5.13. 定义一个简单的 TUI Spoke
以下示例演示了在 Hello World 示例附加组件中一个简单的文本用户界面(TUI) spoke 的实现:
- 您已在 tui 目录下创建了一组新的子软件包,如 Anaconda 附加组件结构所述。
- 根据以下示例,创建带有所有必要定义的模块来添加对附加文本用户界面(TUI)的支持:
例 5.11. 定义一个简单的 TUI Spoke
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create the representation of the spoke. :see: simpleline.render.screen.UIScreen """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.title = N_("Hello World") self._hello_world_module = HELLO_WORLD.get_proxy() self._container = None self._reverse = False self._lines = "" def initialize(self): """ The initialize method that is called after the instance is created. The difference between __init__ and this method is that this may take a long time and thus could be called in a separated thread. :see: pyanaconda.ui.common.UIObject.initialize """ # nothing to do here super().initialize() def setup(self, args=None): """ The setup method that is called right before the spoke is entered. It should update its state according to the contents of DBus modules. :see: simpleline.render.screen.UIScreen.setup """ super().setup(args) self._reverse = self._hello_world_module.Reverse self._lines = self._hello_world_module.Lines return True def refresh(self, args=None): """ The refresh method that is called every time the spoke is displayed. It should generate the UI elements according to its state. :see: pyanaconda.ui.common.UIObject.refresh :see: simpleline.render.screen.UIScreen.refresh """ super().refresh(args) self._container = ListColumnContainer( columns=1 ) self._container.add( CheckboxWidget( title="Reverse", completed=self._reverse ), callback=self._change_reverse ) self._container.add( EntryWidget( title="Hello world text", value="".join(self._lines) ), callback=self._change_lines ) self.window.add_with_separator(self._container) def _change_reverse(self, data): """ Callback when user wants to switch checkbox. Flip state of the "reverse" parameter which is boolean. """ self._reverse = not self._reverse def _change_lines(self, data): """ Callback when user wants to input new lines. Show a dialog and save the provided lines. """ dialog = Dialog("Lines") result = dialog.run() self._lines = result.splitlines(True) def input(self, args, key): """ The input method that is called by the main loop on user's input. * If the input should not be handled here, return it. * If the input is invalid, return InputState.DISCARDED. * If the input is handled and the current screen should be refreshed, return InputState.PROCESSED_AND_REDRAW. * If the input is handled and the current screen should be closed, return InputState.PROCESSED_AND_CLOSE. :see: simpleline.render.screen.UIScreen.input """ if self._container.process_user_input(key): return InputState.PROCESSED_AND_REDRAW if key.lower() == Prompt.CONTINUE: self.apply() self.execute() return InputState.PROCESSED_AND_CLOSE return super().input(args, key) def apply(self): """ The apply method is not called automatically for TUI. It should be called in input() if required. It should update the contents of internal data structures with values set in the spoke. """ self._hello_world_module.SetReverse(self._reverse) self._hello_world_module.SetLines(self._lines) def execute(self): """ The execute method is not called automatically for TUI. It should be called in input() if required. It is supposed to do all changes to the runtime environment according to the values set in the spoke. """ # nothing to do here pass
如果仅调用祖先的 init
,则不需要覆盖 init
方法,但示例中的注释描述了以可理解的方式传递给 spoke 类构造器的参数。
方法为每个条目上的 spoke 的内部属性设置默认值,然后由refresh
方法来更新内部数据结构。 -
方法与 GUI 中的等效方法具有相同的目的;在这种情况下,该方法没有任何效果。 -
方法特定于文本界面;在 Kickstart 或 GUI 中没有等效的方法。input
方法负责用户交互。 -
方法处理输入的字符串,并根据其类型和值采取措施。上例要求输入任何值,然后将它存储为内部属性(密钥)。在更复杂的附加组件中,您通常需要执行一些不平凡的操作,如将字母解析为操作、将数字转换为整数、显示额外的屏幕或切换布尔值。 -
字符串本身,如果此 input 应该由不同的屏幕处理。与图形模式不同,apply
方法不会在保留 spoke 时自动调用;它们必须从输入法显式调用。同样适用于关闭(隐藏) spoke 屏幕:必须从close
若要显示另一个屏幕,例如,您需要在不同的 spoke 中输入的附加信息,您可以实例化另一个 TUIObject
,并使用 ScreenHandler.push_screen_modal()
由于基于文本的界面的限制,TUI spoke 往往具有非常相似的结构,由用户应选中或取消选中并填充的复选框或条目列表组成。