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Chapter 2. Certificate-based authentication between Red Hat Quay and SQL

Red Hat Quay administrators can configure certificate-based authentication between Red Hat Quay and SQL (PostgreSQL and GCP CloudSQL) by supplying their own SSL/TLS certificates for client-side authentication. This provides enhanced security and allows for easier automation for your Red Hat Quay registry.

The following sections shows you how to configure certificate-based authentication between Red Hat Quay and PostgreSQL, and Red Hat Quay and CloudSQL.

2.1. Configuring certificate-based authentication with SQL

The following procedure demonstrates how to connect Red Hat Quay with an SQL database using secure client-side certificates. This method ensures both connectivity and authentication through Certificate Trust Verification, as it verifies the SQL server’s certificate against a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This enhances the security of the connection between Red Hat Quay and your SQL server while simplifying automation for your deployment. Although the example uses Google Cloud Platform’s CloudSQL, the procedure also applies to PostgreSQL and other supported databases.


  • You have generated custom Certificate Authorities (CAs) and your SSL/TLS certificates and keys are available in PEM format that will be used to generate an SSL connection with your CloudSQL database. For more information, see SSL and TLS for Red Hat Quay.
  • You have base64 decoded the original config bundle into a config.yaml file. For more information, see Downloading the existing configuration.
  • You are using an externally managed PostgreSQL or CloudSQL database. For more information, see Using and existing PostgreSQL database with the DB_URI variable set.
  • Your externally managed PostgreSQL or CloudSQL database is configured for SSL/TLS.
  • The postgres component of your QuayRegistry CRD is set to managed: false, and your CloudSQL database is set with the DB_URI configuration variable. The following procedure uses postgresql://<cloudsql_username>:<dbpassword>@<database_host>:<port>/<database_name>.


  1. After you have generated the CAs and SSL/TLS certificates and keys for your CloudSQL database and ensured that they are in .pem format, test the SSL connection to your CloudSQL server:

    1. Initiate a connection to your CloudSQL server by entering the following command:

      $ psql "sslmode=verify-ca sslrootcert=<ssl_server_certificate_authority>.pem sslcert=<ssl_client_certificate>.pem sslkey=<ssl_client_key>.pem hostaddr=<database_host> port=<5432> user=<cloudsql_username> dbname=<cloudsql_database_name>"
  2. In your Red Hat Quay directory, create a new YAML file, for example, quay-config-bundle.yaml, by running the following command:

    $ touch quay-config-bundle.yaml
  3. Create a postgresql-client-certs resource by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n <quay_namespace> create secret generic postgresql-client-certs \
    --from-file config.yaml=<path/to/config.yaml> 1
    --from-file=tls.crt=<path/to/ssl_client_certificate.pem> 2
    --from-file=tls.key=<path/to/ssl_client_key.pem> 3
    --from-file=ca.crt=<path/to/ssl_server_certificate.pem> 4
    Where` <config.yaml>` is your base64 decoded config.yaml file.
    Where ssl_client_certificate.pem is your SSL certificate in .pem format.
    Where ssl_client_key.pem is your SSL key in .pem format.
    Where ssl_server_certificate.pem is your SSL root CA in .pem format.
  4. Edit your `quay-config-bundle.yaml file to include the following database connection settings:

    • The information included in the DB_CONNECTION_ARGS variable, for example, sslmode, sslrootcert, sslcert, and sslkey must match the information appended to the DB_URI variable. Failure to match might result in a failed connection.
    • You cannot specify custom filenames or paths. Certificate file paths for sslrootcert, sslcert, and sslkey are hardcoded defaults and mounted into the Quay pod from the Kubernetes secret. You must adhere to the following naming conventions or it will result in a failed connection.
        autorollback: true
        sslmode: verify-ca 1
        sslrootcert: /.postgresql/root.crt 2
        sslcert: /.postgresql/postgresql.crt 3
        sslkey: /.postgresql/postgresql.key 4
        threadlocals: true 5
    DB_URI: postgresql://<dbusername>:<dbpassword>@<database_host>:<port>/<database_name>?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/.postgresql/root.crt&sslcert=/.postgresql/postgresql.crt&sslkey=/.postgresql/postgresql.key 6
    Using verify-ca ensures that the database connection uses SSL/TLS and verifies the server certificate against a trusted CA. This can work with both trusted CA and self-signed CA certificates. However, this mode does not verify the hostname of the server. For full hostname and certificate verification, use verify-full. For more information about the configuration options available, see PostgreSQL SSL/TLS connection arguments.
    The root.crt file contains the root certificate used to verify the SSL/TLS connection with your CloudSQL database. This file is mounted in the Quay pod from the Kubernetes secret.
    The postgresql.crt file contains the client certificate used to authenticate the connection to your CloudSQL database. This file is mounted in the Quay pod from the Kubernetes secret.
    The postgresql.key file contains the private key associated with the client certificate. This file is mounted in the Quay pod from the Kubernetes secret.
    Enables auto-rollback for connections.
    The URI that accesses your CloudSQL database. Must be appended with the sslmode type, your root.crt, postgresql.crt, and postgresql.key files. The SSL/TLS information included in DB_URI must match the information provided in DB_CONNECTION_ARGS. If you are using CloudSQL, you must include your database username and password in this variable.
  5. Create the configBundleSecret resource by entering the following command:

    $ oc create -n <namespace> -f quay-config-bundle.yaml

    Example output

    secret/quay-config-bundle created

  6. Update the QuayRegistry YAML file to reference the quay-config-bundle object by entering the following command:

    $ oc patch quayregistry <registry_name> -n <namespace> --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"configBundleSecret":"quay-config-bundle"}}'

    Example output

    quayregistry.quay.redhat.com/example-registry patched

  7. Ensure that your QuayRegistry YAML file has been updated to use the extra CA certificate configBundleSecret resource by entering the following command:

    $ oc get quayregistry <registry_name> -n <namespace> -o yaml

    Example output

    # ...
      configBundleSecret: quay-config-bundle
    # ...

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