter, all image parameters use this namespace too. If set to true, the push_destination is set to the undercloud registry namespace. It is not recommended to set this parameters to false in production environments. If this is set to false or not provided and the remote registry requires authentication, set the ContainerImageRegistryLogin parameter to true and provide the credentials with the ContainerImageRegistryCredentials parameter.


The source registry from where to pull the original container images.


A dictionary of key: value definitions that define where to obtain the initial images.


Defines the label pattern to tag the resulting images. Usually sets to {version}-{release}.

The set parameter accepts a set of key: value definitions. The following table contains information about the keys:



The name of the Ceph Storage container image.


The namespace of the Ceph Storage container image.


The tag of the Ceph Storage container image.


A prefix for each OpenStack service image.


A suffix for each OpenStack service image.


The namespace for each OpenStack service image.


The driver to use to determine which OpenStack Networking (neutron) container to use. Use a null value to set to the standard neutron-server container. Set to ovn to use OVN-based containers.


The tag that the director uses to identify the images to pull from the source registry. You usually keep this key set to latest.

The ContainerImageRegistryCredentials parameter maps a container registry to a username and password to authenticate to that registry.

If a container registry requires a username and password, you can use ContainerImageRegistryCredentials to include their values with the following syntax:

  - push_destination:
      namespace: registry.redhat.io/...
      my_username: my_password

In the example, replace my_username and my_password with your authentication credentials. Instead of using your individual user credentials, Red Hat recommends creating a registry service account and using those credentials to access registry.redhat.io content. For more information, see "Red Hat Container Registry Authentication".

The ContainerImageRegistryLogin parameter is used to control the registry login on the systems being deployed. This must be set to true if push_destination is set to false or not used.

  - set:
      namespace: registry.redhat.io/...
      my_username: my_password
  ContainerImageRegistryLogin: true

7.5. Layering image preparation entries

The value of the ContainerImagePrepare parameter is a YAML list. This means you can specify multiple entries. The following example demonstrates two entries where the director uses the latest version of all images except for the nova-api image, which uses the version tagged with 15.0-44:

- tag_from_label: "{version}-{release}"
  push_destination: true
  - nova-api
    namespace: registry.redhat.io/rhosp15-rhel8
    name_prefix: openstack-
    name_suffix: ''
    tag: latest
- push_destination: true
  - nova-api
    namespace: registry.redhat.io/rhosp15-rhel8
    tag: 15.0-44

The includes and excludes entries control image filtering for each entry. The images that match the includes strategy take precedence over excludes matches. The image name must include the includes or excludes value to be considered a match.

7.6. Modifying images during preparation

It is possible to modify images during image preparation, then immediately deploy with modified images. Scenarios for modifying images include:

  • As part of a continuous integration pipeline where images are modified with the changes being tested before deployment.
  • As part of a development workflow where local changes need to be deployed for testing and development.
  • When changes need to be deployed but are not available through an image build pipeline. For example, adding proprietry add-ons or emergency fixes.

To modify an image during preparation, invoke an Ansible role on each image that you want to modify. The role takes a source image, makes the requested changes, and tags the result. The prepare command can push the image to the destination registry and set the Heat parameters to refer to the modified image.

The Ansible role tripleo-modify-image conforms with the required role interface, and provides the behaviour necessary for the modify use-cases. Modification is controlled using modify-specific keys in the ContainerImagePrepare parameter:

  • modify_role specifies the Ansible role to invoke for each image to modify.
  • modify_append_tag appends a string to the end of the source image tag. This makes it obvious that the resulting image has been modified. Use this parameter to skip modification if the push_destination registry already contains the modified image. It is recommended to change modify_append_tag whenever you modify the image.
  • modify_vars is a dictionary of Ansible variables to pass to the role.

To select a use-case that the tripleo-modify-image role handles, set the tasks_from variable to the required file in that role.

While developing and testing the ContainerImagePrepare entries that modify images, it is recommended to run the image prepare command without any additional options to confirm the image is modified as expected:

sudo openstack tripleo container image prepare \
  -e ~/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

7.7. Updating existing packages on container images

The following example ContainerImagePrepare entry updates in all packages on the images using the undercloud host’s dnf repository configuration:

- push_destination: true
  modify_role: tripleo-modify-image
  modify_append_tag: "-updated"
    tasks_from: yum_update.yml
    compare_host_packages: true
    yum_repos_dir_path: /etc/yum.repos.d

7.8. Installing additional RPM files to container images

You can install a directory of RPM files in your container images. This is useful for installing hotfixes, local package builds, or any package not available through a package repository. For example, the following ContainerImagePrepare entry installs some hotfix packages only on the nova-compute image:

- push_destination: true
  - nova-compute
  modify_role: tripleo-modify-image
  modify_append_tag: "-hotfix"
    tasks_from: rpm_install.yml
    rpms_path: /home/stack/nova-hotfix-pkgs

7.9. Modifying container images with a custom Dockerfile

For maximum flexibility, you can specify a directory containing a Dockerfile to make the required changes. When you invoke the tripleo-modify-image role, the role generates a Dockerfile.modified file that changes the FROM directive and adds extra LABEL directives. The following example runs the custom Dockerfile on the nova-compute image:

- push_destination: true
  - nova-compute
  modify_role: tripleo-modify-image
  modify_append_tag: "-hotfix"
    tasks_from: modify_image.yml
    modify_dir_path: /home/stack/nova-custom

An example /home/stack/nova-custom/Dockerfile follows. After running any USER root directives, you must switch back to the original image default user:

FROM registry.redhat.io/rhosp15-rhel8/openstack-nova-compute:latest

USER "root"

COPY customize.sh /tmp/
RUN /tmp/customize.sh

USER "nova"
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