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Chapter 3. Accessing the Red Hat support

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This section describes how to effectively troubleshoot your problems using Red Hat support and sosreport.

To obtain support from Red Hat, use the Red Hat Customer Portal, which provides access to everything available with your subscription.

3.1. Obtaining Red Hat support through Red Hat Customer Portal

The following section describes how to use the Red Hat Customer Portal to get help.


  • A valid user account on the Red Hat Customer Portal. See Create a Red Hat Login.
  • An active subscription for the RHEL system.


  1. Access Red Hat support:

    1. Open a new support case.
    2. Initiate a live chat with a Red Hat expert.
    3. Contact a Red Hat expert by making a call or sending an email.

3.2. Troubleshooting problems using sosreport

The sosreport command collects configuration details, system information and diagnostic information from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.

The following section describes how to use the sosreport command to produce reports for your support cases.


  • A valid user account on the Red Hat Customer Portal. See Create a Red Hat Login.
  • An active subscription for the RHEL system.
  • A support-case number.


  1. Install the sos package:

    # dnf install sos

    The default minimal installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux does not include the sos package, which provides the sosreport command.

  2. Generate a report:

    # sosreport
  3. Attach the report to your support case.

    See the How can I attach a file to a Red Hat support case? Red Hat Knowledgebase article for more information.

    Note that when attaching the report, you are prompted to enter the number of the relevant support case.

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