3.3. 릴리스 노트
본 섹션에서는 Red Hat OpenStack Platform에 대한 권장 사항 및 중요한 변경 사항을 포함하여 이번 릴리스 관련 중요한 세부 사항에 대해 간단히 설명합니다. 최상의 배포 결과를 얻으려면 이 정보를 반드시 숙지하셔야 합니다.
- BZ#1244555
When the Block Storage service creates volumes from images, it downloads images from the Image service into an image conversion directory. This directory is defined by the 'image_conversion_dir' option in /etc/cinder/cinder.conf (under the [DEFAULT] section). By default, 'image_conversion_dir' is set to /var/lib/cinder/conversion. If the image conversion directory runs out of space (typically, if multiple volumes are created from large images simultaneously), any attempts to create volumes from images will fail. Further, any attempts to launch instances which would require the creation of volumes from images will fail as well. These failures will continue until the image conversion directory has enough free space. As such, you should ensure that the image conversion directory has enough space for the typical number of volumes that users simultaneously create from images. If you need to define a non-default image conversion directory, run: # openstack-config --set /etc/cinder/cinder.conf DEFAULT image_conversion_dir <NEWDIR> Replace <NEWDIR> with the new directory. Afterwards, restart the Block Storage service to apply the new setting: # openstack-service restart cinder
- BZ#1266050
The Open vSwitch (openvswitch) package is now re-based to upstream version 2.4.0.
- BZ#1300735
With this release, the 'Metering' panel in Dashboard (horizon) has been disabled due to performance issues.