3.5. 지원되지 않는 기능

이 섹션의 항목은 더 이상 지원되지 않거나 향후 릴리스에서 더 이상 지원되지 않습니다.
With Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 (Liberty), Red Hat develops a tighter integration with Ceph as an end-to-end storage solution. All future support efforts will be directed accordingly.

Presently, Red Hat Ceph Storage is fully supported as a back end for both Block Storage and Object Storage services. In the coming major releases, Ceph will be fully supported as a back end for ALL storage-consuming OpenStack components. This will provide a unified storage solution for users who wish to use commodity storage hardware.

In line with this, Red Hat Gluster Storage is deprecated as of this release, and all Gluster-related drivers will be removed in a future release. If you wish to continue using commodity storage hardware for future updates, you should migrate all Gluster-backed services accordingly.

Further, the usage of Red Hat Gluster Storage with the File Share Service (Manila) will not be supported in this or any future release. The respective Gluster drivers for this will also be removed.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform will continue to support the use of GlusterFS volumes as a back end for the Image service (SwiftOnFile).
With this release, support for PowerDNS (pdns) has been removed due to a known security issue with PolarSSL/mbedtls. 

Designate can now be used with BIND9 as a backend.
This update removes the Tuskar API service from Red Hat OpenStack Platform director 8. Tuskar was installed and configured on the Undercloud, including an endpoint existing in the Keystone service catalog. The RPM is no longer installed, the service is not configured, and the endpoint is not created in the service catalog.
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