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4.167. rsync

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An updated rsync package that fixes a bug is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
The rsync tool is used to copy and synchronize files locally or across a network. The rsync works very fast because it uses delta encoding and sends just differences in files instead of whole files. The rsync is also used as powerful mirroring tool.

Bug Fix

The RHSA-2011-0999 - Moderate: rsync security, bug fix and enhancement update, which was applied with the rsync tool update to version 3.0.6-4, introduced a patch which fixed the issue with missing memory deallocation. Due to an error in that patch, the following new issue appeared: when specifying the source or destination argument of the rsync command without the optional user@ argument, rsync failed to provide the correct parameters to an external command, such as ssh, and thus rsync failed with an error. With this update, the source code has been modified to fix this issue.
All users of rsync are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which resolves this issue.
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