4.3. 自定义默认配置


4.3.1. 配置默认配置文件

您可以以 .ini 文件格式编写 Anaconda 配置文件。Anaconda 配置文件由section、options 和 comments 组成。每个 section 都由一个 [section] 标头定义,注释以 # 字符开头,键用来定义 options 。生成的配置文件使用 configparser 配置文件解析器进行处理。

默认配置文件位于 /etc/anaconda/anaconda.conf 中,包含记录的部分和支持的选项。该文件提供了安装程序的完整默认配置。您可以修改 /etc/anaconda/product.d/ 中的产品配置文件,以及 /etc/anaconda/conf.d/ 中的自定义配置文件。

以下配置文件描述了 RHEL 8 的默认配置:

# Run Anaconda in the debugging mode.
debug = False

# Enable Anaconda addons.
addons_enabled = True

# List of enabled Anaconda DBus modules for RHEL.
kickstart_modules =

[Installation System]
# Should the installer show a warning about enabled SMT?
can_detect_enabled_smt = False

[Installation Target]
# Type of the installation target.

# A path to the physical root of the target.
physical_root = /mnt/sysimage

# A path to the system root of the target.
system_root = /mnt/sysroot

# Should we install the network configuration?
can_configure_network = True

# Network device to be activated on boot if none was configured so.
# Valid values:
#   NONE                   No device
#   DEFAULT_ROUTE_DEVICE   A default route device
#   FIRST_WIRED_WITH_LINK  The first wired device with link
default_on_boot = NONE

# Default package environment.
default_environment =

# List of ignored packages.
ignored_packages =

# Enable installation of latest updates.
enable_updates = True

# List of .treeinfo variant types to enable.
# Valid items:
#   addon
#   optional
#   variant
enabled_repositories_from_treeinfo = addon optional variant

# Enable installation from the closest mirror.
enable_closest_mirror = True

# Default installation source.
# Valid values:
#    CLOSEST_MIRROR  Use closest public repository mirror.
#    CDN             Use Content Delivery Network (CDN).
default_source = CLOSEST_MIRROR

# Enable ssl verification for all HTTP connection
verify_ssl = True

# Enable SELinux usage in the installed system.
# Valid values:
#  -1  The value is not set.
#   0  SELinux is disabled.
#   1  SELinux is enabled.
selinux = -1

[Boot loader]
# Type of the boot loader.
# Supported values:
#   DEFAULT   Choose the type by platform.
#   EXTLINUX  Use extlinux as the boot loader.
type = DEFAULT

# Name of the EFI directory.
efi_dir = default

# Hide the GRUB menu.
menu_auto_hide = False

# Are non-iBFT iSCSI disks allowed?
nonibft_iscsi_boot = False

# Arguments preserved from the installation system.
preserved_arguments =
     cio_ignore rd.znet rd_ZNET zfcp.allow_lun_scan
     speakup_synth apic noapic apm ide noht acpi video
     pci nodmraid nompath nomodeset noiswmd fips selinux
     biosdevname ipv6.disable net.ifnames net.ifnames.prefix

# Enable dmraid usage during the installation.
dmraid = True

# Enable iBFT usage during the installation.
ibft = True

# Do you prefer creation of GPT disk labels?
gpt = False

# Tell multipathd to use user friendly names when naming devices during the installation.
multipath_friendly_names = True

# Do you want to allow imperfect devices (for example, degraded mdraid array devices)?
allow_imperfect_devices = False

# Default file system type. Use whatever Blivet uses by default.
file_system_type =

# Default partitioning.
# Specify a mount point and its attributes on each line.
# Valid attributes:
#   size <SIZE>    The size of the mount point.
#   min <MIN_SIZE> The size will grow from MIN_SIZE to MAX_SIZE.
#   max <MAX_SIZE> The max size is unlimited by default.
#   free <SIZE>    The required available space.
default_partitioning =
    /     (min 1 GiB, max 70 GiB)
    /home (min 500 MiB, free 50 GiB)

# Default partitioning scheme.
# Valid values:
#    PLAIN      Create standard partitions.
#    BTRFS      Use the Btrfs scheme.
#    LVM        Use the LVM scheme.
#    LVM_THINP  Use LVM Thin Provisioning.
default_scheme = LVM

# Default version of LUKS.
# Valid values:
#   luks1  Use version 1 by default.
#   luks2  Use version 2 by default.
luks_version = luks2

[Storage Constraints]
# Minimal size of the total memory.
min_ram = 320 MiB

# Minimal size of the available memory for LUKS2.
luks2_min_ram = 128 MiB

# Should we recommend to specify a swap partition?
swap_is_recommended = True

# Recommended minimal sizes of partitions.
# Specify a mount point and a size on each line.
min_partition_sizes =
    /      250 MiB
    /usr   250 MiB
    /tmp   50  MiB
    /var   384 MiB
    /home  100 MiB
    /boot  200 MiB

# Required minimal sizes of partitions.
# Specify a mount point and a size on each line.

# Allowed device types of the / partition if any.
# Valid values:
#  LVM        Allow LVM.
#  MD         Allow RAID.
#  PARTITION  Allow standard partitions.
#  BTRFS      Allow Btrfs.
#  DISK       Allow disks.
#  LVM_THINP  Allow LVM Thin Provisioning.
root_device_types =

# Mount points that must be on a linux file system.
# Specify a list of mount points.
must_be_on_linuxfs = / /var /tmp /usr /home /usr/share /usr/lib

# Paths that must be directories on the / file system.
# Specify a list of paths.
must_be_on_root = /bin /dev /sbin /etc /lib /root /mnt lost+found /proc

# Paths that must NOT be directories on the / file system.
# Specify a list of paths.
must_not_be_on_root =

[User Interface]
# The path to a custom stylesheet.
custom_stylesheet =

# The path to a directory with help files.
help_directory =

# A list of spokes to hide in UI.
# FIXME: Use other identification then names of the spokes.
hidden_spokes =

# A path to EULA (if any)
# If the given distribution has an EULA & feels the need to
# tell the user about it fill in this variable by a path
# pointing to a file with the EULA on the installed system.
# This is currently used just to show the path to the file to
# the user at the end of the installation.
eula =

4.3.2. 配置产品配置文件

产品配置文件有一个或者两个额外的部分来识别这个产品。[Product] 部分指定产品的产品名称。[Base Product] 部分指定基础产品的产品名称(如果有的话)。例如:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 是 Red Hat Virtualization 的基本产品。

安装程序在加载指定产品的配置文件之前加载基础产品的配置文件。例如:它会首先载入 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 配置,然后载入 Red Hat Virtualization 的配置。

请参阅 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 的产品配置文件示例:

# Anaconda configuration file for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

product_name = Red Hat Enterprise Linux

kickstart_modules =

[Installation System]
can_detect_enabled_smt = True

default_on_boot = DEFAULT_ROUTE_DEVICE

ignored_packages =

enable_closest_mirror = False
default_source = CDN

[Boot loader]
efi_dir = redhat

file_system_type = xfs
default_partitioning =
    /     (min 1 GiB, max 70 GiB)
    /home (min 500 MiB, free 50 GiB)

[Storage Constraints]
swap_is_recommended = True

[User Interface]
help_directory = /usr/share/anaconda/help/rhel
custom_stylesheet = /usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/redhat.css

eula = /usr/share/redhat-release/EULA

请参阅 Red Hat Virtualization 产品配置文件示例:

# Anaconda configuration file for Red Hat Virtualization.

product_name = Red Hat Virtualization (RHVH)

[Base Product]
product_name = Red Hat Enterprise Linux

default_scheme = LVM_THINP
default_partitioning =
    /              (min 6 GiB)
    /home          (size 1 GiB)
    /tmp           (size 1 GiB)
    /var           (size 15 GiB)
    /var/crash     (size 10 GiB)
    /var/log       (size 8 GiB)
    /var/log/audit (size 2 GiB)

[Storage Constraints]
root_device_types = LVM_THINP
must_not_be_on_root = /var
req_partition_sizes =
	/var   10 GiB
	/boot  1  GiB

要为您的产品自定义安装程序配置,您必须创建一个产品配置文件。创建名为 my-distribution.conf 的新文件,其内容与上例类似。将 [Product] 部分中的 product_name 更改为产品的名称,如 My Distribution。产品名称应当与 .buildstamp 文件中使用的名称相同。

创建自定义配置文件后,请按照创建 product.img 文件 部分的步骤来创建包含自定义的新 product.img 文件,以及 创建自定义引导镜像以使用包含您的更改创建新的可引导 ISO 文件。

4.3.3. 配置自定义配置文件

要自定义与产品名称无关的安装程序配置,您必须创建一个自定义配置文件。要做到这一点,创建一个名为 100-my-configuration.conf 的新文件,其内容类似于 配置默认配置文件中的示例,省略 [Product][Base Product] 部分。

创建自定义配置文件后,请按照创建 product.img 文件 部分的步骤来创建包含自定义的新 product.img 文件,以及 创建自定义引导镜像以使用包含您的更改创建新的可引导 ISO 文件。

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