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Chapter 6. Red Hat Quay API examples

The remainder of this chapter provides Red Hat Quay API examples for the features in which they are available.

6.1. Managing a user application by using the API

Red Hat Quay users can create, list information about, and delete a user application that can be used as an alternative to using your password for Docker, Podman, or other service providers. User application tokens work like your username and password, but are encrypted and do not provide any information to third parties regarding who is accessing Red Hat Quay.


After creation via the CLI, the user application token is listed under User Settings of the Red Hat Quay UI. Note that this differs from an application token that is created under user settings, and should be considered a different application entirely.

Use the following procedure to create a user application token.


  • You have created an OAuth 2 access token.


  • Create a user application by entering the POST /api/v1/user/apptoken API call:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "title": "MyAppToken"
      }' \

    Example output

    {"token": {"uuid": "6b5aa827-cee5-4fbe-a434-4b7b8a245ca7", "title": "MyAppToken", "last_accessed": null, "created": "Wed, 08 Jan 2025 19:32:48 -0000", "expiration": null, "token_code": "K2YQB1YO0ABYV5OBUYOMF9MCUABN12Y608Q9RHFXBI8K7IE8TYCI4WEEXSVH1AXWKZCKGUVA57PSA8N48PWED9F27PXATFUVUD9QDNCE9GOT9Q8ACYPIN0HL"}}

  • You can obtain information about your application, including when the application expires, by using the GET /api/v1/user/apptoken command. For example:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
    {"tokens": [{"uuid": "6b5aa827-cee5-4fbe-a434-4b7b8a245ca7", "title": "MyAppToken", "last_accessed": null, "created": "Wed, 08 Jan 2025 19:32:48 -0000", "expiration": null}], "only_expiring": null}
  • You can obtain information about a specific user application by entering the GET /api/v1/user/apptoken/{token_uuid} command:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    Example output

    {"token": {"uuid": "6b5aa827-cee5-4fbe-a434-4b7b8a245ca7", "title": "MyAppToken", "last_accessed": null, "created": "Wed, 08 Jan 2025 19:32:48 -0000", "expiration": null, "token_code": "K2YQB1YO0ABYV5OBUYOMF9MCUABN12Y608Q9RHFXBI8K7IE8TYCI4WEEXSVH1AXWKZCKGUVA57PSA8N48PWED9F27PXATFUVUD9QDNCE9GOT9Q8ACYPIN0HL"}}

  • You can delete or revoke a user application token by using the DELETE /api/v1/user/apptoken/{token_uuid} endpoint:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    This command does not return output in the CLI. You can return a list of tokens by entering one of the aforementioned commands.

6.2. Discovering Red Hat Quay API endpoints

Red Hat Quay API endpoints are discoverable by using the API.

Use the following procedure to discover available API endpoints.


  • You have created an OAuth 2 access token.


  • Enter the following GET /api/v1/discovery command to list all of the API endpoints available in the swagger API format:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/discovery?query=true" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    : "Manage the tags of a repository."}, {"name": "team", "description": "Create, list and manage an organization's teams."}, {"name": "trigger", "description": "Create, list and manage build triggers."}, {"name": "user", "description": "Manage the current user."}, {"name": "userfiles", "description": ""}]}

6.3. Obtaining Red Hat Quay API error details

Red Hat Quay API error details are discoverable by using the API.

Use the following procedure to discover error details.


  • You have created an OAuth 2 access token.


  • You can obtain error details of the API by entering the GET /api/v1/error/{error_type} endpoint. Note that you must include one of the following error codes:

    HTTP CodeDescriptionSchema


    Successful invocation



    Bad Request



    Session required



    Unauthorized access



    Not found


    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/error/<error_type>" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    curl: (7) Failed to connect to quay-server.example.com port 443 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server

6.4. Global messages

Global messages can be created, obtained, or deleted by using the Red Hat Quay API. Use the following procedure to create, obtain, or delete a global message.


  • You have created an OAuth 2 access token.


  1. Create a message by using the POST /api/v1/message endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/messages" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "message": {
                "content": "Hi",
                "media_type": "text/plain",
                "severity": "info"

    This command does not return output.

  2. Use the GET /api/v1/messages command to return the list of global messages:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/messages" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"messages": [{"uuid": "ecababd4-3451-4458-b5db-801684137444", "content": "Hi", "severity": "info", "media_type": "text/plain"}]}

  3. Delete the global message by using the DELETE /api/v1/message/{uuid} endpoint:

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/message/<uuid>" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    This command does not return output.

6.5. Viewing usage logs by using the API

Logs can be viewed by Organization or repository by using the API. They can also be aggregated (grouped), or listed with more detailed. Logs can also be viewed by user, a specific date range, or by page.

6.5.1. Viewing aggregated logs

Aggregated logs can be viewed by Organization, repository, a specific user, or the current user. You can also pass in optional commands like performer, starttime/endtime, and next_page to filter results.



  1. Use the GET /api/v1/user/aggregatelogs API endpoint to return the aggregated (or grouped) logs for the current user:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \

    Example output

    {"aggregated": [{"kind": "create_tag", "count": 1, "datetime": "Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0000"}, {"kind": "manifest_label_add", "count": 1, "datetime": "Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0000"}, {"kind": "push_repo", "count": 2, "datetime": "Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0000"}, {"kind": "revert_tag", "count": 1, "datetime": "Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0000"}]}

    You can also pass in the performer and starttime/endtime queries to obtain aggregated logs for a specific user between a specific time period. For example:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
  2. Aggregated logs can also be viewed by Organization by using the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/aggregatelogs. For example:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
  3. Aggregated logs can also be viewed by repository by using the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/aggregatelogs command. The following example includes the starttime/endtime fields:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \

6.5.2. Viewing detailed logs

Detailed logs can be viewed by Organization, repository, a specific user, or the current user. You can also pass in optional fields like performer, starttime/endtime, and next_page to filter results.


  1. Use the GET /api/v1/user/logs API endpoint to return a list of log entries for a user. For example:

    $ curl -X GET   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"   -H "Accept: application/json"   "<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/logs"

    You can also pass in the performer and startime/endtime queries to obtain logs for a specific user between a specific time period. For example:

    $ curl -X GET   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"   -H "Accept: application/json"   "http://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/user/logs?performer=quayuser&starttime=01/01/2024&endtime=06/18/2024"

    Example output

    {"start_time": "Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0000", "end_time": "Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0000", "logs": [{"kind": "revert_tag", "metadata": {"username": "quayuser", "repo": "busybox", "tag": "test-two", "manifest_digest": "sha256:57583a1b9c0a7509d3417387b4f43acf80d08cdcf5266ac87987be3f8f919d5d"}, "ip": "", "datetime": "Tue, 18 Jun 2024 18:59:13 -0000", "performer": {"kind": "user", "name": "quayuser", "is_robot": false, "avatar": {"name": "quayuser", "hash": "b28d563a6dc76b4431fc7b0524bbff6b810387dac86d9303874871839859c7cc", "color": "#17becf", "kind": "user"}}}, {"kind": "push_repo", "metadata": {"repo": "busybox", "namespace": "quayuser", "user-agent": "containers/5.30.1 (github.com/containers/image)", "tag": "test-two", "username": "quayuser", }

  2. Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/logs endpoint to return logs for a specified organization:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
  3. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/logs endpoint to return logs for a specified repository:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \

6.6. Exporting logs by using the API

Detailed logs can be exported to a callback URL or to an email address.



  1. Use the POST /api/v1/user/exportlogs endpoint to export logs for the current user:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "starttime": "<MM/DD/YYYY>",
            "endtime": "<MM/DD/YYYY>",
            "callback_email": "your.email@example.com"
          }' \

    Example output

    {"export_id": "6a0b9ea9-444c-4a19-9db8-113201c38cd4"}

  2. Use the POST /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/exportlogs endpoint to export logs for an Organization:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "starttime": "<MM/DD/YYYY>",
            "endtime": "<MM/DD/YYYY>",
            "callback_email": "org.logs@example.com"
          }' \
  3. Use the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/exportlogs endpoint to export logs for a repository:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "starttime": "2024-01-01",
            "endtime": "2024-06-18",
            "callback_url": "http://your-callback-url.example.com"
          }' \

6.7. Adding and managing labels by using the API

Red Hat Quay administrators can add and manage labels for tags with the API by using the following procedure.



  1. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/manifest/{manifestref} command to retrieve the details of a specific manifest in a repository:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \
  2. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/manifest/{manifestref}/labels command to retrieve a list of labels for a specific manifest:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \

    Example output

    {"labels": [{"id": "e9f717d2-c1dd-4626-802d-733a029d17ad", "key": "org.opencontainers.image.url", "value": "https://github.com/docker-library/busybox", "source_type": "manifest", "media_type": "text/plain"}, {"id": "2d34ec64-4051-43ad-ae06-d5f81003576a", "key": "org.opencontainers.image.version", "value": "1.36.1-glibc", "source_type": "manifest", "media_type": "text/plain"}]}

  3. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/manifest/{manifestref}/labels/{labelid} command to obtain information about a specific manifest:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \

    Example output

    {"id": "e9f717d2-c1dd-4626-802d-733a029d17ad", "key": "org.opencontainers.image.url", "value": "https://github.com/docker-library/busybox", "source_type": "manifest", "media_type": "text/plain"}

  4. You can add an additional label to a manifest in a given repository with the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/manifest/{manifestref}/labels command. For example:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --data '{
        "key": "<key>",
        "value": "<value>",
        "media_type": "<media_type>"
      }' \

    Example output

    {"label": {"id": "346593fd-18c8-49db-854f-4cb1fb76ff9c", "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value", "source_type": "api", "media_type": "text/plain"}}

  5. You can delete a label using the DELETE /api/v1/repository/{repository}/manifest/{manifestref}/labels/{labelid} command:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    This command does not return output in the CLI. You can use one of the commands above to ensure that it was successfully removed.

6.8. Using the API to mirror a repository

Red Hat Quay administrators can mirror external repositories by using the API.


  • You have set FEATURE_REPO_MIRROR: true in your config.yaml file.


  • Create a new repository mirror configuration by using the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/mirror endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo>/mirror" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "is_enabled": <is_enabled>,
            "external_reference": "<external_reference>",
            "external_registry_username": "<external_registry_username>",
            "external_registry_password": "<external_registry_password>",
            "sync_start_date": "<sync_start_date>",
            "sync_interval": <sync_interval>,
            "robot_username": "<robot_username>",
            "root_rule": {
                "rule": "<rule>",
                "rule_type": "<rule_type>"
  • You can return information about the mirror configuration by using the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/mirror endpoint:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo>/mirror" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"is_enabled": true, "mirror_type": "PULL", "external_reference": "https://quay.io/repository/argoproj/argocd", "external_registry_username": null, "external_registry_config": {}, "sync_interval": 86400, "sync_start_date": "2025-01-15T12:00:00Z", "sync_expiration_date": null, "sync_retries_remaining": 3, "sync_status": "NEVER_RUN", "root_rule": {"rule_kind": "tag_glob_csv", "rule_value": ["*.latest*"]}, "robot_username": "quayadmin+mirror_robot"}

  • You can use the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/mirror/sync-now endpoint to sync the repositories. For example:

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo>/mirror/sync-now" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

  • Alternatively, you can cancel the sync with the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/mirror/sync-cancel endpoint.For example:

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo>/mirror/sync-cancel" \

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

  • After creating a mirror configuration, you can make changes with the PUT /api/v1/repository/{repository}/mirror command. For example, you might choose to disable automatic synchronizations:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo>/mirror" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{
            "is_enabled": <false>, 1
            "external_reference": "<external_reference>",
            "external_registry_username": "<external_registry_username>",
            "external_registry_password": "<external_registry_password>",
            "sync_start_date": "<sync_start_date>",
            "sync_interval": <sync_interval>,
            "robot_username": "<robot_username>",
            "root_rule": {
                "rule": "<rule>",
                "rule_type": "<rule_type>"
    Disables automatic synchronization.

6.9. Establishing quota with the Red Hat Quay API

You can establish quota for an organization or users, and tailor quota policies to suit the needs of your registry.

The following sections show you how to establish quota for an organization, a user, and then how to modify those settings.

6.9.1. Managing organization quota with the Red Hat Quay API

When an organization is first created, it does not have an established quota. You can use the API to check, create, change, or delete quota limitations for an organization.


  • You have generated an OAuth access token.


  1. To set a quota for an organization, you can use the POST /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/quota" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d '{
             "limit_bytes": 10737418240,
             "limits": "10 Gi"

    Example output


  2. Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota command to return information about the policy, including the ID number, which is required for other organization quota endpoints. For example:

    $ curl -k -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  https://example-registry-quay-quay-enterprise.apps.docs.gcp.quaydev.org/api/v1/organization/testorg/quota  | jq

    Example output

    [{"id": 1, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limit": "10.0 GiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [], "default_config_exists": false}]

    After you obtain the ID number, you can use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota/{quota_id} command to list the quota policy. For example:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/quota/<quota_id>" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"id": 1, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limit": "10.0 GiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [], "default_config_exists": false}

  3. You can use the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota/{quota_id} command to modify the existing quota limitation. Note that this requires the policy ID. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/quota/<quota_id>" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d '{
             "limit_bytes": <limit_in_bytes>

    Example output

    {"id": 1, "limit_bytes": 21474836480, "limit": "20.0 GiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [], "default_config_exists": false}

  4. An organization’s quota can be deleted with the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota/{quota_id} command. For example:

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/quota/<quota_id>" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    This command does not return output.

6.9.2. Setting quota limits for an organization with the Red Hat Quay API

You can set specific quota limits for an organization so that, when exceeded, a warning is returned, or the pushed image is denied altogether.


  1. Use the POST /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota/{quota_id}/limit command to create a quota policy that rejects images if they exceeded the allotted quota. For example:

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/quota/<quota_id>/limit" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d '{
               "limit_bytes": 21474836480,
               "type": "Reject", 1
               "threshold_percent": 90 2
    One of Reject or Warning.
    Quota threshold, in percent of quota.

    Example output


  2. Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota/{quota_id}/limit to obtain the ID of the quota limit. For example:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/quota/<quota_id>/limit" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    [{"id": 2, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 90}]

  1. Update the policy with the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota/{quota_id}/limit/{limit_id} endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/quota/<quota_id>/limit/<limit_id>" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d '{
               "type": "<type>",
               "threshold_percent": <threshold_percent>

    Example output

    {"id": 3, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limit": "10.0 GiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [{"id": 2, "type": "Warning", "limit_percent": 80}], "default_config_exists": false}

  2. You can delete the quota limit with the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/quota/{quota_id}/limit/{limit_id} endpoint:

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/quota/<quota_id>/limit/<limit_id>" \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    This command does not return output.

6.9.3. Obtaining quota limits for the user with the Red Hat Quay API

You can specify quota and limitations for users so that, when exceeded, a warning is returned, or the pushed image is denied altogether. Quota limits for users must be set on the Red Hat Quay UI. The following APIs can be used to view the quota limits for the user that is logged in.


  1. Use the GET /api/v1/user/quota command to return information about the quota limitations:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/quota" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    [{"id": 4, "limit_bytes": 2199023255552, "limit": "2.0 TiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [], "default_config_exists": false}]

  2. After you have received the quota ID, you can pass it in with the GET /api/v1/user/quota/{quota_id} endpoint to return information about the limitation:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/quota/{quota_id}" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"id": 4, "limit_bytes": 2199023255552, "limit": "2.0 TiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [], "default_config_exists": false}

  3. The limitations can be viewed by using the GET /api/v1/user/quota/{quota_id}/limit endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/quota/{quota_id}/limit" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    [{"id": 3, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 100}]

  4. Additional information about the entire policy can be returned using the GET /api/v1/user/quota/{quota_id}/limit/{limit_id} endpoint:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/quota/{quota_id}/limit/{limit_id}" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"id": 4, "limit_bytes": 2199023255552, "limit": "2.0 TiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [{"id": 3, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 100}], "default_config_exists": false}

6.10. Establishing quota with the Red Hat Quay API

Organizations can be created and managed through API endpoints. With the Red Hat Quay API, you can create organizations, view organization information, create proxy caches for an organization, edit users with access to the organization, change organization details, delete organizations, and more.

6.10.1. Creating an organization by using the Red Hat Quay API

Use the following procedure to create a new organization using the Red Hat Quay API.



  1. Enter the following command to create a new organization using the POST /api/v1/organization/ endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -d '{
        "name": "<new_organization_name>"
      }'   "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/"

    Example output

  2. After creation, organization details can be changed, such as adding an email address, with the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname} command. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "email": "<org_email>",
            "invoice_email": <true/false>,
            "invoice_email_address": "<billing_email>"

    Example output

    {"name": "test", "email": "new-contact@test-org.com", "avatar": {"name": "test", "hash": "a15d479002b20f211568fd4419e76686d2b88a4980a5b4c4bc10420776c5f6fe", "color": "#aec7e8", "kind": "user"}, "is_admin": true, "is_member": true, "teams": {"owners": {"name": "owners", "description": "", "role": "admin", "avatar": {"name": "owners", "hash": "6f0e3a8c0eb46e8834b43b03374ece43a030621d92a7437beb48f871e90f8d90", "color": "#c7c7c7", "kind": "team"}, "can_view": true, "repo_count": 0, "member_count": 1, "is_synced": false}}, "ordered_teams": ["owners"], "invoice_email": true, "invoice_email_address": "billing@test-org.com", "tag_expiration_s": 1209600, "is_free_account": true, "quotas": [{"id": 2, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limits": [{"id": 1, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 90}]}], "quota_report": {"quota_bytes": 0, "configured_quota": 10737418240, "running_backfill": "complete", "backfill_status": "complete"}}

6.10.2. Deleting an organization by using the Red Hat Quay API

Use the following procedure to delete an organization using the Red Hat Quay API.



  1. Enter the following command to delete an organization using the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname} endpoint:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
  2. The CLI does not return information when deleting an organization from the CLI. To confirm deletion, you can check the Red Hat Quay UI, or you can enter the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname} command to see if details are returned for the deleted organization:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"detail": "Not Found", "error_message": "Not Found", "error_type": "not_found", "title": "not_found", "type": "http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/error/not_found", "status": 404}

6.10.3. Retrieving organization member information by using the API

Information about organization members can be retrieved by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/members to return a list of organization members:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/members" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"members": [{"name": "quayadmin", "kind": "user", "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "6d640d802fe23b93779b987c187a4b7a4d8fbcbd4febe7009bdff58d84498fba", "color": "#f7b6d2", "kind": "user"}, "teams": [{"name": "owners", "avatar": {"name": "owners", "hash": "6f0e3a8c0eb46e8834b43b03374ece43a030621d92a7437beb48f871e90f8d90", "color": "#c7c7c7", "kind": "team"}}], "repositories": ["testrepo"]}, {"name": "testuser", "kind": "user", "avatar": {"name": "testuser", "hash": "f660ab912ec121d1b1e928a0bb4bc61b15f5ad44d5efdc4e1c92a25e99b8e44a", "color": "#6b6ecf", "kind": "user"}, "teams": [{"name": "owners", "avatar": {"name": "owners", "hash": "6f0e3a8c0eb46e8834b43b03374ece43a030621d92a7437beb48f871e90f8d90", "color": "#c7c7c7", "kind": "team"}}], "repositories": []}]}

  2. You can use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/collaborators to return a list of organization collaborators:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/{orgname}/collaborators" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"collaborators": [user-test]}

  3. Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/members/{membername} endpoint to obtain more specific information about a user:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/members/<membername>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"name": "quayadmin", "kind": "user", "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "6d640d802fe23b93779b987c187a4b7a4d8fbcbd4febe7009bdff58d84498fba", "color": "#f7b6d2", "kind": "user"}, "teams": [{"name": "owners", "avatar": {"name": "owners", "hash": "6f0e3a8c0eb46e8834b43b03374ece43a030621d92a7437beb48f871e90f8d90", "color": "#c7c7c7", "kind": "team"}}], "repositories": ["testrepo"]}

  4. Use the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/members/{membername} endpoint to delete a team member.

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/members/<membername>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    This command does not return output.

6.10.4. Creating an organization application by using the Red Hat Quay API

Organization applications can be created by using the Red Hat Quay UI.


Organization applications can be created by using the UI, however OAuth 2 access tokens must be created on the UI.


  1. Use the POST /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/applications endpoint to create a new application for your organization. For example:

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/applications" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "name": "<app_name>",
            "redirect_uri": "<redirect_uri>",
            "application_uri": "<application_uri>",
            "description": "<app_description>",
            "avatar_email": "<avatar_email>"

    Example output

    {"name": "new-application", "description": "", "application_uri": "", "client_id": "E6GJSHOZMFBVNHTHNB53", "client_secret": "SANSWCWSGLVAUQ60L4Q4CEO3C1QAYGEXZK2VKJNI", "redirect_uri": "", "avatar_email": null}

  2. Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/applications endpoint to return a list of all organization applications. For example:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/applications" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"applications": [{"name": "test", "description": "", "application_uri": "", "client_id": "MCJ61D8KQBFS2DXM56S2", "client_secret": "J5G7CCX5QCA8Q5XZLWGI7USJPSM4M5MQHJED46CF", "redirect_uri": "", "avatar_email": null}, {"name": "new-token", "description": "", "application_uri": "", "client_id": "IG58PX2REEY9O08IZFZE", "client_secret": "2LWTWO89KH26P2CO4TWFM7PGCX4V4SUZES2CIZMR", "redirect_uri": "", "avatar_email": null}, {"name": "second-token", "description": "", "application_uri": "", "client_id": "6XBK7QY7ACSCN5XBM3GS", "client_secret": "AVKBOUXTFO3MXBBK5UJD5QCQRN2FWL3O0XPZZT78", "redirect_uri": "", "avatar_email": null}, {"name": "new-application", "description": "", "application_uri": "", "client_id": "E6GJSHOZMFBVNHTHNB53", "client_secret": "SANSWCWSGLVAUQ60L4Q4CEO3C1QAYGEXZK2VKJNI", "redirect_uri": "", "avatar_email": null}]}

    Applications can also be returned for a specific client using the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/applications/{client_id} endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/applications/<client_id>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"name": "test", "description": "", "application_uri": "", "client_id": "MCJ61D8KQBFS2DXM56S2", "client_secret": "J5G7CCX5QCA8Q5XZLWGI7USJPSM4M5MQHJED46CF", "redirect_uri": "", "avatar_email": null}

  3. After creation, organization applications can be updated, for example, if you want to add a redirect URI or a new description, using the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/applications/{client_id} endpoint:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/organization/test/applications/12345" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "name": "Updated Application Name",
            "redirect_uri": "https://example.com/oauth/callback",
            "application_uri": "https://example.com",
            "description": "Updated description for the application",
            "avatar_email": "avatar@example.com"
  4. After creation, application information can be returned by using the GET /api/v1/app/{client_id} endpoint:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/app/<client_id>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"name": "new-application3", "description": "", "uri": "", "avatar": {"name": "new-application3", "hash": "a15d479002b20f211568fd4419e76686d2b88a4980a5b4c4bc10420776c5f6fe", "color": "#aec7e8", "kind": "app"}, "organization": {"name": "test", "email": "new-contact@test-org.com", "avatar": {"name": "test", "hash": "a15d479002b20f211568fd4419e76686d2b88a4980a5b4c4bc10420776c5f6fe", "color": "#aec7e8", "kind": "user"}, "is_admin": true, "is_member": true, "teams": {}, "ordered_teams": [], "invoice_email": true, "invoice_email_address": "billing@test-org.com", "tag_expiration_s": 1209600, "is_free_account": true, "quotas": [{"id": 2, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limits": [{"id": 1, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 90}]}], "quota_report": {"quota_bytes": 0, "configured_quota": 10737418240, "running_backfill": "complete", "backfill_status": "complete"}}}

  5. Organization applications can be deleted with the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/applications/{client_id} endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/{orgname}/applications/{client_id}" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    This command does not return output.

6.10.5. Configuring a proxy cache for an organization by using the Red Hat Quay API

Proxy caching for an organization can be configured by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Use the POST /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/proxycache endpoint to create a proxy cache configuration for the organization.

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<orgname>/proxycache" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "upstream_registry": "<upstream_registry>"
  2. Use the POST /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/validateproxycache endpoint to validate the proxy configuration:

    $ curl -X POST "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/{orgname}/validateproxycache" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "upstream_registry": "<upstream_registry>"
  3. Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/proxycache endpoint to obtain information about the proxcy cache. For example:

    $ curl -X GET "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/{orgname}/proxycache" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output

    {"upstream_registry": "quay.io", "expiration_s": 86400, "insecure": false}

  4. Use the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/proxycache endpoint to

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/{orgname}/proxycache" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

    Example output


6.11. Managing repository permissions by using the Red Hat Quay API

Repository permissions can be managed by using the Red Hat Quay API. For example, you can create, view, and delete user and team permissions.

The following procedures show you how to manage repository permissions by using the Red Hat Quay API.

6.11.1. Managing user permissions by using the Red Hat Quay API

Use the following procedure to manage user permissions by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/user/{username} endpoint to obtain repository permissions for a user. For example:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    Example output

    $ {"role": "read", "name": "testuser", "is_robot": false, "avatar": {"name": "testuser", "hash": "f660ab912ec121d1b1e928a0bb4bc61b15f5ad44d5efdc4e1c92a25e99b8e44a", "color": "#6b6ecf", "kind": "user"}, "is_org_member": false}

  2. All user permissions can be returned with the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/user/ endpoint:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    Example output

    {"permissions": {"quayadmin": {"role": "admin", "name": "quayadmin", "is_robot": false, "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "6d640d802fe23b93779b987c187a4b7a4d8fbcbd4febe7009bdff58d84498fba", "color": "#f7b6d2", "kind": "user"}, "is_org_member": true}, "test+example": {"role": "admin", "name": "test+example", "is_robot": true, "avatar": {"name": "test+example", "hash": "3b03050c26e900500437beee4f7f2a5855ca7e7c5eab4623a023ee613565a60e", "color": "#a1d99b", "kind": "robot"}, "is_org_member": true}}}

  3. Alternatively, you can use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/user/{username}/transitive endpoint to return only the repository permission for the user:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    Example output

    {"permissions": [{"role": "admin"}]}

  4. You can change the user’s permissions, such as making the user an admin by using the PUT /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/user/{username} endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"role": "<role>"}' \

    Example output

    {"role": "admin", "name": "testuser", "is_robot": false, "avatar": {"name": "testuser", "hash": "f660ab912ec121d1b1e928a0bb4bc61b15f5ad44d5efdc4e1c92a25e99b8e44a", "color": "#6b6ecf", "kind": "user"}, "is_org_member": false}

  5. User permissions can be deleted by using the DELETE /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/user/{username} endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    This command does not return output.

6.11.2. Managing team permissions by using the Red Hat Quay API

Use the following procedure to manage team permissions by using the Red Hat Quay API.

  1. Permissions for a specified team can be returned by using the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/team/{teamname} endpoint:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    Example output

    {"role": "write"}

  2. Permissions for all teams can be returned with the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/team/ endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    Example output

    {"permissions": {"ironmanteam": {"role": "read", "name": "ironmanteam", "avatar": {"name": "ironmanteam", "hash": "8045b2361613622183e87f33a7bfc54e100a41bca41094abb64320df29ef458d", "color": "#969696", "kind": "team"}}, "sillyteam": {"role": "read", "name": "sillyteam", "avatar": {"name": "sillyteam", "hash": "f275d39bdee2766d2404e2c6dbff28fe290969242e9fcf1ffb2cde36b83448ff", "color": "#17becf", "kind": "team"}}}}

  3. Permissions for a specified team can be changed by using the PUT /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/team/{teamname} command. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"role": "<role>"}' \

    Example output

    {"role": "admin", "name": "superteam", "avatar": {"name": "superteam", "hash": "48cb6d114200039fed5c601480653ae7371d5a8849521d4c3bf2418ea013fc0f", "color": "#9467bd", "kind": "team"}}

  4. Team permissions can be deleted with the DELETE /api/v1/repository/{repository}/permissions/team/{teamname} command. For example:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.12. Managing auto-prune policies by using the Red Hat Quay API

Auto-prune policies can be created, retrieved, changed, and delete for organizations, repositories, and users by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Enter the following command to create a repository using the POST /api/v1/repository endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "repository": "<new_repository_name>",
        "visibility": "<private>",
        "description": "<This is a description of the new repository>."
      }' \

    Example output

    {"namespace": "quayadmin", "name": "<new_repository_name>", "kind": "image"}

  2. You can list a repositories with the GET /api/v1/repository endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

    Example output

    {"repositories": [{"namespace": "quayadmin", "name": "busybox", "description": null, "is_public": false, "kind": "image", "state": "MIRROR", "is_starred": false, "quota_report": {"quota_bytes": 2280675, "configured_quota": 2199023255552}}]}

  3. Visibility can be changed from public to private with the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/changevisibility endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "visibility": "private"
          }' \

    Example output

    {"success": true}

  4. You can check the Red Hat Quay UI, or you can enter the following GET /api/v1/repository/{repository} command to return details about a repository:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" "<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repository_name>"

    Example output

    {"detail": "Not Found", "error_message": "Not Found", "error_type": "not_found", "title": "not_found", "type": "http://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/error/not_found", "status": 404}
  5. Repository descriptions can be updated with the PUT /api/v1/repository/{repository} endpoint:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "description": "This is an updated description for the repository."
          }' \

    Example output

    {"success": true}

  6. Enter the following command to delete a repository using the DELETE /api/v1/repository/{repository} endpoint:

    $ curl -X DELETE   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" "<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repository_name>"

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.12.1. Creating an auto-prune policy for a namespace by using the Red Hat Quay API

You can use Red Hat Quay API endpoints to manage auto-pruning policies for an namespace.


  • You have set BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY: false in your config.yaml file.
  • You have created an OAuth access token.
  • You have logged into Red Hat Quay.


  1. Enter the following POST /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/autoprunepolicy/ command create a new policy that limits the number of tags allowed in an organization:

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"method": "number_of_tags", "value": 10}' http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<organization_name>/autoprunepolicy/

    Alternatively, you can can set tags to expire for a specified time after their creation date:

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "method": "creation_date", "value": "7d"}' http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<organization_name>/autoprunepolicy/

    Example output

    {"uuid": "73d64f05-d587-42d9-af6d-e726a4a80d6e"}

  2. Optional. You can add an additional policy to an organization and pass in the tagPattern and tagPatternMatches fields to prune only tags that match the given regex pattern. For example:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "method": "creation_date",
        "value": "7d",
        "tagPattern": "^v*",
        "tagPatternMatches": <true> 1
      }' \
    Setting tagPatternMatches to true makes it so that tags that match the given regex pattern will be pruned. In this example, tags that match ^v* are pruned.

    Example output

    {"uuid": "ebf7448b-93c3-4f14-bf2f-25aa6857c7b0"}

  3. You can update your organization’s auto-prune policy by using the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/autoprunepolicy/{policy_uuid} command. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -d '{
        "method": "creation_date",
        "value": "4d",
        "tagPattern": "^v*",
        "tagPatternMatches": true
      }'   "<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<organization_name>/autoprunepolicy/<uuid>"

    This command does not return output. Continue to the next step.

  4. Check your auto-prune policy by entering the following command:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<organization_name>/autoprunepolicy/

    Example output

    {"policies": [{"uuid": "ebf7448b-93c3-4f14-bf2f-25aa6857c7b0", "method": "creation_date", "value": "4d", "tagPattern": "^v*", "tagPatternMatches": true}, {"uuid": "da4d0ad7-3c2d-4be8-af63-9c51f9a501bc", "method": "number_of_tags", "value": 10, "tagPattern": null, "tagPatternMatches": true}, {"uuid": "17b9fd96-1537-4462-a830-7f53b43f94c2", "method": "creation_date", "value": "7d", "tagPattern": "^v*", "tagPatternMatches": true}]}

  5. You can delete the auto-prune policy for your organization by entering the following command. Note that deleting the policy requires the UUID.

    $ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<organization_name>/autoprunepolicy/73d64f05-d587-42d9-af6d-e726a4a80d6e

6.12.2. Creating an auto-prune policy for a namespace for the current user by using the API

You can use Red Hat Quay API endpoints to manage auto-pruning policies for your account.


The use of /user/ in the following commands represents the user that is currently logged into Red Hat Quay.


  • You have set BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY: false in your config.yaml file.
  • You have created an OAuth access token.
  • You have logged into Red Hat Quay.


  1. Enter the following POST command create a new policy that limits the number of tags for the current user:

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"method": "number_of_tags", "value": 10}' http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/autoprunepolicy/

    Example output

    {"uuid": "8c03f995-ca6f-4928-b98d-d75ed8c14859"}

  2. Check your auto-prune policy by entering the following command:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/autoprunepolicy/

    Alternatively, you can include the UUID:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/autoprunepolicy/8c03f995-ca6f-4928-b98d-d75ed8c14859

    Example output

    {"policies": [{"uuid": "8c03f995-ca6f-4928-b98d-d75ed8c14859", "method": "number_of_tags", "value": 10}]}

  3. You can delete the auto-prune policy by entering the following command. Note that deleting the policy requires the UUID.

    $ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/autoprunepolicy/8c03f995-ca6f-4928-b98d-d75ed8c14859

    Example output

    {"uuid": "8c03f995-ca6f-4928-b98d-d75ed8c14859"}

6.12.3. Creating an auto-prune policy for a repository using the Red Hat Quay API

You can use Red Hat Quay API endpoints to manage auto-pruning policies for an repository.


  • You have set BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY: false in your config.yaml file.
  • You have created an OAuth access token.
  • You have logged into Red Hat Quay.


  1. Enter the following POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/autoprunepolicy/ command create a new policy that limits the number of tags allowed in an organization:

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"method": "number_of_tags","value": 2}' http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<organization_name>/<repository_name>/autoprunepolicy/

    Alternatively, you can can set tags to expire for a specified time after their creation date:

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"method": "creation_date", "value": "7d"}' http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<organization_name>/<repository_name>/autoprunepolicy/

    Example output

    {"uuid": "ce2bdcc0-ced2-4a1a-ac36-78a9c1bed8c7"}

  2. Optional. You can add an additional policy and pass in the tagPattern and tagPatternMatches fields to prune only tags that match the given regex pattern. For example:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "method": "<creation_date>",
        "value": "<7d>",
        "tagPattern": "<^test.>*",
        "tagPatternMatches": <false> 1
      }' \
    Setting tagPatternMatches to false makes it so that tags that all tags that do not match the given regex pattern are pruned. In this example, all tags but ^test. are pruned.

    Example output

    {"uuid": "b53d8d3f-2e73-40e7-96ff-736d372cd5ef"}

  3. You can update your policy for the repository by using the PUT /api/v1/repository/{repository}/autoprunepolicy/{policy_uuid} command and passing in the UUID. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "method": "number_of_tags",
        "value": "5",
        "tagPattern": "^test.*",
        "tagPatternMatches": true
      }' \

    This command does not return output. Continue to the next step to check your auto-prune policy.

  4. Check your auto-prune policy by entering the following command:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<organization_name>/<repository_name>/autoprunepolicy/

    Alternatively, you can include the UUID:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<organization_name>/<repository_name>/autoprunepolicy/ce2bdcc0-ced2-4a1a-ac36-78a9c1bed8c7

    Example output

    {"policies": [{"uuid": "ce2bdcc0-ced2-4a1a-ac36-78a9c1bed8c7", "method": "number_of_tags", "value": 10}]}

  5. You can delete the auto-prune policy by entering the following command. Note that deleting the policy requires the UUID.

    $ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<organization_name>/<repository_name>/autoprunepolicy/ce2bdcc0-ced2-4a1a-ac36-78a9c1bed8c7

    Example output

    {"uuid": "ce2bdcc0-ced2-4a1a-ac36-78a9c1bed8c7"}

6.12.4. Creating an auto-prune policy on a repository for a user with the API

You can use Red Hat Quay API endpoints to manage auto-pruning policies on a repository for user accounts that are not your own, so long as you have admin privileges on the repository.


  • You have set BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY: false in your config.yaml file.
  • You have created an OAuth access token.
  • You have logged into Red Hat Quay.
  • You have admin privileges on the repository that you are creating the policy for.


  1. Enter the following POST /api/v1/repository/<user_account>/<user_repository>/autoprunepolicy/ command create a new policy that limits the number of tags for the user:

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"method": "number_of_tags","value": 2}' https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<user_account>/<user_repository>/autoprunepolicy/

    Example output

    {"uuid": "7726f79c-cbc7-490e-98dd-becdc6fefce7"}

  2. Optional. You can add an additional policy for the current user and pass in the tagPattern and tagPatternMatches fields to prune only tags that match the given regex pattern. For example:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "method": "creation_date",
        "value": "7d",
        "tagPattern": "^v*",
        "tagPatternMatches": true
      }' \

    Example output

    {"uuid": "b3797bcd-de72-4b71-9b1e-726dabc971be"}

  3. You can update your policy for the current user by using the PUT /api/v1/repository/<user_account>/<user_repository>/autoprunepolicy/<policy_uuid> command. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"   -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -d '{
        "method": "creation_date",
        "value": "4d",
        "tagPattern": "^test.",
        "tagPatternMatches": true
      }'   "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<user_account>/<user_repository>/autoprunepolicy/<policy_uuid>"

    Updating a policy does not return output in the CLI.

  4. Check your auto-prune policy by entering the following command:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<user_account>/<user_repository>/autoprunepolicy/

    Alternatively, you can include the UUID:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<user_account>/<user_repository>/autoprunepolicy/7726f79c-cbc7-490e-98dd-becdc6fefce7

    Example output

    {"uuid": "81ee77ec-496a-4a0a-9241-eca49437d15b", "method": "creation_date", "value": "7d", "tagPattern": "^v*", "tagPatternMatches": true}

  5. You can delete the auto-prune policy by entering the following command. Note that deleting the policy requires the UUID.

    $ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" http://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<user_account>/<user_repository>/autoprunepolicy/<policy_uuid>

    Example output

    {"uuid": "7726f79c-cbc7-490e-98dd-becdc6fefce7"}

6.13. Creating and configuring repositories by using the Red Hat Quay API

Repositories can be created, retrieved, changed, and deleted by using the Red Hat Quay API.

6.13.1. Creating and configuring repositories by using the Red Hat Quay API

Repositories can be created, retrieved, changed, and deleted by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Enter the following command to create a repository using the POST /api/v1/repository endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "repository": "<new_repository_name>",
        "visibility": "<private>",
        "description": "<This is a description of the new repository>."
      }' \

    Example output

    {"namespace": "quayadmin", "name": "<new_repository_name>", "kind": "image"}

  2. You can list a repositories with the GET /api/v1/repository endpoint. For example:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \

    Example output

    {"repositories": [{"namespace": "quayadmin", "name": "busybox", "description": null, "is_public": false, "kind": "image", "state": "MIRROR", "is_starred": false, "quota_report": {"quota_bytes": 2280675, "configured_quota": 2199023255552}}]}

  3. Visibility can be changed from public to private with the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/changevisibility endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "visibility": "private"
          }' \

    Example output

    {"success": true}

  4. You can check the Red Hat Quay UI, or you can enter the following GET /api/v1/repository/{repository} command to return details about a repository:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" "<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repository_name>"

    Example output

    {"detail": "Not Found", "error_message": "Not Found", "error_type": "not_found", "title": "not_found", "type": "http://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/error/not_found", "status": 404}
  5. Repository descriptions can be updated with the PUT /api/v1/repository/{repository} endpoint:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "description": "This is an updated description for the repository."
          }' \

    Example output

    {"success": true}

  6. Enter the following command to delete a repository using the DELETE /api/v1/repository/{repository} endpoint:

    $ curl -X DELETE   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" "<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repository_name>"

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.13.2. Creating notifications by using the API

Use the following procedure to add notifications.


  • You have created a repository.
  • You have administrative privileges for the repository.
  • You have Created an OAuth access token.
  • You have set BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY: false in your config.yaml file.


  1. Enter the following POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/notification command to create a notification on your repository:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      --data '{
        "event": "<event>",
        "method": "<method>",
        "config": {
          "<config_key>": "<config_value>"
        "eventConfig": {
          "<eventConfig_key>": "<eventConfig_value>"
      }' \

    This command does not return output in the CLI. Instead, you can enter the following GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/notification/{uuid} command to obtain information about the repository notification:

    {"uuid": "240662ea-597b-499d-98bb-2b57e73408d6", "title": null, "event": "repo_push", "method": "quay_notification", "config": {"target": {"name": "quayadmin", "kind": "user", "is_robot": false, "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "b28d563a6dc76b4431fc7b0524bbff6b810387dac86d9303874871839859c7cc", "color": "#17becf", "kind": "user"}}}, "event_config": {}, "number_of_failures": 0}
  2. You can test your repository notification by entering the following POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/notification/{uuid}/test command:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output


  3. You can reset repository notification failures to 0 by entering the following POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/notification/{uuid} command:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
  4. Enter the following DELETE /api/v1/repository/{repository}/notification/{uuid} command to delete a repository notification:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    This command does not return output in the CLI. Instead, you can enter the following GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/notification/ command to retrieve a list of all notifications:

    $ curl -X GET  -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"   -H "Accept: application/json"  https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repository_name>/notification

    Example output

    {"notifications": []}

6.14. Creating and configuring robot accounts by using the Red Hat Quay API

Robot accounts can be created, retrieved, changed, and deleted for both organizations and users by using the Red Hat Quay API.

6.14.1. Creating a robot account by using the Red Hat Quay API

Use the following procedure to create a robot account using the Red Hat Quay API.



  • Enter the following command to create a new robot account for an organization using the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/robots/{robot_shortname} endpoint:

    $ curl -X PUT   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<organization_name>/robots/<robot_name>"

    Example output

    {"name": "orgname+robot-name", "created": "Fri, 10 May 2024 15:11:00 -0000", "last_accessed": null, "description": "", "token": "<example_secret>", "unstructured_metadata": null}
  • Enter the following command to create a new robot account for the current user with the PUT /api/v1/user/robots/{robot_shortname} endpoint:

    $ curl -X PUT   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/user/robots/<robot_name>"

    Example output

    {"name": "quayadmin+robot-name", "created": "Fri, 10 May 2024 15:24:57 -0000", "last_accessed": null, "description": "", "token": "<example_secret>", "unstructured_metadata": null}

6.14.2. Obtaining robot account information by using the Red Hat Quay API

Robot account information, such as permissions, can be obtained for both organizations and users by using the Red Hat Quay API.



  • Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/robots/{robot_shortname} API endpoint to return information for a robot for an organization:

    curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"name": "test+example", "created": "Mon, 25 Nov 2024 16:25:16 -0000", "last_accessed": null, "description": "", "token": "BILZ6YTVAZAKOGMD9270OKN3SOD9KPB7OLKEJQOJE38NBBRUJTIH7T5859DJL31Q", "unstructured_metadata": {}}

  • Use the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/robots/{robot_shortname}/permissions endpoint to return the list of permissions for a specific organization robot:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"permissions": [{"repository": {"name": "testrepo", "is_public": true}, "role": "admin"}]}

  • Use the GET /api/v1/user/robots/{robot_shortname} API endpoint to return the user’s robot with the specified name:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"name": "quayadmin+mirror_robot", "created": "Wed, 15 Jan 2025 17:22:09 -0000", "last_accessed": null, "description": "", "token": "QBFYWIWZOS1I0P0R9N1JRNP1UZAOPUIR3EB4ASPZKK9IA1SFC12LTEF7OJHB05Z8", "unstructured_metadata": {}}

  • Use the GET /api/v1/user/robots/{robot_shortname}/permissions API endpoint to return a list of permissions for the user robot:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"permissions": [{"repository": {"name": "busybox", "is_public": false}, "role": "write"}]}

6.14.3. Deleting a robot account by using the Red Hat Quay API

Use the following procedure to delete a robot account using the Red Hat Quay API.



  1. Enter the following command to delete a robot account for an organization using the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/robots/{robot_shortname} endpoint:

    curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
  2. The CLI does not return information when deleting a robot account with the API. To confirm deletion, you can check the Red Hat Quay UI, or you can enter the following GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/robots command to see if details are returned for the robot account:

    $ curl -X GET   -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"   "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/organization/<organization_name>/robots"

    Example output

    {"robots": []}
  3. Enter the following command to delete a robot account for the current user with the DELETE /api/v1/user/robots/{robot_shortname} endpoint:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
  4. The CLI does not return information when deleting a robot account for the current user with the API. To confirm deletion, you can check the Red Hat Quay UI, or you can enter the following GET /api/v1/user/robots/{robot_shortname} command to see if details are returned for the robot account:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"message":"Could not find robot with specified username"}

6.15. Searching against registry context

You can use search API endpoints to perform searches against all registry context.


  • Use the GET /api/v1/find/repositories endpoint to get a list of apps and repositories that match the specified query:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/find/repositories?query=<repo_name>&page=1&includeUsage=true" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"

    Example output

    {"results": [], "has_additional": false, "page": 2, "page_size": 10, "start_index": 10}

  • Use the GET /api/v1/find/all endpoint to get a list of entities and resources that match the specified query:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/find/all?query=<mysearchterm>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"

    Example output

    {"results": [{"kind": "repository", "title": "repo", "namespace": {"title": "user", "kind": "user", "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "6d640d802fe23b93779b987c187a4b7a4d8fbcbd4febe7009bdff58d84498fba", "color": "#f7b6d2", "kind": "user"}, "name": "quayadmin", "score": 1, "href": "/user/quayadmin"}, "name": "busybox", "description": null, "is_public": false, "score": 4.0, "href": "/repository/quayadmin/busybox"}]}

  • Use the GET /api/v1/entities/{prefix} endpoint to get a list of entities that match the specified prefix.

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/entities/<prefix>?includeOrgs=<true_or_false>&includeTeams=<true_or_false>&namespace=<namespace>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>"

    Example output

    {"results": [{"name": "quayadmin", "kind": "user", "is_robot": false, "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "6d640d802fe23b93779b987c187a4b7a4d8fbcbd4febe7009bdff58d84498fba", "color": "#f7b6d2", "kind": "user"}}]}

6.16. View Clair security scans by using the API

You can view Clair security scans by using the API.


  • Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/manifest/{manifestref}/security endpoint to retrieve security information about a specific manifest in a repository. For example:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Accept: application/json" \

    Example output

    {"status": "queued", "data": null}

6.17. Managing your deployment as a superuser with the Red Hat Quay API

Through the Red Hat Quay UI, superusers have the ability to create, list, change, and delete aspects of the registry, such as users, service keys, a user’s quota, and more.

6.17.1. Creating a user account by using the Red Hat Quay API

Use the following procedure to create a new user for your Red Hat Quay repository by using the API.


  • You are logged into your Red Hat Quay deployment as a superuser.
  • You have Created an OAuth access token.
  • You have set BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY: false in your config.yaml file.


  1. Enter the following command to create a new user using the POST /api/v1/superuser/users/ endpoint:

    $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
      "username": "newuser",
      "email": "newuser@example.com"
    }' "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/superuser/users/"

    Example output

    {"username": "newuser", "email": "newuser@example.com", "password": "123456789", "encrypted_password": "<example_encrypted_password>/JKY9pnDcsw="}
  2. Navigate to your Red Hat Quay registry endpoint, for example, quay-server.example.com and login with the username and password generated from the API call. In this scenario, the username is newuser and the password is 123456789. Alternatively, you can log in to the registry with the CLI. For example:

    $ podman login <quay-server.example.com>

    Example output

    username: newuser
    password: 123456789

  3. Optional. You can obtain a list of all users, including superusers, by using the GET /api/v1/superuser/users/ endpoint:

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/superuser/users/"

    Example output

    {"users": [{"kind": "user", "name": "quayadmin", "username": "quayadmin", "email": "quay@quay.com", "verified": true, "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "b28d563a6dc76b4431fc7b0524bbff6b810387dac86d9303874871839859c7cc", "color": "#17becf", "kind": "user"}, "super_user": true, "enabled": true}, {"kind": "user", "name": "newuser", "username": "newuser", "email": "newuser@example.com", "verified": true, "avatar": {"name": "newuser", "hash": "f338a2c83bfdde84abe2d3348994d70c34185a234cfbf32f9e323e3578e7e771", "color": "#9edae5", "kind": "user"}, "super_user": false, "enabled": true}]}

6.17.2. Deleting a user by using the Red Hat Quay API

Use the following procedure to delete a user from Red Hat Quay using the API.


After deleting the user, any repositories that this user had in his private account become unavailable.


  • You are logged into your Red Hat Quay deployment as a superuser.
  • You have Created an OAuth access token.
  • You have set BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY: false in your config.yaml file.


  1. Enter the following DELETE /api/v1/superuser/users/{username} command to delete a user from the command line:

    $ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <insert token here>" https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/superuser/users/<username>
  2. The CLI does not return information when deleting a user from the CLI. To confirm deletion, you can check the Red Hat Quay UI by navigating to Superuser Admin Panel Users, or by entering the following GET /api/v1/superuser/users/ command. You can then check to see if they are present.

    $ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" "https://<quay-server.example.com>/api/v1/superuser/users/"

6.17.3. Managing organizations as a superuser with the Red Hat Quay API

Superusers have the ability to list, change, and delete organizations by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  • Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/organizations endpoint to list all organizations:

    $ curl -L -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"organizations": [{"name": "fed_test", "email": "fe11fc59-bd09-459a-a21c-b57692d151c9", "avatar": {"name": "fed_test", "hash": "e2ce1fb42ec2e0602362beb64b5ebd1e6ad291b710a0355f9296c16157bef3cb", "color": "#ff7f0e", "kind": "org"}, "quotas": [{"id": 3, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limits": []}], "quota_report": {"quota_bytes": 0, "configured_quota": 10737418240, "running_backfill": "complete", "backfill_status": "complete"}}, {"name": "test", "email": "new-contact@test-org.com", "avatar": {"name": "test", "hash": "a15d479002b20f211568fd4419e76686d2b88a4980a5b4c4bc10420776c5f6fe", "color": "#aec7e8", "kind": "org"}, "quotas": [{"id": 2, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limits": [{"id": 1, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 90}]}], "quota_report": {"quota_bytes": 0, "configured_quota": 10737418240, "running_backfill": "complete", "backfill_status": "complete"}}]}

  • Use the PUT /api/v1/superuser/organizations/{name} endpoint to change or update information for an organization:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "email": "<contact_email>",
            "invoice_email": <boolean_value>,
            "invoice_email_address": "<invoice_email_address>",
            "tag_expiration_s": <expiration_seconds>
          }' \

    Example output

    {"name": "test", "email": "new-contact@test-org.com", "avatar": {"name": "test", "hash": "a15d479002b20f211568fd4419e76686d2b88a4980a5b4c4bc10420776c5f6fe", "color": "#aec7e8", "kind": "org"}, "quotas": [{"id": 2, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limits": [{"id": 1, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 90}]}], "quota_report": {"quota_bytes": 0, "configured_quota": 10737418240, "running_backfill": "complete", "backfill_status": "complete"}}

  • Use the DELETE /api/v1/superuser/organizations/{name} endpoint to delete and organization:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.17.4. Listing logs as a superuser with the Red Hat Quay API

Red Hat Quay superusers can list usage logs for the current system.


  • Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/logs endpoint to list the usage logs for the current system:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"start_time": "Mon, 17 Feb 2025 19:29:14 -0000", "end_time": "Wed, 19 Feb 2025 19:29:14 -0000", "logs": [{"kind": "login_success", "metadata": {"type": "quayauth", "useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:134.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/134.0"}, "ip": "", "datetime": "Tue, 18 Feb 2025 19:28:15 -0000", "namespace": {"kind": "user", "name": "quayadmin", "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "6d640d802fe23b93779b987c187a4b7a4d8fbcbd4febe7009bdff58d84498fba", "color": "#f7b6d2", "kind": "user"}}}], "next_page": "gAAAAABntN-KbPJDI0PpcHmWjRCmQTLiCprE_KXiOSidbGZ7Ireu8pVTgGUIstijNhmiLzlAv_S3HOsCrKWnuBmoQYZ3F53Uxg=="}

  • Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/registrysize/ end point to obtain information about the size of the registry:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"size_bytes": 0, "last_ran": null, "running": false, "queued": false}

  • Use the POST /api/v1/superuser/registrysize/ end point to define registry size information:

    $ curl -X POST "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/registrysize/" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "namespace": "<namespace>",
        "last_ran": 1700000000,
        "queued": true,
        "running": false

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.17.5. Managing organization quota with the Red Hat Quay API

Quota can be managed with the Red Hat Quay API with superuser admin privileges. These endpoints allow superusers to manage quota policies for all organizations within the registry.


  1. Use the POST /api/v1/superuser/organization/{namespace}/quota API endpoint to create a quota policy for an organization:

    $ curl -X POST "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/organization/<namespace>/quota" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "limit_bytes": 10737418240

    Example output


  2. Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/organization/{namespace}/quota API endpoint to obtain information about the policy, including the quota ID:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/organization/<namespace>/quota" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

    Example output

    [{"id": 2, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limit": "10.0 GiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [{"id": 1, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 90}], "default_config_exists": false}]

  3. Use the PUT /api/v1/superuser/organization/{namespace}/quota/{quota_id} API endpoint to change the quota policy:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/organization/<namespace>/quota/<quota_id>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "limit_bytes": <NEW_QUOTA_LIMIT>

    Example output

    {"id": 2, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limit": "10.0 GiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [{"id": 1, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 90}], "default_config_exists": false}

  4. Use the DELETE /api/v1/superuser/organization/{namespace}/quota/{quota_id} API endpoint to

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/organization/<namespace>/quota/<quota_id>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.17.6. Managing user quota with the Red Hat Quay API

As a superuser, you can manage user quota for specified organizations.


  1. Use the POST /api/v1/superuser/users/{namespace}/quota endpoint to create a quota policy for specific users within an organization:

    $ curl -X POST "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/users/<username>/quota" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "limit_bytes": <QUOTA_LIMIT>

    Example output


  2. Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/users/{namespace}/quota endpoint to return a list of a user’s allotted quota:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/users/<username>/quota" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

    Example output

    [{"id": 6, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limit": "10.0 GiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [], "default_config_exists": false}]

  3. Use the PUT /api/v1/superuser/users/{namespace}/quota/{quota_id} endpoint to adjust the user’s policy:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/users/<username>/quota/<quota_id>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "limit_bytes": <NEW_QUOTA_LIMIT>

    Example output

    {"id": 6, "limit_bytes": 10737418240, "limit": "10.0 GiB", "default_config": false, "limits": [], "default_config_exists": false}

  4. Use the DELETE /api/v1/superuser/users/{namespace}/quota/{quota_id} endpoint to delete a user’s policy:

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/users/<username>/quota/<quota_id>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.17.7. Retrieving build information with the Red Hat Quay API

As a superuser, you can retrieve information about builds with the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/{build_uuid}/build endpoint to return information about a build:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/<build_uuid>/build" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  2. Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/{build_uuid}/status API endpoint to return the status for the builds specified by the build uuids:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/<build_uuid>/status" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
  3. Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/{build_uuid}/logs API endpoint to return the build logs for the build specified by the build uuid:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/superuser/<build_uuid>/logs" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

6.17.8. Managing service keys as a superuser with the Red Hat Quay API

Superusers have the ability to create, list, change, and delete service keys by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  • Use the POST /api/v1/superuser/keys endpoint to create a service key:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "service": "<service_name>",
            "expiration": <unix_timestamp>
          }' \

    Example output


  • Use the POST /api/v1/superuser/approvedkeys/{kid} endpoint to approved a service key:

    $ curl -X POST \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "notes": "<approval_notes>"
          }' \

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

  • Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/keys endpoint to list service keys:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"keys":[{"approval":{"approval_type":"ServiceKeyApprovalType.AUTOMATIC","approved_date":"Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:46:01 GMT","approver":null,"notes":""},"created_date":"Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:46:01 GMT","expiration_date":"Wed, 05 Feb 2025 22:03:37 GMT","jwk":{"e":"AQAB","kid":"<example>","kty":"RSA","n":"<example>"},"kid":"7fr8soqXGgea8JqjwgItjjJT9GKlt-bMyMCDmvzy6WQ","metadata":{"created_by":"CLI tool"},"name":"http://quay-server.example.com:80","rotation_duration":null,"service":"quay"}]}

  • Use the GET /api/v1/superuser/keys/{kid} endpoint to retrieve information about a service account by its kid:

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    Example output

    {"approval":{"approval_type":"ServiceKeyApprovalType.AUTOMATIC","approved_date":"Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:46:01 GMT","approver":null,"notes":""},"created_date":"Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:46:01 GMT","expiration_date":"Wed, 05 Feb 2025 22:03:37 GMT","jwk":{"e":"AQAB","kid":"7fr8soqXGgea8JqjwgItjjJT9GKlt-bMyMCDmvzy6WQ","kty":"RSA","n":"5iMX7RQ_4F_zdb1qonMsuWUDauCOqEyRpD8L_EhgnwDxrgMHuOlJ4_7sEOrOa3Jkx3QhwIW6LJCP69PR5X0wvz6vmC1DoWEaWv41bAq23Knzj7gUU9-N_fkZPZN9NQwZ-D-Zqg9L1c_cJF93Dy93py8_JswWFDj1FxMaThJmrX68wBwjhF-JLYqgCAGFyezzJ3oTpO-esV9v6R7skfkaqtx_cjLZk_0cKB4VKTtxiy2A8D_5nANTOSSbZLXNh2Vatgh3yrOmnTTNLIs0YO3vFIuylEkczHlln-40UMAzRB3HNspUySyzImO_2yGdrA762LATQrOzJN8E1YKCADx5CQ"},"kid":"7fr8soqXGgea8JqjwgItjjJT9GKlt-bMyMCDmvzy6WQ","metadata":{"created_by":"CLI tool"},"name":"http://quay-server.example.com:80","rotation_duration":null,"service":"quay"}

  • Use the PUT /api/v1/superuser/keys/{kid} endpoint to update your service key, such as the metadata:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "name": "<service_key_name>",
            "metadata": {"<key>": "<value>"},
            "expiration": <unix_timestamp>
          }' \

    Example output

    {"approval":{"approval_type":"ServiceKeyApprovalType.AUTOMATIC","approved_date":"Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:46:01 GMT","approver":null,"notes":""},"created_date":"Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:46:01 GMT","expiration_date":"Mon, 03 Mar 2025 10:40:00 GMT","jwk":{"e":"AQAB","kid":"7fr8soqXGgea8JqjwgItjjJT9GKlt-bMyMCDmvzy6WQ","kty":"RSA","n":"5iMX7RQ_4F_zdb1qonMsuWUDauCOqEyRpD8L_EhgnwDxrgMHuOlJ4_7sEOrOa3Jkx3QhwIW6LJCP69PR5X0wvz6vmC1DoWEaWv41bAq23Knzj7gUU9-N_fkZPZN9NQwZ-D-Zqg9L1c_cJF93Dy93py8_JswWFDj1FxMaThJmrX68wBwjhF-JLYqgCAGFyezzJ3oTpO-esV9v6R7skfkaqtx_cjLZk_0cKB4VKTtxiy2A8D_5nANTOSSbZLXNh2Vatgh3yrOmnTTNLIs0YO3vFIuylEkczHlln-40UMAzRB3HNspUySyzImO_2yGdrA762LATQrOzJN8E1YKCADx5CQ"},"kid":"7fr8soqXGgea8JqjwgItjjJT9GKlt-bMyMCDmvzy6WQ","metadata":{"created_by":"CLI tool","environment":"production"},"name":"quay-service-key-updated","rotation_duration":null,"service":"quay"}

  • Use the DELETE /api/v1/superuser/keys/{kid} endpoint to delete a service key:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" \

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.18. Managing tags with the Red Hat Quay API

Tags can be changed, restored, deleted, or listed by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Use the PUT /api/v1/repository/{repository}/tag/{tag} endpoint to change which image a tag points to or create a new tag:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo_name>/tag/<tag_name>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"manifest_digest": "<MANIFEST_DIGEST>"}'

    Example output


  2. Use the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/tag/{tag}/restore endpoint to restore a repository tag back to a previous image in the repository:

    $ curl -X POST "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo_name>/tag/<tag_name>/restore" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"manifest_digest": "sha256:<your_manifest_digest>"}'

    Example output


  3. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/tag/ endpoint to obtain a list of repository tags:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo_name>/tag/" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    Example output

    {"tags": [{"name": "test", "reversion": true, "start_ts": 1740496373, "manifest_digest": "sha256:d08334991a3dba62307016833083d6433f489ab0f7d36d0a4771a20b4569b2f6", "is_manifest_list": false, "size": 2280303, "last_modified": "Tue, 25 Feb 2025 15:12:53 -0000"}, {"name": "test", "reversion": false, "start_ts": 1740495442, "end_ts": 1740496373, "manifest_digest": "sha256:d08334991a3dba62307016833083d6433f489ab0f7d36d0a4771a20b4569b2f6", "is_manifest_list": false, "size": 2280303, "last_modified": "Tue, 25 Feb 2025 14:57:22 -0000", "expiration": "Tue, 25 Feb 2025 15:12:53 -0000"}, {"name": "test", "reversion": false, "start_ts": 1740495408, "end_ts": 1740495442, "manifest_digest": "sha256:d08334991a3dba62307016833083d6433f489ab0f7d36d0a4771a20b4569b2f6", "is_manifest_list": false, "size": 2280303, "last_modified": "Tue, 25 Feb 2025 14:56:48 -0000", "expiration": "Tue, 25 Feb 2025 14:57:22 -0000"}], "page": 1, "has_additional": false}

  4. Use the DELETE /api/v1/repository/{repository}/tag/{tag} endpoint to delete a tag from a repository:

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/<namespace>/<repo_name>/tag/<tag_name>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.19. Managing teams by using the API

Team can be managing by using the Red Hat Quay API.

6.19.1. Managing team members and repository permissions by using the API

Use the following procedures to add a member to a team (by direct invite or by email), or to remove a member from a team.



  • Enter the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/team/{teamname}/members/{membername} command to add or invite a member to an existing team:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \

    Example output

    {"name": "testuser", "kind": "user", "is_robot": false, "avatar": {"name": "testuser", "hash": "d51d17303dc3271ac3266fb332d7df919bab882bbfc7199d2017a4daac8979f0", "color": "#5254a3", "kind": "user"}, "invited": false}

  • Enter the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/team/{teamname}/members/{membername} command to remove a member of a team:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \

    This command does not an output in the CLI. To ensure that a member has been deleted, you can enter the GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/team/{teamname}/members command and ensure that the member is not returned in the output.

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \

    Example output

    {"name": "owners", "members": [{"name": "quayadmin", "kind": "user", "is_robot": false, "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "b28d563a6dc76b4431fc7b0524bbff6b810387dac86d9303874871839859c7cc", "color": "#17becf", "kind": "user"}, "invited": false}, {"name": "test-org+test", "kind": "user", "is_robot": true, "avatar": {"name": "test-org+test", "hash": "aa85264436fe9839e7160bf349100a9b71403a5e9ec684d5b5e9571f6c821370", "color": "#8c564b", "kind": "robot"}, "invited": false}], "can_edit": true}

  • You can enter the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/team/{teamname}/invite/{email} command to invite a user, by email address, to an existing team:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \
  • You can enter the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/team/{teamname}/invite/{email} command to delete the invite of an email address to join a team. For example:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \

6.19.2. Setting the role of a team within an organization by using the API

Use the following procedure to view and set the role a team within an organization using the API.



  1. Enter the following GET /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/team/{teamname}/permissions command to return a list of repository permissions for the organization’s team. Note that your team must have been added to a repository for this command to return information.

    $ curl -X GET \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \

    Example output

    {"permissions": [{"repository": {"name": "api-repo", "is_public": true}, "role": "admin"}]}

  2. You can create or update a team within an organization to have a specified role of admin, member, or creator using the PUT /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/team/{teamname} command. For example:

    $ curl -X PUT \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "role": "<role>"
      }' \

    Example output

    {"name": "testteam", "description": "", "can_view": true, "role": "creator", "avatar": {"name": "testteam", "hash": "827f8c5762148d7e85402495b126e0a18b9b168170416ed04b49aae551099dc8", "color": "#ff7f0e", "kind": "team"}, "new_team": false}

6.19.3. Deleting a team within an organization by using the API

Use the following procedure to delete a team within an organization by using the API.



  • You can delete a team within an organization by entering the DELETE /api/v1/organization/{orgname}/team/{teamname} command:

    $ curl -X DELETE \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

6.20. Managing builds by using the Red Hat Quay API

Builds can be managed by using the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/trigger/ endpoint to list the triggers for the specified repository:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/example_namespace/example_repo/trigger/" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

    Example output

    {"triggers": [{"id": "32ca5eae-a29f-46c7-8f44-3221ca417c92", "service": "custom-git", "is_active": false, "build_source": null, "repository_url": null, "config": {}, "can_invoke": true, "enabled": true, "disabled_reason": null}]}

  2. Use the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/trigger/{trigger_uuid}/activate endpoint to activate the specified build trigger.

    $ curl -X POST "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/example_namespace/example_repo/trigger/example-trigger-uuid/activate" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "config": {
          "branch": "main"
        "pull_robot": "example+robot"
  3. Use the POST /api/v1/repository/{repository}/trigger/{trigger_uuid}/start endpoint to manually start the build from the specified trigger:

    $ curl -X POST "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/example_namespace/example_repo/trigger/example-trigger-uuid/start" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
        "branch_name": "main",
        "commit_sha": "abcdef1234567890",
        "refs": "refs/heads/main"
  4. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/trigger/{trigger_uuid}/builds endpoint to list the builds started by the specified trigger:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/example_namespace/example_repo/trigger/example-trigger-uuid/builds?limit=10" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"
  5. Use the GET /api/v1/repository/{repository}/trigger/{trigger_uuid} endpoint to get information for the specified build trigger:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/example_namespace/example_repo/trigger/example-trigger-uuid" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"
  6. Use the PUT /api/v1/repository/{repository}/trigger/{trigger_uuid} endpoint to update the specified build trigger:

    $ curl -X PUT "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/example_namespace/example_repo/trigger/example-trigger-uuid" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{"enabled": true}'
  7. Use the DELETE /api/v1/repository/{repository}/trigger/{trigger_uuid} endpoint to delete the specified build trigger:

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/repository/example_namespace/example_repo/trigger/example-trigger-uuid" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

6.21. Managing current user options by using the Red Hat Quay API

Some user options, like starring a repository, or getting information about your account, are available with the Red Hat Quay API.


  1. Use the GET /api/v1/user/ endpoint to get user information for the authenticated user.

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/user/" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

    Example output

    {"anonymous": false, "username": "quayadmin", "avatar": {"name": "quayadmin", "hash": "6d640d802fe23b93779b987c187a4b7a4d8fbcbd4febe7009bdff58d84498fba", "color": "#f7b6d2", "kind": "user"}, "can_create_repo": true, "is_me": true, "verified": true, "email": "test@gmil.com", "logins": [], "invoice_email": false, "invoice_email_address": null, "preferred_namespace": false, "tag_expiration_s": 1209600, "prompts": [], "company": null, "family_name": null, "given_name": null, "location": null, "is_free_account": true, "has_password_set": true, "quotas": [{"id": 4, "limit_bytes": 2199023255552, "limits": [{"id": 3, "type": "Reject", "limit_percent": 100}]}], "quota_report": {"quota_bytes": 2280675, "configured_quota": 2199023255552, "running_backfill": "complete", "backfill_status": "complete"}, "organizations": [{"name": "test", "avatar": {"name": "test", "hash": "a15d479002b20f211568fd4419e76686d2b88a4980a5b4c4bc10420776c5f6fe", "color": "#aec7e8", "kind": "org"}, "can_create_repo": true, "public": false, "is_org_admin": true, "preferred_namespace": false}, {"name": "sample", "avatar": {"name": "sample", "hash": "ba560c68f1d26e8c6b911ac9b5d10d513e7e43e576cc2baece1b8a46f36a29a5", "color": "#b5cf6b", "kind": "org"}, "can_create_repo": true, "public": false, "is_org_admin": true, "preferred_namespace": false}], "super_user": true}

  2. Use the GET /api/v1/users/{username} endpoint to get user information for the specified user.

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/users/example_user" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

    Example output

    {"anonymous": false, "username": "testuser", "avatar": {"name": "testuser", "hash": "f660ab912ec121d1b1e928a0bb4bc61b15f5ad44d5efdc4e1c92a25e99b8e44a", "color": "#6b6ecf", "kind": "user"}, "super_user": false}

  3. Use the POST /api/v1/user/starred endpoint to star a repository:

    $ curl -X POST "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/user/starred" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -d '{
            "namespace": "<namespace>",
            "repository": "<repository_name>"

    Example output

    {"namespace": "test", "repository": "testrepo"}

  4. Use the GET /api/v1/user/starred endpoint to list all starred repositories:

    $ curl -X GET "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/user/starred?next_page=<next_page_token>" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

    Example output

    {"repositories": [{"namespace": "test", "name": "testrepo", "description": "This repository is now under maintenance.", "is_public": true}]}

  5. Use the DELETE /api/v1/user/starred/{repository} endpoint to delete a star from a repository:

    $ curl -X DELETE "https://quay-server.example.com/api/v1/user/starred/namespace/repository-name" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

    This command does not return output in the CLI.

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