
Chapter 6. Using the User Operator

When you create, modify or delete a user using the KafkaUser resource, the User Operator ensures those changes are reflected in the Kafka cluster.

6.1. Kafka user resource

The KafkaUser resource is used to configure the authentication mechanism, authorization mechanism, and access rights for a user.

The full schema for KafkaUser is described in KafkaUser schema reference.

6.1.1. User authentication

Authentication is configured using the authentication property in KafkaUser.spec. The authentication mechanism enabled for the user is specified using the type field.

Supported authentication mechanisms:

  • TLS client authentication
  • SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication

When no authentication mechanism is specified, the User Operator does not create the user or its credentials. TLS Client Authentication

To use TLS client authentication, you set the type field to tls.

An example KafkaUser with TLS client authentication enabled

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
kind: KafkaUser
  name: my-user
    strimzi.io/cluster: my-cluster
    type: tls
  # ...

When the user is created by the User Operator, it creates a new Secret with the same name as the KafkaUser resource. The Secret contains a private and public key for TLS client authentication. The public key is contained in a user certificate, which is signed by the client Certificate Authority (CA).

All keys are in X.509 format.

Secrets provide private keys and certificates in PEM and PKCS #12 formats. For more information on securing Kafka communication with Secrets, see Chapter 12, Security.

An example Secret with user credentials

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-user
    strimzi.io/kind: KafkaUser
    strimzi.io/cluster: my-cluster
type: Opaque
  ca.crt: # Public key of the client CA
  user.crt: # User certificate that contains the public key of the user
  user.key: # Private key of the user
  user.p12: # PKCS #12 archive file for storing certificates and keys
  user.password: # Password for protecting the PKCS #12 archive file SCRAM-SHA-512 Authentication

To use SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication mechanism, you set the type field to scram-sha-512.

An example KafkaUser with SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication enabled

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
kind: KafkaUser
  name: my-user
    strimzi.io/cluster: my-cluster
    type: scram-sha-512
  # ...

When the user is created by the User Operator, it creates a new secret with the same name as the KafkaUser resource. The secret contains the generated password in the password key, which is encoded with base64. In order to use the password, it must be decoded.

An example Secret with user credentials

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-user
    strimzi.io/kind: KafkaUser
    strimzi.io/cluster: my-cluster
type: Opaque
  password: Z2VuZXJhdGVkcGFzc3dvcmQ= # Generated password

Decoding the generated password:

echo "Z2VuZXJhdGVkcGFzc3dvcmQ=" | base64 --decode

6.1.2. User authorization

User authorization is configured using the authorization property in KafkaUser.spec. The authorization type enabled for a user is specified using the type field.

If no authorization is specified, the User Operator does not provision any access rights for the user.

To use simple authorization, you set the type property to simple in KafkaUser.spec. Simple authorization uses the default Kafka authorization plugin, SimpleAclAuthorizer.

Alternatively, if you are using OAuth 2.0 token based authentication, you can also configure OAuth 2.0 authorization.

ACL rules

SimpleAclAuthorizer uses ACL rules to manage access to Kafka brokers.

ACL rules grant access rights to the user, which you specify in the acls property.

An AclRule is specified as a set of properties:


The resource property specifies the resource that the rule applies to.

Simple authorization supports four resource types, which are specified in the type property:

  • Topics (topic)
  • Consumer Groups (group)
  • Clusters (cluster)
  • Transactional IDs (transactionalId)

For Topic, Group, and Transactional ID resources you can specify the name of the resource the rule applies to in the name property.

Cluster type resources have no name.

A name is specified as a literal or a prefix using the patternType property.

  • Literal names are taken exactly as they are specified in the name field.
  • Prefix names use the value from the name as a prefix, and will apply the rule to all resources with names starting with the value.

The type property specifies the type of ACL rule, allow or deny.

The type field is optional. If type is unspecified, the ACL rule is treated as an allow rule.


The operation specifies the operation to allow or deny.

The following operations are supported:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Delete
  • Alter
  • Describe
  • All
  • IdempotentWrite
  • ClusterAction
  • Create
  • AlterConfigs
  • DescribeConfigs

Only certain operations work with each resource.

For more details about SimpleAclAuthorizer, ACLs and supported combinations of resources and operations, see Authorization and ACLs.


The host property specifies a remote host from which the rule is allowed or denied.

Use an asterisk (*) to allow or deny the operation from all hosts. The host field is optional. If host is unspecified, the * value is used by default.

For more information about the AclRule object, see AclRule schema reference.

An example KafkaUser with authorization

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
kind: KafkaUser
  name: my-user
    strimzi.io/cluster: my-cluster
  # ...
    type: simple
      - resource:
          type: topic
          name: my-topic
          patternType: literal
        operation: Read
      - resource:
          type: topic
          name: my-topic
          patternType: literal
        operation: Describe
      - resource:
          type: group
          name: my-group
          patternType: prefix
        operation: Read Super user access to Kafka brokers

If a user is added to a list of super users in a Kafka broker configuration, the user is allowed unlimited access to the cluster regardless of any authorization constraints defined in ACLs.

For more information on configuring super users, see authentication and authorization of Kafka brokers.

6.1.3. User quotas

You can configure the spec for the KafkaUser resource to enforce quotas so that a user does not exceed access to Kafka brokers based on a byte threshold or a time limit of CPU utilization.

An example KafkaUser with user quotas

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
kind: KafkaUser
  name: my-user
    strimzi.io/cluster: my-cluster
  # ...
    producerByteRate: 1048576 1
    consumerByteRate: 2097152 2
    requestPercentage: 55 3

Byte-per-second quota on the amount of data the user can push to a Kafka broker
Byte-per-second quota on the amount of data the user can fetch from a Kafka broker
CPU utilization limit as a percentage of time for a client group

For more information on these properties, see the KafkaUserQuotas schema reference

6.2. Configuring a Kafka user

Use the properties of the KafkaUser resource to configure a Kafka user.

You can use oc apply to create or modify users, and oc delete to delete existing users.

For example:

  • oc apply -f <user-config-file>
  • oc delete KafkaUser <user-name>

When you configure the KafkaUser authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensure they match the equivalent Kafka configuration:

  • KafkaUser.spec.authentication matches Kafka.spec.kafka.listeners.*.authentication
  • KafkaUser.spec.authorization matches Kafka.spec.kafka.authorization

This procedure shows how a user is created with TLS authentication. You can also create a user with SCRAM-SHA authentication.

The authentication required depends on the type of authentication configured for the Kafka broker listener.


Authentication between Kafka users and Kafka brokers depends on the authentication settings for each. For example, it is not possible to authenticate a user with TLS if it is not also enabled in the Kafka configuration.


If you are using SCRAM-SHA authentication, you need a running Kafka cluster configured with a Kafka broker listener using SCRAM-SHA authentication.


  1. Prepare a YAML file containing the KafkaUser to be created.

    An example KafkaUser

    apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
    kind: KafkaUser
      name: my-user
        strimzi.io/cluster: my-cluster
      authentication: 1
        type: tls
        type: simple 2
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: my-topic
              patternType: literal
            operation: Read
          - resource:
              type: topic
              name: my-topic
              patternType: literal
            operation: Describe
          - resource:
              type: group
              name: my-group
              patternType: literal
            operation: Read

    User authentication mechanism, defined as mutual tls or scram-sha-512.
    Simple authorization, which requires an accompanying list of ACL rules.
  2. Create the KafkaUser resource in OpenShift.

    oc apply -f <user-config-file>
  3. Use the credentials from the my-user secret in your client application.
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